Now that I have just used my full strength, how can I fight against it?

But he still snorted coldly: "The life of your son of God is in my hands, what else do you want?"

However, what he didn't know was that in front of Su Changge, this blow was like throwing mud into the sea, seeking his own death!

Looking at Long Batian's sarcastic and complacent face, Su Changge wanted to laugh.

I have to say, the taste of the Heavenly Tyrannosaurus Dragon's bloodline is pretty good.

He just wanted to feel it carefully, but he suddenly discovered that the power of this bloodline is very thin!

This shows that it is only a semi-finished product, not pure!

Claiming to be the purest bloodline of the Celestial Tyrannosaurus to the outside world, it is actually only a half-finished product!

Then I have spent so much effort playing games with this loach?

Thinking of this, an unknown fire rose in Su Changge's heart!

This breath froze the smile of Long Batian, who was in a state of complacency!

What he didn't know was that a large bloody character appeared on his head at this moment!


Chapter 118

"what happened?"

"Why is there a chilly feeling?"

There was an inexplicable chill in Long Batian's heart, as if he was being targeted by an ancient beast.

"not good!"

It seemed to sense the danger of heart palpitations.

Long Batian reacted subconsciously, but he obviously underestimated the power of this force.

A blazing beam of light was like a dazzling sun, blasting Long Batian away in an instant!


The dome of the sky shook out, and the void shook violently.

While Long Batian was blown away by this powerful force, a large area of ​​ancient trees was uprooted by this force, making a mess!

Until the mountains hundreds of feet away from everyone collapsed layer by layer, like a comet hitting the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

It was only at this moment that everyone realized that it was Su Changge who made the move!

"Didn't Long Batian say that Su Changge had fallen for his secret technique?"

"Yeah, why does he still have such great power?"

Many Tianjiao disciples were a little horrified by this scene, and they all whispered.

This is called a secret technique, and life and death will be manipulated in the future?

In exchange for them accepting this trick, I'm afraid the cover of Tianling will be lifted!

"Son of're all right too..."

But before everyone in Guiyuan Holy Land let go of their suspense, they suddenly found that the eyes of the Son of God were very cold!

This shows that Su Changge is really angry!

That's right, Su Changge was really angry, he actually played with a worthless loach for so long!

For things that have no value, they should be destroyed.

In the distance, a dragon aura soared into the sky, and a embarrassed figure crawled out of it.

Long Batian was ashamed, there was no doubt that Su Changge's blow just now made him unable to parry.

If it wasn't for the fact that his physical body was still relatively strong, he might have died inexplicably under that blow!

This made him feel angry and trembling at the same time!

But remembering the shame that Su Changge had brought to him before, he still chose to continue to attack.

"Shenlong Fist!"


Long Batian punched out with a punch, and the blood was surging like a vast ocean.

Everyone seemed to hear a high-pitched dragon chant, and a larger phantom of a giant dragon surrounded Long Batian's fist light.

Shattering the void, blasting towards Su Changge!

That kind of powerful fluctuation is like a real dragon born, fighting the sky!

But Su Changge's expression was indifferent, and he reached out.


The earth suddenly burst out with pillars of fire equal to the sky, as if connecting with the sky!

"This is... the aura of the true blood of the Divine Phoenix!"

Huang Luo, who was watching on the sidelines, trembled in her heart.

This Divine Phoenix True Blood and their True Phoenix Clan can be said to have a blood relationship.

It is also the supreme demon clan in the power of imperial flames, and they have more similarities in the rules of supernatural powers.

"If I can get this drop of the true blood of the Divine Phoenix from Su Changge..."

A cold look flashed in Huang Luo's eyes, but she would not choose to act now.

She is not Long Batian's simple-minded monster with well-developed limbs.

Su Changge's strength has already surpassed her predictions, and the only surefire solution is to unite with other ancient arrogances and kill him together!

The soaring flames reflected in her eyes slowly intertwined into a flaming dragon!

The flaming dragon roared and roared, and even fought with the phantom of the dragon shot by Long Batian!

In an instant, the flames were raging, and the dragon's energy was rolling!

But after all, it was the flame giant dragon that was more tyrannical, tyrannically tearing up the attack of Long Batian, and roaring towards Long Batian!


"I didn't expect the mere human race to have the aura of my dragon clan..."

Long Batian's face was also a little gloomy, he could feel the dragon energy contained in Su Changge's blow.

Although he was a little surprised, he knew that his blow would be shattered by Su Changge, so he was already prepared.

"Shenlong Fist, Dragon Star Skyfall!"

Almost instantly, Long Batian punched again!

A majestic real dragon phantom roared out again!

During this process, it continued to surge and soar, and turned into dozens of phantoms of real dragons!

What makes people feel strange is that only half of the dozens of real dragon phantoms collided with Su Changge's attack.

But the other half of the real dragon phantoms flew into the void!


The phantoms of the real dragons suddenly exploded, turning into a sky full of dragon aura and stars, melting between the sky and the earth!

But those starbursts seem to be absorbing the surrounding dragon energy, and slowly expand until they finally form golden balls of light!

In the golden ball of light, there is a phantom of a dragon the size of a small snake swimming in it!


The divine flame shot by Su Changge and the phantom of the real dragon had a huge explosion, and even more dust was thrown up!

But amidst the sound of the explosion, the sound of piercing through the air resounded again!


These balls of light burst out with brilliant divine light, and slammed down on Su Changge like a storm!

Su Changge's expression was still indifferent, but he just grasped the sword formula.

Put your index fingers together and stand in front of your chest.

A wisp of sword energy that seems to have the power to cut the sky is lingering ups and downs at the fingertips.

During the lingering time, even the surrounding laws were torn and cut by it.

"Wan Jian."


As Su Changge's words fell, twinkling cold stars suddenly bloomed in the void!

Like the stars piercing the darkness, dazzling!

" that...!?"

One person stretched out his finger, pointing to the cold star in the void in horror.

When everyone heard the words, they all took a closer look, their pupils constricted, and they gasped!

Those cold stars are actually divine swords piercing the heavens and the earth!

Countless divine swords protruded slowly from the void.

In the sword field condensed by Su Changge, there are more and more sword intents condensed, turning into a divine sword to break through the sky!

But Su Changge, who is in this endless cold star, is like the king of swords!

"Do you think I'll wait for you to make a move!?"

Long Batian stretched out his right hand and squeezed towards the void.

The golden balls that fell like stars from the sky burst out with divine light again, leaving golden star shadows in the sky!

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