However, the most dazzling white-clothed figure was missing in the tragic battlefield.


And in a forest of ancient trees around the Tianji Building.

Ghost Seven was standing in front of a dry well with a roll of parchment.

"The blood of ghosts and gods should last for a few more hours. Endless ghosts cooperate with other disciples of our Prison God Palace..."

Gui Qi paused, held his breath again, concentrated his attention, and let out his divine sense to explore the surroundings.

Apart from vegetation, there is no human life.

"No one must have noticed me, so I have to finish what my lord told me as soon as possible."

Ghost Seven threw the blood jade black stone into the air, and a scarlet light burst out.

As the red light gradually spread, it even dyed this area red.

The laws here are eroded by the red light, turning into a strange world!

This is a higher-level ghost field than ghosts, called Xu.

Turn all laws into ruins and all spirits into ghosts!

She set her gaze on a place covered by mossy sludge, and used her spiritual energy to clean it up.

Then, an ancient stone emerged.

The strange patterns and patterns reveal the vastness and mystery, as if they were relics from ancient times.

"Fortunately, there is a totem given by the master of the palace, otherwise it would be really difficult to get in."

The corners of Gui Qi's mouth rose, and according to the instructions on the totem, he began to fiddle with the formation mechanism on it.


But the change here made the owner of Tianji Island who was meditating suddenly open his eyes.

There was even more intense murderous intent in his eyes.

"Not good...! Someone broke into the secret place!"

"Damn it! It must be the evil beast of the prison god palace!"

Just as the owner of Tianji Island was about to order his disciples, he sensed a familiar aura.

"This is... God Son Changge? Why is he here?"

"Could it be that Master Kamito is also interested in this place...?"

The owner of Tianji Island frowned. He knew that Su Changge was very interested in the secret place when he told those secrets before.

"Forget it, since Changge Shenzi found here for the safety of my Tianji Island, why not go with the flow."

"Besides, with the son of Changge here, the demon girl can't make any waves."

But what he didn't know was that all of this was in Su Changge's plan.

In order to prevent the invasion of the Hell God Palace, I learned some secrets of Tianji Island by the way.

By the way, it's not too much to brush up the loyalty of Tianji Island, right?

"It's done!"

After Gui Qi cracked the last formation.

The inscription on the stone slab seemed to come alive, and it organized itself into a paragraph of text!

Immediately afterwards, that obscure text burst into a dazzling light!

A ball of light rose slowly from the ancient well, and finally hung over the mouth of the well.


The ball of light suddenly burst into light, and where the light radiated, the space twisted sharply, and then shattered!

A crack in space is visible in front of your eyes!

A gleam of joy flickered in the ghost's seven eyes, and finally came to the last part of the plan!

She scanned the surroundings with her consciousness again, and after confirming that there was no one there, she stepped into it, and her figure slowly disappeared.

However, it wasn't long before Ghost Seven left.


The void suddenly shattered!

Su Changge's figure slowly walked out of it, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It can be counted as a qualified treasure hunting mouse."


After entering this space crack.

Ghost Seven keeps walking according to the guidance of the totem.

There was a mist here too, and there was a dank, decaying smell in the air.

Mossy bluestone bricks.

Broken idol.

The dilapidated palace.

It sets off this area even more desolate and desolate.

However, these buildings are very strange, with reliefs of gods and demons, and portraits of fierce ghosts.

The style is completely different from the current world, and it makes Guiqi feel that he is in a foreign land.

"The buildings here can actually absorb spiritual energy on their own, no wonder they can't perceive the specific breath."

Ghost Seven thought secretly.

Finally, she came to the central area of ​​this world.

Around her are piled up white bones as high as a hill, human race, demon race, and even some unknown races.

The dao rhyme remaining on the dead bones told the world that they once had a powerful cultivation base.

But now it is buried here for an unknown number of years.

The body dies and the body digests the dead bones, after all, it is just a dream.

But Gui Qi didn't pay attention to the surrounding scene at all, her eyes were full of fire!

Staring at the high platform in the center of the altar!

"The legend is true! There really is a bone sea magic flute!"

But before she could take another step, a voice behind her made her fall into an ice abyss!

"One of the four incredible things in the Underworld, the Bone Sea Magic Flute."

"That's right, I am very satisfied with this opportunity."

Su Changge's figure walked out slowly. Although he still had an indifferent expression, there was a sense of playfulness in the depths of his eyes.

That look made Gui Qi's heart sink to the bottom.

Her body was a little chilly, and her trembling lips were slightly parted: "It turns out that... everything is as you expected?"

Chapter 132 The Dragon Elephant Fist Shows Its Supernatural Power, Destroying Immortal Faith

Su Changge smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth: "So what if it is so?"

He didn't have much interest in going to the gate of the secret realm this time, and he thought it was to complete the system task.

But the scene in front of him really made him feel a little happy.

The four inconceivables in the underworld.

The ancient burial sword box of Nine Burial Sword Mountain.

Naihe Reincarnation Bridge on the Huangquan River.

The Candle Hell of the Sky Burial Abyss.

And the bone sea magic flute of this endless sea of ​​bones.

And Gui Qi's eyes were red, and her heart was burning with anger. She was almost able to complete the adult's plan with the last step.

But it was Su Changge who shot halfway again!

"Death to me!"


The strong ghost energy is about to condense into substance, and the world is even more explosive.

It seemed that a terrifying beast was waking up, and a terrifying black light burst out from the ground!

These rays of light gathered in the sky, forming black skulls one by one, each one full of terrifying power!

This is one of Ghost Seven's hole cards, she kept a trace of ghost blood, and even smelted it into it.

Even if it is a saint and strong man, facing this trick, there will only be a fall!


"It's time for you to recognize the gap between us."

Su Changge smiled casually, not paying any attention to Gui Qi's methods.

After all, there were bright runes rising from the surface of his skin, and that sacred and supreme aura permeated the world.

A phantom bathed in divine light slowly appeared behind him, this is the dharma body condensed by Changqing Huashenjue.

Although he is only at the peak level of the Great Power Realm at this moment, the coercion he can display is like an ancient god descending!


As Su Changge threw his fist, this stalwart Dharma body also threw his fist at the same time!

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