Many female cultivators covered their eyes, but unconsciously opened their fingers slightly.

After all, they are also a little curious about the "mysterious place"!

But Su Changge threw the man on his back to the ground.

I saw a special pattern tattooed on the man's back.

Like a skeleton, there is a black palace standing, and the black air around it is even more ominous!

"The sign of the Hell God Palace!"

Chapter 129 The sword pointed at the black tide, the black rain fell on the sky and the earth, and the white clothes dispelled the mundane dust

The Tianjiao around saw this pattern and felt thunderous in their hearts.

"Didn't that person say that he is the only one in the Prison God Palace? Then this is..."

"I heard that only inner disciples of the Prison God Palace are eligible to have the logo of the Prison God Palace tattooed. Could it be that this is an inner disciple of the Prison God Palace?"


But Gui Qi's expression became colder and colder.

"No... Ghost Blood will take some time to activate... You have to stop this kid first!"

Gui Qiqiang held back the killing intent in his heart, and forced a smile from his face.

"I think you misunderstood, my Prison God Palace has always paid attention to morality, why did you lie to you?"

Then, he turned his gaze to the naked man lying on the ground, scarlet light burst out from the eye sockets of the blue ghost face.

"How dare you pretend to be a member of my Prison God Palace? Beheaded!"


At the moment when everyone was stunned, Gui Qi made a knife in his palm, and suddenly slashed it down!

A scarlet blood-like saber qi roared towards the naked man lying on the ground!

However, another figure in white flickered.

The saber energy was actually pinched by Su Changge with one hand, and he exerted force with his right hand again.

It turned into bloody smoke and dissipated in the air!

"God Son Changge, what do you mean?"

Gui Qi said coldly: "This person pretends to be a disciple of my Prison God Palace, this is treason!"

"Is the son of God trying to meddle in his own business!?"

Everyone gasped when they heard the words, and they could all hear the threat in Gui Qi's mouth.

Su Changge has a great reputation now, the other party's move is indeed a bit reckless!

Su Changge didn't care about it, playing small games before the war started, it was considered as cultivating sentiment.

"Oh? Are all these people?"

After the words fell, Su Changge pointed towards the void.


Countless radiant sword energy burst out from his fingertips!

Like a mist of clear rain, traces of Taoism are drawn in the void!

And like a spirit snake swimming away, it instantly turned into strands of sword energy and silver threads, and tore all the clothes of Tianjiao who had passed out around him to shreds!

As for women...

There is still a belly bag left!

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone was not crazy about the "beautiful" scenery.

Instead, he fell into the abyss of the glacier, and the chill continued to grow on his body!

There are hundreds of fainted Tianjiao men and women, all of whom have the logo of the Hell God Palace!

"This, this... are all the arrogant disciples of the Prison God Palace? Why did the Prison God Palace send so many disciples of the Prison God Palace during a trip to Tianji Island?"

"Could it be that the Prison God Palace has any plans?"

"Don't worry so much, I'll catch this guy right away, I want to see what kind of tricks this prison god palace is playing!"

A burly man in a red-gold robe circulated his divine power, spread his five fingers instantly, and his upper path manifested, and grabbed Gui Qi's neck!

"Come on!"

But when the man was several feet away from the ghost, there was a strange fluctuation in the space!

A torrent of black water gushed out of it. The black water seemed to be alive, and the moment it touched the man, it began to wriggle and squirm!

"Small tricks, look at me!"

The man's divine light erupted, but it was still useless, his strength seemed to be swallowed up by it!

Finally, this palpitation of fear made him feel the danger of his life!

"help me!"

Several disciples from the same clan were about to use their mana to make a move, but they were stopped by a voice.

"I advise you to better not go."

Su Changge said lightly: "With your cultivation, it's just adding a few bones."

"Son of Changge! I beg you to save senior brother!"

A pretty woman with tears in her beautiful eyes looked at Su Changge pleadingly.

It seemed as if he was eager for Su Changge to make a move.

But Su Changge just glanced at her indifferently, without any movement.

Showing his strength for a stranger at this moment is not in line with his style.

Besides, reminding them aloud is considered as the utmost benevolence.

"Hahaha! God Son Changge obviously has such great power, but now he doesn't dare to make a move?"

Gui Qi said with a look of disdain: "In my opinion, it's just a false name!"

But Su Changge still didn't move.

He just looked at Gui Qi coldly, as if he was waiting for something.

He had a feeling in his heart that such a big move by the Prison God Palace should be aimed at Tianji Island.

If I interrupted their plan ahead of time, wouldn't I have missed an opportunity to increase the loyalty of Tianji Island?

Besides, such a big move must be for a big chance, this fruit, he wants it too!

"This guy is too slow. If Tianji Island reacts, this opportunity will be missed."

"Then add some fire to you."

Su Changge made up his mind.

On the other hand, Ghost Seven also hoped to delay Su Changge for a while.

However, he hadn't waited for him to prepare.

A figure in white flickered like a divine light!

When he casually knocked away the young Tianjiao who was trapped by the black water, he punched out again!

When Gui Qi saw it clearly, Zhetian's fist print had already reached his face!

However, Gui Qi's reaction was not slow, almost in an instant, he used his mana, mobilized the black water floating in the void, and turned it into a black water mirror hanging in front of him!


But that fist glow seemed to have the power to destroy the dead, and the scorching temperature evaporated the black water!


The fist light burst out, and the universe was in turmoil!

Ghost Seven flew upside down like a shooting star!

In the process, a large area of ​​ancient trees was smashed, and even some solid rocks were smashed by this force!

"cough cough..."

In the smoke, a figure in a state of embarrassment slowly stood up, and half of the mask of the green ghost had been shattered.

Among them, the original face was revealed, with fair skin, a beautiful nose and almond eyes, like a lotus out of water.

She is actually a beautiful woman!

It's just that there is blood on the corner of the mouth at the moment, which looks a bit poignant.

Gui Qi saw that his mask was broken, and his weak face suddenly turned into anger!

"You actually broke the gift my lord gave me!"


When she raised her hand, a monstrous black ocean gathered, and the boiling black water was like a black tsunami!

"I want you to die!"

She snapped it with her raised hands, and the tsunami behind her even smashed towards Su Changge in an instant!

If it sweeps all things, it will annihilate the power of heaven and earth!

"Run! This black water is extremely weird, don't get caught in it!"

Seeing the black tsunami, the people around looked even more frightened, and fled in all directions like crazy.

However, Su Changge, who was in the middle of the black tsunami, had a calm expression. He would not show mercy just because the other party was a woman.

I saw Su Changge put his fingers together, making a sword finger, and swipe straight towards the void.


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