The owner of Tianji Island said respectfully: "But according to your lord's orders."

"The cumbersome trials are omitted, and the simple and direct winner is the king."

Su Changge said again: "Next, you need to tell me in detail about the secret place under Tianji Building."

"How do you know, my lord?"

The owner of Tianji Island shrank his pupils, and that area was where he used the most rigorous formation to hide.

Why is it known?

On the other hand, Su Changge's eyes were wandering, and he was blowing on the hot tea in his cup with downcast eyes, seemingly carelessly.

"I'm asking you, not you asking me."

The indifferent words made the owner of Tianji Island even more sweaty.

He originally wanted to hide this matter, but he didn't expect that the other party knew everything!

He has also lived for countless epochs, but now he is played by such a young man in the palm of his hand!

This made his heart even more violent.

Especially the handsome and flawless facial features seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist, and his expression was dull.

But looking deeper, you will find that it is indifference to everything.

High above, overlooking everything, and elusive!

"So it's all in the adult's expectation?"

"Oh, no matter what, please listen to me carefully, my lord."

[It is estimated that you don’t want to listen to the explanation, the author will tell you slowly in the future?????]


On the first floor of the Tianji Building, there was a lot of noise.

The ancient Tianjiao and the Juvenile Supreme are located above the seats, and below are some ordinary Tianjiao with a weaker background.

"How will the trial of the last hexagram of Tianji Island be arranged?"

An ancient Tianjiao was displeased: "Why was Su Changge taken away alone? Could it be that a shady arrangement has been made?"

"Does the Son of God need to report to you? What are you?"

Gu Linger said sarcastically.

Su Changge has always done things vigorously and resolutely, when will he need to explain to these cats and dogs?


That ancient Tianjiao looked furious, but he didn't dare to make a move.

The girl in front of her was only stronger than him, and Su Changge also made him extremely afraid.

Long Batian was somewhat stronger than him, but he was easily defeated by Su Changge. If there was a conflict with Guiyuan Holy Land, he would really have no idea.

At this time, a voice came from above the Tianji Tower.

"You young heroes must have important things to do."

"In order to save everyone's time, I, Tianji Island, have omitted these tedious matters."


At this moment, the whole Tianji building trembled violently!

Ka Ka Ka!

The sound of gears running resounded everywhere!

On the walls of the Tianji Building, Dao circulates, runes manifest, and finally form a Dao Dao array!

The entire Tianji Building seems to be constantly deforming and flipping!

The ground was separated, and the original planks were turned over and replaced by bluestone slabs.

The walls of the building receded slowly in all directions.

Until the end, a huge martial arts arena was formed!

"What is the meaning of Tianji Island?"

Many Tianjiao wondered in their hearts, why spend so much effort to change a scene?

But at this moment, a young man's voice sounded.

"Everyone, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Look for reputation.

On the ring, a figure in white stood with his hands behind his back.

The white clothes are fluttering, and the eyes are indifferent.

His whole body is even more resplendent with Daoism.

Like a fairy god above the nine heavens!

Su Changge looked at the shocked crowd playfully.

"The final trial, that is."

boom! !

A vast, ancient, mysterious and terrifying aura erupted from Su Changge's body in an instant!

Then it turned into a radiant rune and soared up into the sky like a beam of light that went straight into the sky!

The terrifying aura suppresses the universe!

The overwhelming storm slapped the horrified face below like a shower!

Su Changge's words are more like the voice of the Great Dao.

"Beat me."

Chapter 125 Ancient Blood of Zhantian, Thin Body?It can destroy the sky, it can collapse the earth, it can destroy all enemies

These words made the faces of Tianjiao gathered below startled.

The final trial was actually to defeat the monster Su Changge?

"What is the meaning of Tianji Island!? Could it be that they really arranged a shady scene?"

Long Batian asked angrily.

It's Su Changge again!

Why is Su Changge everywhere?


"Is it necessary to deal with a group of miscellaneous fish?"

Su Changge smiled lightly and said, "My Son of God has a kind heart. Originally, I could get the last hexagram just by sweeping you, but I understand that you have had a hard journey, so I will give you a chance."

Su Changge's words immediately left everyone speechless.


Su Changge's strength is obvious to all.

They can sweep Long Batian at will, maybe they are really trash, but they are still a little annoyed to be insulted like this.

"I'd like to see how you have the qualifications to be rampant!"

At this time, a deafening voice sounded from outside the crowd.

It even caused ripples in the void.

Some low-level monks were even shaken by the sound of the eardrums, and their minds were dizzy!

I saw that it was an extremely tall and burly young man.

The muscles on his body seem to be full of violent aesthetics, and the extreme physical body reveals the power to dominate the sky.

What is frightening is that every step he takes, even the ground trembles and roars!

"This is the ancient clan!?"

This even shocked many Tianjiao's faces.

The ancients were born with a strong physical body, and their strength is overwhelming!

Some powerful ancient clan powerhouses can even smash the sky with one punch and split the sea with one kick!

However, this is not the most powerful among them. Some of the top ancient clan powerhouses can prove emperor with their bodies and shatter the eternal void!

This is also a powerful race that was once dusty in the Three Thousand Dao Realm, and the coming of the Golden World also awakened them.

The Tianjiao of the ancient clan separated from the crowd like a mountain and stepped onto the ring in one step.

The huge and burly body is like a small mountain bag, but Su Changge looks thin and emaciated in front of him.

The Tianjiao of the ancient tribe looked down at Su Changge from above, with a sneer inadvertently showing on the corner of his mouth.

Such a weak body is almost like a tender seedling!

For so many years, he even hunted the armored dragon rhinoceros known as the overlord of the flesh with his bare hands.

They are even more outstanding among the Tianjiao of their ancient clan, and the awakening of the Golden World this time is also to create a legend.

In the first battle, he encountered such a thin human race.

It even made him feel insulted!

"Everyone in the world thinks you are amazing. In my opinion, it's just an excuse for them to be too weak!"

"Today, I, Fang Bu, will let you know what the beatings from the ancient clan are!"

When the onlookers heard this sentence, their jaws dropped in shock!

"This... this ancient clan has been buried in dust for too long, and their brains have been suffocated?"

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