But now he wants to use this move to attack some ordinary people.

And at this moment is also very decisive 0......

One after another.

The fireball was basically never broken.

For ordinary people.

How could such damage be endured?

After many girls were knocked to the ground.

Quickly screamed.

Many boys run away quickly with girls in this feature.

But in the process of escaping.

They also encountered unprecedented pressure.

Those trains were going so fast.

In front of some phantoms.

The power of ordinary people is really too weak.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"As long as this sunny person doesn't come out."

"Then I will completely destroy this city."

3.8 "I'll see if you, the magician with the ring, will come out or continue to be your coward."

when speaking.

There was incomparable anger in his tone.

At the same time, at this moment, he thought that everything he did was not wrong!

"Die, die."

"Give me all to die."

At this moment, I only heard this unwanted voice calling him loudly.

Chapter 440 How can the eighth chapter be able to withstand this level of space! (kneeling to subscribe)

I just want to vent my anger in this way.

And at this moment he thinks there is nothing wrong with his way.


The whole city was riddled with holes.

After all, for ordinary people "

How could it be possible to hold this level of space?

When this attack is strong to a certain extent.

Everyone can only run away.

However, this extremely cruel scene was naturally seen by the people in the antique department on the other side.

So when those people saw it.

Of course it felt overwhelmingly angry"

They never expected such a thing to happen.

This 09 has gone far beyond their ideas.

So at this moment, I saw Ali on the other side speak.

"How can this happen?"

"It's simply too dangerous."

"We must call Qingren over."

"Then let Qingren solve this thing."

At this time, everyone in the antique shop agreed that only Qing could solve all this.

And it is true.

Because Haruto's fighting ability is very powerful.

Much stronger than ordinary people think.

So under such circumstances, I don't think there will be any problem in entrusting this task to Haruto.

However, just when they were about to make a call.

They stopped suddenly.

Because they saw a figure appearing in front of them.

This person is no one else.

It was Su Mo who had disappeared for a long time before.

Su Mo hadn't come out before.

That's because he has been observing Haruto's state.

He felt that Qingren's condition was not very good.

So I felt a little worried and stayed with each other all the time.

Now Haruto's condition has returned to a basically normal area.

So at this time he came back.

"Haruto is in the hospital right now."

"He's not in great shape."

"If you call him over now."

"Then it is very likely that he will have mental problems and some damage."

"These are not worth the candle."

"So don't call him over."

"Let him have a good rest."

When he spoke, there was a trace of helplessness in his tone.

Because of the other party's various performances.

He saw it all.

Naturally, he also knew how dangerous the situation was.

So at this moment, I also hope that the other party will not go to Fan Qingren, after all, there is no Qingren.

There are others too.

This matter can be solved! 200

"But now Phoenix."

"There is a constant battle inside."

"If no one from Qing comes."

"Then the whole city will be destroyed by them."

at this time.

All I could hear was Ali speaking weakly beside me.

When they saw the scene inside through the crystal ball.

Just felt a burst of heartache.

So at this time, I don't want such a catastrophic thing to happen again.

So at this time, I want Haruto to make a move.

However, when hearing these words.

Su Mo showed a faint smile.

After all, when Su Mo asks them to do one more thing.

Chapter 440 IX Seems to Have Been Summoned! (kneeling to subscribe)

He must have already thought about the way forward.

So at this moment, I only heard Su Mo seriously say:

"We don't need to call Qingren."

"Instead of saying that, it's better to call him Lord Beast."

At this time, he saw the bewildered Beast Master next to him.

It was as if he had been summoned.

Then he said with a smile.

"I'm willing to help."

When I heard this sentence.

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