They also heard a lot of rumors about Xiaoxitian's Soul Crossing Sutra, some top Buddhists and Taoists used this method, and they even claimed to be able to overcome thousands of heavenly talents!

But Su Changge didn't move at all, he still stood with his hands behind his back, watching the scene indifferently.

Ever since he condensed the complete innate holy body dao embryo, his dao heart has long been indestructible.

He really wanted to see how different the Soul Crossing Sutra of Buddhism and Taoism was.

"The soul returns to Buddhism, and all hearts return to one!"

Follow Du Fuzi's last sentence to finish.

At the same time as the nine-ring tin rod was shining brightly, the huge Buddha statue behind him also suddenly opened its eyes!

The golden rays of light are even more inspiring, and even a ray of breath from it makes many Tianjiao present in a state of ecstasy!

Some Tianjiao's Taoism seemed to be purified by an inexplicable force at this moment, and their eyes gradually became dull.

As if it was because his soul was affected!

The cloud of rays of light crazily spread towards Su Changge, as if it wanted to drown Su Changge!

Everyone watched helplessly as the ray of light entered Su Changge's body, but the other party never responded at all.

"Master Son of God..."

Seeing that the situation was not good, many disciples of Guiyuan Holy Land wanted to help Su Changge.

But Ye Lintian stretched out his hand to stop him.

Ye Lintian shook his head slowly, "Don't worry, Senior Brother Su is fine."

He is also the owner of double pupils, and he is very sensitive to the perception of the Eucharist.

What made him feel a little strange and a little scary was that the golden light shot by Du Fuzi seemed to disappear completely after entering Su Changge's body!

It's like a mud cow entering the sea without a trace.

Everyone was looking at Su Changge who was not moving.

All kinds of thoughts came to my mind, what was the result?

"Amitabha, after all, a poor monk is better than a..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a voice with a smile.

"It seems that your test of Dao Xin is not bad."

"It is to make people fall into the illusion of reincarnation, experience the suffering of all kinds of mortals, and finally use special means to make people who enter this illusion understand the laws of the world."

Su Changge pinched his chin and said with a smile: "Finally get rid of the thoughts of reincarnation, calm down the mind of Dao, and then you will be converted to Buddha with the Dharma?"

The many arrogances who heard Su Changge's words were at a loss.

Where is this from?

Why can't I understand?

It can be heard that Du Fuzi's pupils contracted, his face was pale, and there was cold sweat on his forehead!

"How is it possible!? Didn't you enter the poor monk's reincarnation illusion?"

"How could it be safe and sound!?"

Du Fuzi was a little restless.

He is about to achieve great success in cultivating the Soul Crossing Sutra, and he has an incomparable understanding of his main method.

But Su Changge was able to say the main points of his technique so casually, that only shows that Su Changge entered the illusion of reincarnation!

Don't look at Su Changge just stunned for a while, in fact, he may have experienced thousands of lives and hundreds of millions of mortals in the illusion, but why is there nothing at all! ?

"Impossible... Could it be that your Dao heart..."

Su Changge just shook his head and smiled.

When he condensed the complete innate Eucharist Dao Embryo, he realized the inheritance from the Eucharist.

There are thousands of ways, but I am the only one!

Dao Xin is immortal, and ten thousand dharmas are invincible!

The overlapping of countless time and space and endless years will only converge into a single figure after all.

That is, he, Son of God, Su Changge!

"Since your performance is over, it's time for me, right?"

"It seems that you were interested in my maid before, how brave you are."

Feeling Su Changge's increasingly cold face, Du Fozi trembled even more, as if he was facing an eternal ice!

Su Changge slowly raised his right hand.

In his palm, there is a majestic mana gathering like a vast ocean!

Just gathering the breath alone seems to stir up the situation in this world!


The power of qi and blood surged, and the sacred and supreme law lingered out, as if forming a divine domain!

In this Divine Realm, all Taos are subdued, and all dharmas are silent.

"Long Song Benefactor, listen to my explanation..."

Du Fozi subconsciously blocked the tin rod in front of him, as if he was afraid that Su Changge would get into trouble.

But Su Changge didn't say a word, and suddenly punched out!

boom! ! !

Like the light of a big star flickering, spiritual energy gushes out, smoke and dust rises everywhere, and the void collapses!

The violent air waves are even more criss-crossing this world!

Until the crowd slowly withdrew, the defensive formation around them rubbed their dizzy eyes, and looked at the world again.

Where is the figure of Du Fuzi?

I saw a huge deep pit suddenly appearing in that side of the world.

Among them was a tattered cassock.

However, compared to the previous luxury and splendor, it seems that there is a trace of Dao rhyme missing, and the flickering Buddha light seems to have dried up.

"Master Shenzi is so protective~ Can I be Lord Shenzi's maid?"

"I's daytime, and daydreaming is still possible..."

"You deserve it too? As long as the Son of God is willing to accept me, why not be a girl?"

"Damn it? It's you, a big man again, and you're disgusting me again? Look at me, I won't accept you today!"

The crowd was even more excited, especially those female cultivators, all of whom were showing obsession.

Even the body is inexplicably wet, this kind of god who protects his shortcomings is good!

Their eyes looked at Yun Xinyan and Gu Linger whose cheeks were already flushed, and their hearts were filled with jealousy!

When they go back, they must find a way to leave the sect and join Guiyuan Holy Land!


Ignoring the commotion of the crowd, Su Changge walked towards the deep pit.

He slowly picked up the cassock, but it turned into sand in his hands and gradually drifted away.

Su Changge clicked his tongue lightly: "Have you run away?"

"The arrogance of such a powerful force is really annoying. They always have unknown magic weapons, and they run away if they can't beat them."

"It's really boring."

After clapping the dust in his hands, Su Changge looked around again.

"Anyone else to challenge?"

"The last hexagram of Tianji Island, this is a rare opportunity, do you want to give up?"

But this time, it was even quieter than before, and some people didn't even dare to breathe.

They know Xiaoxitian's Dufozi, and they can be regarded as the pride of heaven.

But people just disappeared?

I don't know whether it is dead or alive!

The corner of Su Changge's mouth smiled lightly, and murmured: "Aren't you coming out yet? Then I have to draw water to catch fish."

Then, he turned his gaze to a dark place, and said loudly: "Everyone in the Prison God Palace has lost so many people, are you going to give up?"

The ghost Qi who leaned on the big tree closed his eyes to rest his mind, but still closed his eyes tightly, and didn't look at Su Changge at all.

"What does God Son Changge mean by these words?"

"I'm the only one in Prison God Palace from the beginning to the end. Why did God Son Changge make such a joke?"

But although he was calm on the surface, there was a huge wave in his heart!

That's right, their Prison God Palace sent thousands of Tianjiao disciples this time to mix in this trip to Tianji Island.

The reason is that after the blood of ghosts and gods is activated, there will be chaos, so that he can take advantage of the chaos and sneak into the secret place of Tianji Building.

But who knows, Su Changge popped up halfway!

He originally wanted to win this last hexagram before starting the plan, draining the remaining value of Tianji Island, and he could still reap a windfall!

But I didn't expect that Su Changge was so powerful, forcibly sweeping away half of their Tianjiao disciples!

While Gui Qi regretted it in his heart, he also had a shocking killing intent towards Su Changge!

But I heard Gui Qi's "explanation".

Su Changge smiled lightly, and with a flash of figure, he walked in front of a comatose Tianjiao.

The instantaneous movement of spiritual energy tore his clothes to shreds.

"Ahhh... God Son Changge is playing hooligans!"

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