This scene is too gorgeous, like sparks blooming all over the sky, but its breath is the ultimate killing!

"Why hasn't Changge Shenzi made a move yet? It's too late!"

Looking at this terrifying power, many of the onlookers were terrified, pale, and silent.

They all felt that this move was too tyrannical.

Moreover, it is not easy to avoid the starry sky.

Everyone was staring at the battlefield in front of them.

Sharp sword light, bright star light.

Like water and fire, they divide yin and yang.

But Su Changge murmured indifferently: "Return to one."

The sword energy is like the scorching sun in the sky, shedding ten thousand zhang rays of light!

The sword lights seemed to come alive, transforming into millions of flying swords and gathering in the sky, like a storm of sword energy, and the waves of air surged into the sky.

Among them, countless sword glows are lifelike, dazzling and dazzling

The sword qi fluttered, and the cold light gathered like a trickle to form the Milky Way of Swords!

In the end, it formed a sword that pierced the sky and pierced the earth!

Everything the sword passed turned into powder, everything turned into nothingness!

And the starry sky was destroyed in an instant, leaving only a blank space!

He looked at the figure again.

With hair tied and white clothes, he is detached from the world.

The son is like jade, a sword fairy in the world.

Chapter 119 I am the one who thinks he is invincible


The sword energy crosses the world, and the beauty blooms in the world!

Long Batian was bombarded by this force and flew out like a kite with a broken string!

This time, his body was riddled with holes, as if he was taking in more air and less air out.

Everyone stared blankly at this scene.

An ancient freak, this is an ancient freak!

He used to be an arrogance who suppressed the great world and was invincible in the world!

The Dragon Fist shook the world!

But now, in front of Su Changge, the No. [-] genius of the age, he was beaten to a bloody mess!

But what they didn't know was that Su Changge hadn't really used his full strength yet!

If it fully stimulates the breath of the innate holy body dao embryo.

With the sword of God, maybe with one sword, Long Batian will die of hatred!

But why didn't Su Changge kill him with one sword?

In the golden world, the day of the leek harvest.

If I were an ancient freak with a sword, would someone still look for me?

That must also give the other party a sense of game experience, otherwise, how can there be a treasure hunting mouse delivered to the door?

"Su Changge..."

"If it wasn't for my incomplete bloodline, how could I not be as good as you..."

Blood flowed out of Long Batian's mouth continuously, but his eyes were full of hatred!

I practiced a kung fu many years ago, and because of the instability of my Qi, I almost lost my mind.

If he hadn't been diluted with his own blood, he would have fallen already!


Hearing Long Batian's speech, Su Changge's eyes lit up slightly.

"So, I still have a chance to get the complete bloodline of the Celestial Tyrannosaurus?"

He knew that the Cangtian Tyrannical Body and the Cangtian Tyrannosaurus had an unknown origin.

This is because Su Changge once read a sentence in a dilapidated ancient book: "Where the overlord stands, the overlord will return, the ancestral star will shine, and the legend will come..."

That's why he tried his best to obtain the blood of Long Batian's Heavenly Tyrannosaurus.

Maybe he can use this to open up a whole new world.

Hearing at this moment that the other party can still condense the complete blood of the Heavenly Tyrannosaurus, how could he miss this opportunity?

"Winners and losers, but I will never admit that I lost!"

"I absolutely..."


Accompanied by a huge muffled sound, the divine light exploded!

"Have I allowed you to speak?"

Su Changge's indifferent voice resounded all around.

Everyone's eyes were even more wide-eyed, full of horror!

I am sloppy, ruthless!

Long Batian's head had already been trampled by Su Changge and buried deep in the soil!

"Master Batian!"

"Bastard! Get your feet off Batian-sama's head!"

Suddenly there was an angry shout from the crowd, this is a follower of Long Batian.

"Everyone, Batian-sama is waiting for me, now is the time to show!"

That follower shouted and raised his arms, wanting to unite with the rest of the followers to suppress Su Changge.

But before the crowd is ready to move.

Following Su Changge's eyes lightly.

The bone-piercing chill enveloped the world even more!

"Oh? What do you want to do?"

That powerful coercion even oppressed everyone's hearts!


will die!

All of Long Batian's followers wanted to skin off this man even more!

I wanted to die and even brought them along!

The leader seemed to realize that something was wrong, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.


The man even forced out a smile: "I... I think Lord Shenzi is too tired, and someone must pinch his feet!"

This scene did not make everyone react.

But they feel that it is reasonable, after all, losing face is better than losing life!

"Su... Changge!!"

Long Batian under his feet roared angrily.

He was so embarrassed by his followers today, not only lost face, but also lost his majesty!

Long Batian tried his best to get up, but no matter how hard he tried, he was still trampled on by Su Changge!

He didn't understand why the mere human race had such great power!

Su Changge's kick was like a sacred mountain, firmly suppressing him!

Besides, even if Su Changge didn't kill him, his Dao heart would collapse because of this incident!

"This little loach is not self-motivated!"

"If the Dao heart collapses, wouldn't my bloodline of the Celestial Tyrannosaurus be in vain?"

Su Changge doesn't allow this kind of thing to happen. Since he wants leeks to thrive, he needs to be given some "fertilizer".

"This distinguished guest, please calm down."

At this moment, a young young man's voice sounded.

Su Changge raised his eyebrows slightly. He had noticed this person for a long time. Before he did anything, this person was hiding in the dark and looking towards here.

At this moment, he finally showed up, wearing a brown Taoist robe, exuding an aura of indifference to the world.

The man landed in front of Su Changge, bowed and said: "Poverty Heavenly Secret Tower, the landlord's apprentice, Kun'an, met fellow Taoist."

"Tianjilou, the disciple of the landlord?"

This sentence made people's pupils constrict even more, the master of Tianji Building's apprentice status is also astonishingly high.

But why would the apprentice, as the master, welcome an outsider in person?

"What? You want me to let him go?"

Su Changge asked with a smile.

He wished he had said so.

He can take advantage of the opportunity to let the leek return to nature and let it grow vigorously again.

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