"This is really strange enough."

The man in the hat went through several fights.

It has become a character in the same lineup as Medusa.

So at this time when he said this sentence.

It means that he already has evil thoughts.

And the other side.

Su Mo's people wanted to protect the beast master's grandma.

In the end, it was decided to take the other party back to the antique shop first.

I only heard grandma ask:

"what's going on?"

"Can you tell me in detail?"

At this moment, Su Mo spoke without hesitation.

"The people who came to attack you before are actually phantoms."

"That's a monster."

"Their thinking is very simple."

"It's the ability to create despair in people's hearts."

"As long as people have despair."

"Then they will be able to gain power."

"Those monsters will attack people."

"And besides that."

"We are responsible for protecting the magic door."

"The purpose is to get rid of those phantoms."

"So this is ah."

"I didn't expect that I was actually a magic door."

Grandma was obviously surprised at this moment:

"It turned out to be because of this reason."

"I was attacked by those monsters."

After hearing this.

Su Mo said:


"That's the way it is."

After hearing this.

Then Su Mo said again:

"But that's okay."

"Anyway, you only need to be in our shareholder store."

"Then there must be no danger."

"If we protect you."

After hearing this.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Grandma smiled and nodded.

Grandma's mentality is very optimistic.

Even encountered such a dangerous thing.

The attitude of the whole person has not changed much.

I only heard grandma speak at this time.

"It turned out to be like this."

"I thought it was something at first."

. . . 0

"Sure enough, as long as a person lives long enough."

"Then it's possible to encounter all kinds of things."

"I didn't really think about it that much before."

when hearing this.

Everyone couldn't help showing a helpless expression.

But it is really helpless for such a thing to happen.

There are phantoms who are constantly doing evil.

So they can only stop those phantoms.


"I was able to be saved by the magician."

"That's already a very lucky thing."

Grandma said with a smile at this time.

When seeing this scene.

Uncle Fan next to him came over with tea.

He smiled and said, "Small.

Chapter 470 Seventh, I caught Uncle Fan and said excitedly! (kneeling to subscribe)

"Who said it wasn't."

"And the magician who saved you is still your own..."

Originally, he wanted to say Lord Beast.

But at this moment, Master Beast rushed over directly.

Pulled Uncle Fan to speak excitedly.

"That's right."

"Where is the toilet?"

Uncle Fan was interrupted at this moment.

As a result, no words came out.

When seeing this scene. "two one three"

Grandma's expression became a little ugly.

There is already some discontent.

At this time, grandma looked at Ah Li who was next to her.

It feels a little familiar.

stand up.

Then he spoke.

"You should be the super magical girl beast just now!"

Grandma is not talking nonsense when she says this.

Because among all the people present, only Ali is the most suitable for this condition.

So when he said this sentence.

Everyone fell into silence.

Of course Ali didn't know the whole process.

She shook her head directly.

"Shouldn't the beast be..."

But this is not the end.

But he was also held back by the beast master.

"All right."

"Little calendar."

"My brother will take you to buy a hat."

"Don't talk about these things here."

After speaking, he was ready to pull the other party away.

But Ali was very determined at this time.

There was no thought of leaving at all.

Instead, he still stood there.

When seeing this scene.

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