Looking in Su Changge's direction again, Patriarch Jianxin's eyes flashed with relief again.

"The little guy is much stronger than when he first joined the Guiyuan Holy Land. This speed of progress must be the only one in the ages or in the future."

"It's exciting, it belongs to your future."

Chapter 135 Erosion of darkness, the ups and downs of light and darkness, the continuation of immortals and demons

At the same time, in a mysterious place.

The power of the avenue here is rolling, and the richness is like the interpretation of the intertwined world of the avenue.

In a large hall, thirteen dragon and phoenix golden chairs surround a huge round table.

On these thirteen dragon and phoenix golden chairs, there are thirteen blurred figures with unfathomable auras.

At this moment, the atmosphere is a little dignified, and it seems very depressing.

The voice of a vicissitudes old man was the first to sound: "The jailer died. I think you all know the last news that Guiyuan Holy Land has intervened."

He paused and said again: "What should I do about this matter?"

The surroundings fell into dead silence again.

Although their strength is strong enough to call themselves the supervisors of the Dao, their strength is only within the range of the Three Thousand Dao Domain.

Moreover, they can't interfere too much with some mysterious top forces in the Three Thousand Dao Domain.

They actually don't know much about Guiyuan Holy Land.

According to the information they have, the Guiyuan Holy Land seems to appear suddenly in the Three Thousand Dao Domain.

"Continue to act according to the plan. As for the Guiyuan Holy Land, the investigation is the first priority."

The vague phantom in the third seat said: "Let the Prison God Palace try to test it out."

"Isn't this inappropriate? If the Prison God Palace is destroyed, we will lose a chess piece." Someone worried.

But that phantom smiled lightly, "Don't worry, Three Thousand Dao Domain, do we still have few chess pieces?"

His eyes flashed sharply again, and he murmured: "Three Thousand Dao Domains, no one who subverts the rules is allowed..."


A cave in Tianji Island.

Du Fuzi, who was completely naked, crawled out of the cave in embarrassment.

He had found the blood of ghosts and gods and sensed the strong ghost aura.

However, the power brewed by the blood of ghosts and gods was too strong. He practiced Buddhism for several hours, but there was still nothing he could do.

When he finally wanted to give up.

Guess what?

Ghost blood exploded by itself!

If it weren't for practicing the Vajra Indestructible Body by yourself, it would really be gone!

"It's dangerous, the poor monk's penis is still there, if he is sent to become a nun by the host..."

He shuddered at the thought.

Looking in the direction of Tianji Tower again, his eyes showed a trace of deepness.

"This trip is unfavorable, so I have to go back and report to the Buddhist sect."

After saying that, Du Fozi walked out of Tianji Island.

However, what he didn't know was.

Because of the explosion of the blood of ghosts and gods earlier, there was a little strangeness in his spirit.

If Su Changge was here, he would definitely find it.

It was actually so similar to the Ghost Seven who was supposed to die before, it could even be said to be exactly the same...

As for the last hexagram of Tianji Island, Su Changge was not in a hurry to use it.

Even Tianji Island is in his pocket, and Bu Dao Dao can only do it anytime, anywhere.

Those stunned Tianjiao disciples woke up one after another, but their heads were drowsy, as if they had forgotten something important.

He just knew that the last hexagram fell into the hands of Su Changge, the god son of Guiyuan Holy Land.

"Su Changge... When I have condensed the complete bloodline of the Heavenly Tyrannosaurus, I will definitely kill you..."

Long Batian looked at the direction in which the flying boat in Guiyuan Holy Land was leaving, with a gloomy expression on his face.

For him, the only gain from this trip was the hatred for Su Changge.

However, Huang Luo felt a strange feeling in her heart, she turned around and looked at the Tianji Island which was once again hidden in the white mist, she always had a strange feeling in her heart.

"Forget it, compared to this, what people care about is Su Changge..."

Huang Luoxin frowned, that formidable strength has long been beyond the scope of the young supreme, and even some older generations may not necessarily be Su Changge's opponents.

"I have to go back and think about the long term."


Looking at the many arrogances who are drifting away.

Ancestor Jianxin had a smile on his mouth: "I didn't expect that your Tianji Island's methods of concealing people's eyes and ears are not bad."

The owner of Tianji Island was ashamed, cupped his hands and said: "It's all some low-level artifice, which makes adults laugh."

"That's it, let's go."

The owner of Tianji Island was a little puzzled, not knowing what the ancestor Jianxin meant by his words.

But the ancestor Jianxin made a sword finger and swiped towards the void!


The sky actually split open by itself!

The incomparable sword qi storm continuously criss-crossed in the cracks in space, and finally spun around and turned into a bright eye of the vortex!

What makes people feel frightening is that there is a strong teleportation power bursting out from the eye of the vortex, as if connecting to another world!


As a dazzling light enveloped Tianji Island, the whole Tianji Island began to roar and tremble violently!

In the end, it was lifted up by that force, suspended in the air, and flew towards the center of the eye of the vortex!

"Sword Qi can actually open up such a huge portal!?"

The owner of Tianji Island looked horrified, as if he couldn't believe this scene.

It turned out that what the world feared.

It's just a corner of Guiyuan Holy Land!


After returning to Guiyuan Holy Land, Su Changge decided to retreat and practice again.

This time he also had a full harvest, and there were two big leeks waiting for him to harvest.

"The sky overlord body, the sky overlord dragon?"

But compared to this, the Longevity Dao Bone in front of him made him look forward to it even more.

"Extract the longevity bone."


As Su Changge's words fell, a golden streamer emerged from the void and penetrated into Su Changge's body instantly.

[Longevity Dao Bone: To find longevity, to find the way of heaven, the original source of aura in the world is transformed, completely different from the category of physique, and has become a brand new existence, the origin of longevity, and the meaning of fairy into rhyme. 】

"Different from the category of constitution?"

However, Su Changge didn't care. If there was a conflict with his physique, the system would surely give a hint.

"Fusion of longevity bone."

Following Su Changge, his thoughts moved slightly.


The light cluster instantly merged into Su Changge's body!

There are ancient small characters around it, exuding a faint light, as dazzling as stars!

His Zhou Shen has even more majestic devouring power, forming one vortex after another, like a chaotic abyss, full of strange confusion and nothingness.

Spiritual energy swarmed in even more.

Soon, in these chaotic vortexes, phantoms of immortals and Buddhas began to gather, and the sound of ancient and long chanting was even more heavy and desolate.

It seems to be passed through the long river of space and time!

But right now.

The devouring vortex triggered by devouring the holy body erupts with strange dark power, among which is the cold and dark death energy!

"Damn it! The dead energy absorbed by devouring the holy body before has been eaten back!"

At this moment, Su Changge is in the critical stage of fusion, this kind of mistake is very likely to be fatal!

"If it is interrupted now, maybe it will have even more terrifying consequences, so we can only fight!"

Su Changge became cruel, and mobilized the divine power of the innate holy body and dao embryo, and began to suppress the surging ghost energy.

But for some unknown reason, the Longevity Dao Bone resonated with the ghost energy, and under the buzzing, the raging ghost energy became even more violent!

The storm of ghost energy, like a torrent of world destruction, kept stirring the divine sea in Su Changge's body.

puff! !

This time, Su Changge even spurted out a mouthful of blood.

There was severe pain in the body.

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