"No matter who you are, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

A cold and murderous voice resounded all around.

The ghostly aura lingering around him even blended with the murderous aura, and even turned into substance, making him look like a young ghost king!

"Master, don't be angry. In fact, the road ahead has not been cut off."

A man wearing a black robe and a red ghost mask said respectfully: "It is rumored that there are traces of bone jade raksha flowers in the depths of Skull Island near the endless sea of ​​bones. I would like to lead a few brothers to pick them for the master."

"Relying on the master's potential, not only can he condense the ghost king's body, but it can also further stimulate the blood."

"At that time, the master will go out to suppress that ignorant boy and regain the Bone Sea Magic Flute. Everything is still under our control."

Emperor Yin pondered for a while, "Gui Yi, your plan is good, and this emperor has adopted it."

"My lord has a great reputation, relying on my lord's resourcefulness, even if my subordinates don't tell me, they will definitely come up with a way to deal with it." Gui Yi cupped his hands deeply.

Tianzi Yin nodded slowly, seemingly satisfied with Gui Yi's answer, and his frown slowly relaxed.

"Stinky boy, you dare to ruin this emperor's plan, I will make you experience hell-like pain!"

Yin Tianzi's eyes were cold, his killing intent lingered for a long time, and his dharma body was only [-]% of his strength.

He believed that if he did it himself, he could easily kill Su Changge!


On Su Changge's side, he already got the Bone Sea Magic Flute.

This is a very strange thing.

The body of the flute made of unknown bones is translucent and jade-white, exuding a faint white light.

There is also an unusually cold breath slowly overflowing from the seven neat blow holes, just holding it in the hand makes people feel a little creepy.

"The Magic Flute of the Sea of ​​Bone, according to the records in ancient books, if you play this flute in the endless sea of ​​bones in the underworld, there will be a ship of bone building, and the flute player can use this in the center of the endless sea of ​​bones..."

Su Changge murmured: "It is rumored that the ghost and god used this bone sea magic flute to obtain a great opportunity, and finally refined thousands of ghosts..."

But at this moment, the system's voice sounded again.

【Ding!A new option task has been detected, option [-]: enter the bone sea vortex, and open the bone jade white coffin.Reward: Fragment of the bronze coffin of the third generation.

Option [-]: Enter the bone sea vortex and strengthen the seal of the bone jade white coffin.Reward: Hatred of the Bone Sea Queen. 】

Su Changge was stunned, "The hatred of Queen Bone Sea?"

Hey guys, another multiple choice question!

Just like the resentment of the Remnant Immortal at the beginning, it gave him a headache.

Although the system didn't explain what the Empress of the Bone Sea was, the system task involving one of the four inconceivables in the Underworld would definitely not be easy!

"However, it is rumored that the copper coffin of the third generation is a treasure of heaven and earth, and is known as one of the oldest existences."

"It is also called the source of the heavens, and it can be said to be the creation of the world."

Su Changge thought secretly in his heart, but decided to go to complete the system task.

"Water comes to cover, soldiers come to block."

The water in this world is very deep, the Emperor's Road is just a process, and the Immortal World is just a starting point.

He always felt that his destiny was to go to the source of the world, the center of chaos.

"I've failed...and ruined my lord's body...it's over...everything is over..."

Ghost Seven sat on the ground blankly, trembling all over, his eyes blank.

After feeling Su Changge's gaze, she suddenly raised her head: "It's all you! It's all you!"

"The matter has come to this, no one should think about it!!"

As soon as the words fell, Gui Qi inserted the blood jade black stone into his heart in an instant!

Her face became even more distorted and ferocious, and the intense pain made her bend down in pain!

The blood jade black stone in her heart is crazily absorbing the original power of Gui Qi, and her body is shriveled up rapidly!

But Su Changge didn't stop him, he just watched this scene with a smile on his lips.

The value during life has been drained, so the value after death is to attract more big fish.

Finally, after the blood jade black stone has accumulated a powerful force!



With a loud noise, the majestic power spread wildly in all directions like blood waves!

This force made the raging black water outside even more crazy!

"Hahaha! Su Changge's mess will be left to you..."

But before Gui Qi could finish her complacency, she suddenly discovered that the corner of Su Changge's mouth still had a smile that everything was under control.

This made her original sarcasm disappear without a trace, replaced by endless coldness!

"Impossible! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Is this also your plan!?"

Su Changge still didn't answer, just a smile on his face.


Without any warning, Su Changge condensed into a big hand of golden mana, and slammed down towards Ghost Seven!

A golden tsunami surged, and even a little black air dissipated with the golden light!

"Xiaoqiang is really unbeatable."

Su Changge felt that at the moment he swung his palm, Gui Qi had a ray of soul teleport away through the secret method.

But Su Changge didn't care, rotten fish and rotten shrimp, even if they were given time to catch up with him, they would still be rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

Su Changge turned around and walked slowly towards the gate of the secret realm, "This trip, it's time to come to an end."

As Gui Qi asked before, is all this considered to be under his control?

It is, it is not.

For Tianji Island to truly descend into the world, it needs an opportunity.

And this time is a great opportunity.

He knew that the moment Tianji Island was born, that unknown force would definitely send top experts to suppress it.

But this involves another plan of Su Changge.

Tianji Island has long surrendered to him, and it has long been his property.

What is his identity?

The Son of God of Guiyuan Holy Land.

What is standing behind him?

Return to all the ancestors in Yuan Holy Land!


Ka Ka Ka!

At the same time, above the outer sky, the shady covering the entire Tianji Island even produced cracks like spider webs!

"Not good! The formation corroded by the black water is about to shatter!"

"It's over! If the magic circle protecting Tianji Island is broken, our Tianji Island will be completely finished!"

The expressions of many Tianji Island disciples who watched this scene changed drastically.

He wanted to use his own mana to repair the formation, but unfortunately things backfired!


In everyone's shocked eyes, the magic circle that had guarded Tianji Island for thousands of years shattered!

Fragments of the magic circle all over the sky turned into dots of starlight and slowly fell from the sky.

The bright and beautiful scene is like a meteor shower, but in the eyes of everyone on Tianji Island, it is like the despair of seeing the world for the last time.

Ka Ka Ka!

Nine days, the situation changed suddenly, and the clouds were dim!

Accompanied by a thunderbolt with a diameter of a hundred miles piercing the void!

boom! !

The thick cloud was torn apart, and a big hand that covered the sky was suppressed from above the cloud!

Just the terrifying power that emanates alone makes the sky howl!

The voice resounding like the power of judgment resounded through the world!

"Tianji Island despises the laws of the Dao and escapes the trial for thousands of years. This is treason!"

"Today, it will be destroyed!"

Chapter 134 Ancestor Jianxin, I am afraid that others will climb up to you

Everyone was stunned by this scene!

Not only the people from Tianji Island, Long Batian and many other ancient arrogances also stared blankly at the changes in the sky, and the terrifying power emanating from that big hand made their bodies tremble even more!

what the hell! ?

He is not from Tianji Island, why should he be suppressed and killed together?

It was fine when I came here, it’s fine now, I can’t go back!

But at this moment, something happened again.

"Since Tianji Island has already surrendered to God Son Changge of my Holy Land, is this your Excellency's move to despise my Guiyuan Holy Land?"

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