The coercive power of the universe erupted in an instant, and it was like a major earthquake in the void!


The dark skeletons formed by the gathering of vast ghost energy gathered into a torrent of destruction, sweeping towards Su Changge, but they disappeared under this punch!

All ghost aura and darkness were wiped away at this moment!

Even this side of the world trembled because of this power.

With such a powerful force, if a third person sees it, his jaw will drop in shock.

Obviously not sanctified yet, the power of the explosion far exceeds the concept of a saint.

This is an unprecedented precedent.

"how is this possible..."

Ghost Seven seemed to be backlashed, and spewed out a mouthful of blood with a wow.

Then he flew upside down and hit the ground fiercely, his body covered in blood.

She couldn't believe it.

There is a legendary thing in her attack, the power of ghosts and gods' blood, but why was it smashed by Su Changge's punch?

And this force was controlled very cleverly, it didn't smash the surrounding buildings, it just suppressed her!

If it weren't for the power of the ghost blood to offset most of the power of Su Changge's punch,

I'm afraid she will become a cloud of blood mist in an instant!

"Your mission has been completed, congratulations."

"It's time to hit the road..."

At this time, Su Changge spoke casually.

Those cold eyes are like looking at a dead person!


He slapped it again, and Wei'an's resplendent Dharma body stretched out his palm at the same time, zooming in and out in the air, covering everything in front of him!

And Su Changge always looked indifferent like a god, and the void was rumbling under the pressure of this force, as if it could crush everything in the world.

" can I die here!"

"I haven't finished my lord's business, I can't die..."

Suddenly she remembered something, "Yes... the treasure that the lord gave me!"

Gui Qi took out a white jade vase from her bosom, she opened the bottle, held it up high and shouted: "Please help me, my lord!"


The white jade bottle seemed to be urged by a force, and the dense text at the mouth of the bottle suddenly disappeared!

Afterwards, the sound of porcelain cracking came from the white jade bottle continuously, and the tiny cracks like spider webs even had dark mist filling out from it!

"Oh? Another big fish came?"

Su Changge smiled, suppressing his attack and dissipating it.

It doesn't make much sense for him to shoot this big fish to death now.


At this time, the sky and the earth began to blow a strange wind again.

The black mist on that side continued to surge and change, and finally formed a phantom of a person!

Following the formation of a strong ghostly aura, a handsome man in black fluttering, wearing a purple-gold black robe, exuding terror and coercion manifested.

"Master Yin Tianzi!"

Gui Qi seemed to see hope, and the despair in her eyes seemed to be dispelled.

This is one of the three most powerful arrogances in their Prison God Palace, and he is also the adult she is fortunate to follow!

Yin Tianzi opened his eyes as deep as an abyss, and a strange light shone from the depths.

His voice was extremely cold, even more lofty: "Xiaoqi, I'm not saying don't wake up my dharma body for nothing. Now is the critical moment for me to break through my physique."

Gui Qi trembled, knelt down hastily, and said in a panic: "This subordinate is incompetent. This time, I encountered a difficult situation that cannot be solved, so I had no choice but to wake up Lord Yin Tianzi. Please don't blame me!"

Tianzi Yin frowned slightly, and turned his gaze to Su Changge's direction, "Is that you?"

He is just a dharma body, and his spiritual perception is slightly lacking, but he still perceives Su Changge's extraordinaryness.

"This man is not simple."

"However, the contemporary young generation is after all an unpopular generation, so it can be suppressed!"

Tianzi Yin made up his mind, and said to Su Changge in an orderly tone: "First, hand over the bone sea magic flute."

"Second, did I kill you, or did you kill yourself!"

Hearing the words, Gui Qi felt even more admiration for the adults he followed!

So domineering!

But Su Changge laughed upon hearing this: "Let me kill myself?"

With his hands behind his back, he walked slowly towards Son Yin.

Every time he took a step, the spiritual pressure in that area became heavier and heavier, and even the law was whining and trembling!

"People in the world always say that Su is crazy, but now, someone is crazy enough to be on Su's head."

"It's true that crickets don't know their age."

Speechless, Su Changge urges the innate holy body dao embryo!

Several big visions in the void are coming from the sky!

The Immortal King is coming to the Nine Heavens!

The ancient god mountain came out!

Halloween worship!

The gods and demons kowtow!

Blessings of the four beasts!

Then, Su Changge's right-hand Dragon Elephant's Prison-Suppressing Power gathers together, and this world seems to be suppressed by a mighty force!

"Dragon Elephant Sky Breaking Fist!"

This is Su Changge's combat technique that combines Longxiang's Prison-Suppressing Strength and Potianbaquan.

Relying on his super comprehension and heaven-defying talent, he deduced it countless times in his mind, and for the first time, the Dragon Elephant Potianquan showed its supernatural power!

In one breath, an incomparably majestic terrifying power was accumulated, but the breath alone caused cracks in the space!

boom! !

The incomparably dazzling divine light bloomed in the sky and the earth, Su Changge seemed to be in charge of the supreme universe alone!

That extreme power shattered the endless runes, and the power of the avenue emerged!

The entire secret realm began to shake violently, and the world seemed to be collapsing!

That incomparably turbulent force set off waves that stretched for tens of thousands of miles!

Everything will collapse in front of this, and will be wiped out in an instant.

"grown ups!!"

Gui Qi's face was pale, and the faith in his heart seemed to have collapsed.

She sensed that Lord Yin's dharma body aura had disappeared!

Gui Qi collapsed to the ground in disbelief, the surging air wave lifted her out again, and then slammed into the ancient wall fiercely.

But this time she didn't get up again, her eyes were blank.

The myth of immortality in her heart is known as the legend of the next generation of ghost kings.

It was shattered by Su Changge's blow!

Chapter 133 The bone sea vortex, the fragments of the Tong coffin of the third generation, and the trial of Tianji Island

At the same time, in Huangquan Realm, in a palace of Prison God Palace.

"Damn offal!!"


This roar caused ghost energy to surge for millions of miles around, and a terrifying black light burst out, sweeping the void.

"This voice is Lord Yin Tianzi!"

"What happened to make Master Yin so angry?"

The bodies of many Hell God Palace disciples who heard this roar trembled a little.

It was the first time for them to see Lord Yin Tianzi lose his composure like this.

inside the palace.

Yin Tianzi shattered the glazed jade platform in the hall with a punch, and his hair was disheveled at the moment, his eyes were red.

A large group of shivering maidservants were kneeling beside him, all of whom buried their heads deeply and dared not speak out.

Yin Tianzi was one step away from condensing the ghost king's body, but his dharma body was destroyed. At the critical moment, his soul was incomplete and the breakthrough failed.

Even the road base was badly damaged.

Moreover, the bone sea magic flute is also an extraordinary thing, and he also wants to use the bone sea magic flute to go to the depths of the endless bone sea.

That is where the legendary ghosts and gods obtained the chance against the heavens, and there is even a secret method in the legend that can further transform the power of the blood.

But now not only the Bone Sea Magic Flute has been taken away, but even his Dao Ji has been damaged by that person!

The hatred of destroying the foundation and seizing the treasure is irreconcilable!

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