"I can also hand over the mechanism secrets of the Apocalypse Organ Sect to you, my lord."

Seeing that Su Changge still didn't respond.

That phantom image made a difficult decision: "If it's not enough, I can personally divination for the adults again."

Divination twice!

This is equivalent to an opportunity to find two places of peerless opportunity.

What's more, with the secret mechanism of the legendary Tianqi mechanism sect, it can be said to be a lucrative deal worth trying.

However, Su Changge doesn't like this.

"Let's not go around in circles. I have always known the risks involved."

He stretched out a finger and said, "I only have one condition."

Su Changge's eyes flickered with divine light: "I want Tianji Island, completely surrender to me, and become my property."

He didn't want to have these twists and turns with this island owner, as long as Tianji Island became his property, then all the conditions put forward by the other party would naturally be fulfilled.

After the words fell, the surroundings fell into a deathly silence, as if the space was frozen!

But suddenly, the spiritual energy seemed to be stirred by a force, and it roared wildly towards the surroundings!

The storm of aura that swept out even made the hem of Su Changge's clothes rattle!

The phantom said angrily: "Aren't you joking, sir!?"

"My Tianji Island has gone through countless years. Before the teacher passed away, he entrusted Tianji Island to me. Could it be that your words will ruin the future of my Tianji Island!?"

Although they have hidden in Tianji Island for countless epochs.

However, cultivating the Tao, self-cultivation, and mind-cultivation is even more arrogance.

It is also a power that has been passed down for countless years, how can it condescend to others?

But Su Changge really didn't care about it, "Since that's the case, there's no need to discuss this matter. Let's leave."

After the words fell, Su Changge left without looking back.

That phantom was even more bewildered!

so direct?

Why don't you bargain with yourself?

Seeing Su Changge's figure getting further and further away, that phantom finally got a little anxious!

"Lord stay!"


When Su Changge heard this, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

He said before that the initiative is his own, and whether he accepts it or not is up to him. This is the other party asking for himself, not himself asking the other party.

With such a good opportunity, it is natural to obtain the greatest benefit for oneself.

Su Changge controlled his facial expression, turned around coldly, and said, "Senior is also good at divination, and you should know the importance of it."

"If I don't help you, how confident are you that Tianji Island will survive this crisis?"

"Perhaps what you will meet in the future is just destruction. Is it also against the wishes of the former teacher?"

Seeing that the other party was silent, Su Changge knew that what he said hit the point.

Next, you need to give the other party some good reverie.

"Besides, surrendering to me, does it mean that you are living?"

"The orthodoxy of your Tianji Island can still be preserved, but you need to obey me in the future. The resources in my hands will not only restore your former glory, but even bring your Tianji Island to a higher level."

At this time, Su Changge turned around slowly, with a tall and straight figure, dancing in white clothes, and a confident face, as if he had the potential to suppress the universe and arbitrarily judge the world!

His firm and bold words resounded everywhere: "You surrender."

"It is the future, the Emperor of Heaven who is above the nine heavens and ten earths!"

Chapter 124 Willing to go through fire and water for adults, I am the final trial

The moment Su Changge finished speaking.

The aura of this world seems to be stirred by a force!

The clear air sinks, and the turbid air descends.

The four directions are united, and the heaven and the earth resonate.

There is more chaotic light opening up in the void, as if the sun, moon and stars are condensed, and Su Changge, who is in the center of this divine light, is like the center of the universe.

Immortal and divine!

Just a single sentence caused such a vision, which means that what Su Changge said is something that will happen in the future!

So even the heavens and the earth resonate with it!

The depths of the phantom's eyes moved a little.

Although their Tianji Island is good at divination, but they have no way to get started with Su Changge's numerology.

He had tried to speculate before, but no matter how hard he tried, Su Changge's numerology seemed to him like a bottomless black hole!

It's like being out of the world, completely independent of the other party's river of fate.

This can only show that Su Changge's horror is beyond his imagination!

"My lord, do you know what kind of predicament my Tianji Island is facing? The forces on that side are just the part that surfaced."

The owner of Tianji Island asked again: "Besides, I, Tianji Island, decided to follow your lord. Is your lord really confident in dealing with the next crisis?"

After finishing speaking, the owner of Tianji Island stopped talking, and looked at Su Changge quietly, as if waiting for his answer.

"That force? Could it be the force that claims to be the supervisor of the Heavenly Dao?"

"From what the other party said, the Heavenly Dao Supervisor may be an alliance."

Su Changge secretly deduced in his heart.

"Cultivating immortal civilizations from other worlds, I must take Tianji Island."

"A corner of the world? Then this Tianji Island can become an outpost for me to understand the real world."

The thoughts in my heart are deliberated.

A confident smile appeared on the corner of Su Changge's mouth: "I am the Son of God, and I shall suppress everything in the world!"

The originally calm aura surged up again!

It even formed a monstrous huge wave, slapping the mind of the owner of Tianji Island!

This time, even the top of the entire Tianji Island has changed suddenly, and the law and Tao are pervading, and they have gathered into all kinds of gorgeous visions!

The originally clear sky was filled with purple air, and the golden clouds were misty!

This scene even made the many arrogances of Tianji Island gasp!

"This is heavenly auspiciousness!?"

"No, there is no chance and luck in it. It should not be the birth of some magical treasure, but it seems to be a resonance between heaven and earth!"

"Resonance between the heaven and the earth? Could it be that someone has comprehended the supreme skill and aroused the enlightenment of the Dao?"

Many Tianjiao kept speculating, maybe what they didn't know was that such a majestic vision was only caused by Su Changge's words!


The owner of Tianji Island even constricted his pupils. He has an ancient secret art of covering the sky, which can shield all the mysteries.

But the entire Tianji Island is under such a blessing, and it can still cause such a big commotion!

While this shocked his heart, he was even more looking forward to it!

Perhaps, this young man in front of him can really lead Tianji Island to shatter the darkness that has existed since ancient times!

"My Tianji Island has been blinded and dark for too long. If I miss this opportunity, I'm afraid it will only be destroyed..."

"Teacher...if it's you..."

The owner of Tianji Island looked at the figure in white again.

It is a kind of absolute self-confidence that the younger generation dare to speak out such bold words and lofty ambitions.

A gleam of determination flashed in his eyes, after all, he had made a fateful choice.

With a wave of his sleeve, the surrounding mist slowly receded, and the real body of the owner of Tianji Island was revealed.

It was an old Taoist in a white Taoist robe with a vicissitudes of life, but his eyes were piercing and shining with brilliance.

There is more hope in the depths of his eyes.

But it is such an old Taoist who looks like a fairy and has a resolute face, but at this moment he slowly bows his head to Su Changge: "Tianji Island, I am willing to go through fire and water for my lord!"

The corner of Su Changge's mouth smiled lightly: "Tianji Island will be grateful for my choice this time."

In fact, Su Changge did not expect that the other party would surrender himself so smoothly

Is it because of my background?

Is it the Guiyuan Holy Land, or the original owner's family?

"My lord, the last hexagram..."

The owner of Tianji Island asked again.

They, the organizer, have surrendered to Su Changge, so what is there to test?

Su Changge shook his head slowly: "There is no need to expose this matter prematurely, the trial needs to be carried out as usual."

"Besides, there may be a big fish among the people traveling together this time."

"Big fish?"

The owner of Tianji Island asked suspiciously: "What does your lord mean?"

Su Changge smiled lightly: "I will make the arrangements for the trial, but I need your cooperation from Tianji Island."

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