The sky is full of crystal clear ice, like a goddess scattering flowers!

However, at the moment when Binghua came into contact with the magic energy, it instantly exploded violently like a frost bomb!

The pitch-black world is once again covered with frost-white lotus flowers!

Icicles continuously appeared on the ground, like an extremely cold world!

The battle is still going on, and one young life after another keeps falling.

Su Changge just watched all this indifferently.

After all, the immortal battle is much more tragic.

"Is someone finally watching me?"

The corners of Su Changge's mouth raised: "Alright, let's play lightly."

Chapter 105 Shocking the audience, go all out?but a little frost


The spear is like a dragon, piercing through the void, stabbing straight at Su Changge's head!

Seeing that Su Changge didn't react at all, the man couldn't help sneering: "It's really too weak, boring, next."

In his opinion, this kind of distance can't be avoided by the opponent no matter what!

He could already imagine the scene of this young human man's head being pierced by a spear.

However, things backfired, and the picture he imagined did not appear.

A white shadow flashed.

His long spear was actually firmly held by Su Changge!

From the beginning to the end, Su Changge didn't even look at him, as if he was thinking about something in his heart, and didn't pay attention to him at all!

"Human you..."

But no matter how hard he exerted, the spear remained motionless, unable to advance half a point!

Su Changge still didn't look at him, but murmured: "It's really weak, it also uses a gun, that kid Ye Lintian is much stronger than you."

After saying that, Su Changge lifted the spear and the fox demon man together, raised it high, and then slammed it down to the ground!


The terrifying power exploded on the ground in an instant, smashing the ground into a huge deep pit!

Rocks and debris were flying all over the sky, but the man in white in the middle of the rain of debris was not affected at all. The debris and dust melted instantly when it touched a few meters around him!

Dressed in white, Shengxue stood proudly on the battlefield!

This scene attracted everyone's attention, and the nine-tailed fox girl also looked in Su Changge's direction in shock.

She knows the strength of her people, she can cultivate perfectly, and her physical strength is even more powerful, but she was smashed to the ground by a thin human race in embarrassment like this?

"It's not good to provoke anyone, if you insist on provoking that monster, you're really looking for your own death~"

Looking at this scene, Gu Ling'er giggled, with a mockery in her eyes that couldn't be concealed.

If it wasn't for the ancestors of her clan at that time, Su Changge would have been beheaded by the sword long ago. Until now, she is still extremely afraid of Su Changge in her heart.

"But... a mere human... you are courting death!"

The fox demon man who was smashed to the ground by Su Changge's embarrassment looked gloomy, and the seven tails behind him stood up one after another, looking very angry!

As the pride of the Qingqiu fox clan, he even has the blood of a fairy beast in his body, but now he is so insulted by a human race!

How can this make him feel relieved?

The fox demon man didn't hesitate, picked up the spear, and it flashed like a thunder, leaving only an afterimage in the original place, and his figure had already shot out.

He used all his strength this time, burst out all the power in his body, and the terrifying torrent of aura swirled around his spear blade!

Every time the aura vortex on the blade of the gun rotates, even the void is slightly distorted. He is going to use this blow to wash away the previous shame!

But the next thing that made him refresh his three views happened again!

His spear was stopped by a firm force a few meters away from Su Changge!

It was the same this time, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't touch Su Changge at all!

And this time the opponent didn't even make a move, which made him break out in a cold sweat!


Suddenly, there was a crisp sword cry from the space in front of him.


A bright sword light instantly pierced through the void and slashed straight at him. The speed was astonishingly fast, and no one even noticed the moment it appeared!


The fox demon man reacted very quickly, and the moment the sword energy was about to touch him, he retracted the spear, barely blocking the attack with the handle of the gun.

His heart was even more overwhelming, this force was too powerful!

It was even more shocking that his mouth was numb, and he almost lost his grip on the spear in his hand!

After looking at the gun barrel made of black iron meteorite in his hand, a deep sword mark has appeared!

This made him gasp even more, black iron meteorite can be regarded as one of the strongest ores.

But such a random burst of sword energy almost cut off the handle of the gun made of black iron meteorite in his hand?

"It's half a catty."

"I'm in a hurry, you can go together."

The corner of Su Changge's mouth smiled lightly, his eyes didn't care at all.

These words are more like a boulder falling into the sea, causing a stormy sea.

Many young arrogances of the Qingqiu Fox Clan glared at Su Changge one after another, with eyes that wanted to tear him apart.

Some people have activated spiritual energy in their hands, ready to strike and kill the arrogant human race at any time.

On the contrary, those who came with Su Changge, the Clan Tianjiao showed excitement.

It can be said to be a kind of enjoyment to see the scene of Su Changge breaking the crowd once again!

However, there were also people who showed sarcasm.

"These monster races are really looking for death. It's just a few tricks to suppress them with the talent and strength of God Son Changge!"

"Hahaha! They are just frogs in a well, how do they know the power of God Son Changge?"

"Delusion to use the superiority of numbers to deal with God Son Changge? We are not waiting!"


Both sides are at war with each other, as if a second war is about to break out at any moment.

However, in the eyes of all the arrogance of the human race, the outcome of this battle is also a certainty.

With Su Changge around, even if they had a showdown, they couldn't lose!

"The human race still can't change their arrogance. If so, kill..."

"Wait, you are not his opponent, let me come."

At this time, the nine-tailed fox girl suddenly landed in the middle of the battlefield and said coldly.

"Lenghu, your opponent is me, do I promise you to go?"

Gu Ling'er also chased after him from a distance, circulating his magic energy, wanting to fight the nine-tailed fox girl again.

But it was interrupted by Su Changge, "No need, since she made such a strange request."

Su Changge smiled and said, "I am also a good person, just satisfy her."

Gu Linger was taken aback, good man?

Killed many top talents of the ancient demon clan.

Facing a woman like her, he almost killed her on the spot!

In the end, they didn't know how to make their ancestors surrender to him.

This is a good guy?

Ah yes yes yes!

However, Gu Ling'er looked at the Nine-Tailed Fox Girl with some sympathy, "Follow the Lord's order."

Then he retreated behind Su Changge.

"The young priest of the ancient demon race called this human race an adult?"

Some young arrogances of the Qingqiu fox tribe suddenly became restless!

What is the origin of this human race?

You must know that the ancient demons have always been competitive, and their personalities are notoriously hot, and they actually surrendered to a human race?

This shocked them even more!

"Is the identity of the Son of God Changge beyond your imagination?"

Some Human Race Tianjiao disdain.

Su Changge's current status can be said to be ridiculously high.

Guiyuan Holy Land even launched the Immortal War for Su Changge, and finally wiped out the entire five immortal forces!

And their sect also learned some information through this immortal battle.

Guiyuan Holy Land is far more than just one emperor!

Its background is much more terrifying than the world imagined!

No one knows how deep the background of Guiyuan Holy Land is.

"Are you ready?"

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