Suddenly, everyone felt a little helpless.

They didn't expect such a thing to happen.

But grandma is not easy to mess with.

I was already a little dissatisfied when I came here just now.

Now being tossed about by the beast master again.

He spoke directly and seriously.

"What are you doing, Lord Beast?"

"It's just too noisy."

"Can you stop for a while?"

when hearing this.

The beast master also felt a little broken.

The mentality of the whole person exploded directly.

Obviously, he pretended to be so good when he played everything.

And the purpose is also for the good of my grandma.

But I didn't expect to be preached by my grandma 0......

This feeling of being wronged.

It made him feel really uncomfortable.

So at this moment, I only heard him speak.

"Grandma, what are you doing with these things?"

"If you hadn't suddenly come to Tokyo."

"Then there wouldn't be such a thing at all."

Grandma is not vegetarian, however.

He continued to speak:

"Then what happened?"

"Please explain to me in detail."

"What are you hiding from me?"

However, when asking this sentence.

Master Beast's whole face became a little ugly.

Said directly and loudly.

"Don't ask any more questions."

"You should hurry back to Fukui."

At this time of 3.8.

His tone also became a little harsh.

His mentality has broken down a bit.

I just don't want to continue to have too much communication with the other party.

When seeing this scene.

Grandma's face was very ugly.

But grandma is of course very familiar with his grandson.

I also know what it means.

Chapter 470 The whole person doesn't know what to say! (kneeling to subscribe)

Immediately opened his mouth and said:

"If you'd like to come with me."

"Then I think I'd be happy."

The beast master is seeing this scene.

The whole person didn't know what to say.

Put on such a bad face.

Go outside.

Others after seeing this scene.

I don't know what to say.

After all, these things are other people's own family affairs.

They are also not easy to intervene as outsiders.

I don't even know what the situation is!

09:[-] p.m.

Su Mo and Qingren came to find Master Beast.

I found Master Beast sitting in his small tent.

Eating his instant noodles.

see this scene.

Su Mo said with a smile with great interest.

"Then it's okay to eat with everyone?"

"Why do you sit here and eat alone?"


"I don't want to be there."

After hearing this.

Su Mo and Qingren looked at each other.

It fell into silence for a while.

So the two sat down first.

They knew that Lord Beast must have something to say to them.

After all, Lord Beast's mood was very unstable in front of so many people just now.

So they want to know what's the story here.

And they also know that Lord Beast's character is not that kind of very stubborn person.

So the three of them sat down side by side.

I only heard the beast master say:

"My grandma was always very strict with me when I was young."

"I always get scolded."

"I remember being very young."

"I'm still happily playing on the swing."

"But I just saw my grandma dominating me."

"Then come and reprimand me."

"And then another time I climbed onto the roof."

"But I was called down again."

"But the one I remember the most is when I picked up a fossil."

"I feel very happy."

"Because fossils are rare."

"Then I took it home and showed it to my grandma."

"But my grandma didn't look at fossils."

"Instead, they started to reprimand me directly."

"And said that I will not be allowed to go to the river in the future."

"Anyway, no matter what I do, he will object to it."

"I want to study archaeology later on."

"And then my grandma still rejected my idea."

"But that time I opposed him for the first time."

After saying so much.

The beast master finally spoke.

"You two just do me a favor."

"Replace me."

"Send my grandma back to her hometown."


"Don't you want to meet for the last time?"

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