"What kind of clothes are you wearing? Why do you have animal ears on your head, brother?"

"You don't understand, some people play with flowers, you don't understand their hobbies!"

"Insulting Sven, insulting Sven!"

Looking at this strange man, many disciples couldn't help commenting. After all, many people have been cultivating in the clan or clan all year round, and they don't understand many existences in the world.

But the fox demon man's face became more and more gloomy, "However, a mere human dares to be so presumptuous..."

He was just about to make a move when he suddenly noticed Gu Linger in the crowd.

"Ancient Demon Clan?"

"Why did you come to my family's territory!?"

The fox demon man asked loudly.

Although they are both time survivors now, it can be said that they Qingqiu Fox Clan and Ancient Demon Clan have never dealt with each other, and they don't have any good feelings for each other.

"Why do I need to explain to you?"

Gu Ling'er was also annoyed at being forced to serve Su Changge. At this moment, someone just bumped into her muzzle.

She was even more unceremonious, instantly shot a phantom of the other side flower, and rushed towards the fox demon man to suppress it!

Chapter 104 Fierce battle, Binghua and Bianhua, let's play lightly

But at this moment, an accident occurred.

A huge white glow flashed, filled with cold air, and collided violently with the phantom of the black Bana flower at this moment!


This powerful icy beam of light instantly shredded the phantom of the Bana flower, turning into ice crystals that scattered all over the sky!

A figure in the ice mist is walking slowly, her whole body is pure white, as if blending with the white ice mist.

If it weren't for the slow movement of this figure, it would really give people the illusion that it doesn't exist.

"My lord!"

The fox demon man looked very excited. They Qingqiu fox clan, after falling into the turbulence of time, are the first young generation to awaken the blood of Nine Tails!

As for the control of the ice aura, it can be said that their lord Tiannv can exert it to the extreme!

As the figure gets closer.

Su Changge finally saw this figure clearly.

She has a very pretty face, looks like a girl, with silver hair as white as the moon, combined with fair skin, she looks like a fairy in the snow, and her red vertical pupils add to her evil and charming feeling.

But in terms of temperament, it gives people a cold feeling, as if there is no emotion.

The jade legs are white and slender, the breasts are round and full, especially the pair of white animal ears on the head add a touch of exotic flavor.

"It's kind of interesting... such a pure ice aura is unheard of before."

Su Changge looked at this figure, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Possessing such a pure aura can be regarded as an innate creature.

Innate beings, born with affinities to the Dao, are naturally more sensitive to the perception of aura, and the speed of cultivation is several times that of ordinary creatures.

"Is that all?"

The cold voice of the nine-tailed fox girl came out, just like her appearance, it really felt very cold.

"Yes, with the addition of the [-] people from the Dao Domain who hunted earlier, these should be able to gather a total of more than [-] people."

The fox demon man said respectfully: "At that time, [-] young people from our clan will be able to escape from here through the source of these people."

The source of the gods, the core of the ascetic, is the power of the source, because it is the source of the gods condensed in the three thousand realms, so it will be more friendly to the outside world.

By absorbing the divine source of the people in the three thousand realms, they can break the time barrier and reintegrate into the outside world. Although the cultivation base will not be restored, freedom is always the most precious.

But only young disciples can absorb it. The source of the older generation has already stabilized and cannot absorb foreign sources.

"Well, let's do it then."

Nine-tailed fox girl nodded slightly, turned her gaze to Gu Linger, and then glanced at Su Changge.

She had no way of perceiving Su Changge's specific cultivation, and she had never had a specific understanding of the method of hiding his cultivation from the outside world.

According to the "experience" in the family, Su Changge is considered a useless little boy.

He is so handsome, and he has a beautiful and powerful maid, what is it if he is not a little boy?

Seemingly aware of the gaze of the nine-tailed fox girl, Su Changge also guessed what the other party was thinking.

"It seems that I have been underestimated for hiding my cultivation."

But he doesn't care, the strong will be regarded as the object of challenging Liwei, and the weak and easy to be pinched by soft persimmons, it is better to crush them.

"Junming, leave the woman in black to me, and you can take care of the rest."


The fox demon man respectfully nodded in agreement, then took out a piece of jade emitting green light, and threw it vigorously into the air, the jade instantly split into several pieces, and flew towards the void.

Quietly suspended in five different directions, and then the stones burst into bright light, and five blazing divine lights intertwined and evolved.

A strange magic circle was constructed in the void, and the rich teleportation law emanated from the magic circle!

"What formation is this?"

Su Changge was a little puzzled, but more surprised.

This formation does not seem to belong to their world, but a formation of another dimension.

"This is the teleportation array of those foxes. Not only are they top-notch in creating illusions, but their arrays are also top-notch."

"Including this world we live in is also an illusion constructed by the supreme powerhouses of their clan, but because of their strength, they can even turn fiction into reality."

Gu Linger on the side explained.

In the past, the ancient demon clan and the Qingqiu fox clan were both native creatures of the fairyland, so they knew something about it.

"I see."

Su Changge nodded slightly, wondering how many strange races there are in the fairy world?

After the fairyland is broken, where is the former orthodox civilization?

Or has it turned into countless worlds floating in the endless universe like the Three Thousand Dao Domain?


Accompanied by a dazzling light, Su Changge's thoughts were brought back to reality again.

In that huge magic circle, many strong men of the Qingqiu Fox Clan appeared!

The emergence of saints may disturb time and space, so the highest is nothing but the perfection of power.

But their aura is very shocking!

Especially the tails behind them, every time they shake, there are bright runes rising.

One of the burly fox demons in armor raised his spear high and roared angrily: "For the great cause of the Qingqiu fox clan, kill the clan! Take away the source of the gods!"

"Murderers! Seize the source of the gods!"


The divine light flickered ahead, and many Qingqiu fox tribes used their magical powers to come towards Su Changge and others through the air!

Their eyes are full of greed and longing. As long as they can seize the source of God, they can break free from this cage of time and space and go to a free world!

"Damn it! I just got out of the tiger's mouth and now I'm in the wolf's den!"

"Don't be afraid! We have the sons of Changge, why should we be afraid of them?"

"That's right! Son of God Changge will definitely save the day!"


Su Changge's previous performance has won everyone's affirmation, and now he is the backbone of everyone.

After regaining their confidence, many human arrogances used their supernatural powers to collide with the arrogances of the Qingqiu Fox Clan!

Talismans reveal the holiness, formations split the sky!

Fierce divine lights exploded continuously on the battlefield!

Even Tianjiao of the human race congealed the magic circle with his own blood, and called out fierce beasts to fight with them!

There were also several Qingqiu foxes who set up a large-scale killing formation, thunder and fire, and opened up the world!

In the sky, there are even disciples of Tianjiao walking in the sky, turning into flowing lights and sword shadows to fight and fight in the sky!

boom! !

An extremely powerful breath exploded in another part of the battlefield!

The icy breath of the sky is like a wave of sound waves sweeping in all directions!


Suddenly, a black light flashed in the white ice mist, and a jet-black flower of the other side, surrounded by traces of magic energy, bloomed impressively in a white world!

When the black Bana flower fully bloomed, a strong devilish energy poured out like a storm!


The monstrous demonic energy is overwhelming!

It's like using ink to dye the icy mist world into a black hell, where magic flowers are constantly blooming!

Bitter-cold, terrifyingly devilish!

The Nine-Tailed Fox Girl snorted coldly, and instantly pulled out an exquisite long sword from her long sleeve.

Turning the wrist, the long sword twisted like a spirit snake, and even created phantoms in the air!


A sword pierced through the air, and the long sword brought out a burst of Changhong ice shadow, which sprinkled bursts of ice in the void!

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