It's like smashing one's internal organs into a space storm!

If the will is weak, he would have passed out long ago!

But Su Changge still didn't give up, relying on his powerful talent, he kept fighting against this inexplicable force!

Whenever the injury improved, the suppression began again!

ten times!

A hundred times!

Thousand times!

Ten thousand times!

Finally, after a few hours.

The roaring longevity bone gradually calmed down.

But before Su Changge was happy, a thick darkness burst out from the bones of longevity!

What's weird is that the black substance doesn't have any mana fluctuations, doesn't have any breath of life, and it doesn't look like any supernatural power remains!

The thick and strange black light instantly drowned Su Changge.

The originally bright and crystal-clear longevity bones seemed to be eroded by black ink!

It is even dyed with black lines, and the black lines reveal thick evil and deep darkness!

It seems to be the ups and downs of light and darkness, the continuation of immortals and demons!

Chapter 136 Great Nirvana, Magic Light of Void, Immortal Ancient World

But at this moment, in the depths of Su Changge's divine source, there seemed to be endless rays of light erupting, like the majestic purple energy purifying all things in chaos!

The sacred aura is coiling and suppressing towards the longevity bone.

It seems to purify the evil spirits that dare to attack.

The black inscription lingering on the longevity bone gradually dimmed, but it still exuded a palpitating aura.

Pure, nothingness, dead silence!

Even Su Changge felt the difficulty, the palpitation of life and death, and couldn't help frowning.

"It's unspeakably weird, why is there such a contradiction in the world?"

"Can the breath of immortals and demons coexist?"

Su Changge said to himself, gradually feeling the silence, like standing alone under the starry sky, but the surroundings are desolate.

At the same time, Su Changge also stimulated the magic power in his body, and the countless dao rhymes and clever ideas born from the innate holy body dao embryo, carrying the truth of the great dao, began to emerge crazily at this moment!

Wisps of sacred meaning emanated from the depths of Su Changge's body, covering it with complicated and mysterious meanings.

With the suppression of the innate holy body dao embryo, the strange power on the longevity dao bone began to show signs of dissipating.

It's like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun.

And Su Changge's body is full of brilliant divine light, like a young fairy king fighting against the dark tide with the light of ten thousand dao!

And Su Changge was frowning at this moment, his face was covered with sweat.

But his whole person is also undergoing tremendous changes.

For a while, the fairy spirit is bright, transcendent and refined, like a banished fairy from the nine heavens.

After a while, the demonic aura was strong again, weird and evil, like a demon god climbing up from the Nine Nether Hell!

The ups and downs of light and darkness are like immortals and demons, and the Longevity Daogu is also in constant chaos because of this.

Finally, half an hour later.


With the last ray of radiant light from the innate holy body dao embryo, the darkness on the longevity dao bone slowly dissipated.

However, Su Changge still felt a strange feeling.


Suddenly, there was a change in the Longevity Dao Bone, and the blood with a chaotic color flowed from it, and the black magic light burst out again, emptiness and extreme!

At the same time, one after another divine thoughts were introduced into Su Changge's mind, causing his expression to change a little, and he couldn't help sighing.

Good luck and bad luck!

I saw two divine lights, one black and one white, surrounding the bone of immortality at this moment, just like the reincarnation of the avenue, and the reincarnation of all living beings.

One thought of nothingness, one thought of new life.

"Great Nirvana Magic Light!"

This was the message that came to his mind.

Control the power of nothingness and death.

Under the magic light, everything is dead and silent, and everything is nothingness.

Compared with the Innate Saint Body Dao Embryo's inheritance of supernatural powers and the light of extinguishing gods, this magic light of great silence and nothingness is not far behind.

Another idea came to Su Changge's mind.

"If you combine the light of God Extermination with the magic light of Great Nirvana, it will produce..."

But he still shook his head, doing so would be dangerous, who knows what consequences would result from doing so?

What's more, he has not achieved the status of a saint yet, but with his innate holy body, dao embryo and devouring holy body, he has the confidence to sweep away the strong saints.

Now that he has the bone of longevity again, he is more confident to fight against even the great saint!

For the younger generation, I am afraid that there is no existence that allows him to release such destructive moves.

"There's a lot to do next."

"The Bronze Temple, the Endless Sea of ​​Bones, the Immortal World.... Hunting the Celestial Overlord...."

Su Changge pondered slowly: "The Heavenly Overlord Body and the Heavenly Overlord Dragon Bloodline can no longer be integrated into my body, I must first find a way to solidify the Dharma Body of Changqing Huashen Jue."

He was going to condense a complete dharma body, and then integrate the blood of the Celestial Tyrant Dragon and Celestial Tyrant Body into it.

From now on, I don't need to do anything myself, just stand back and let my Fa body.

The combination of the Celestial Tyrannical Body and the Celestial Tyrannosaurus Dragon, isn't that a child with one punch?

"But condensing the Dharma body requires a lot of energy and blood."

"Where should I find this..."

Su Changge pondered for a while, his eyes lit up slightly, didn't he still have Tianji Island, a magic weapon for fortune-telling and treasure-hunting?

He took out a precious mirror inlaid with the divine jade of space from his bosom.

After adjusting the angle, through the refraction of the light, a portal of space transmission is suddenly formed.

After Su Changge stepped through the space portal, he was already on the third floor of No.30 of Tianji Building.

This space mirror is engraved with a mysterious and ancient formation, which can only be quickly teleported between the Tianji Buildings, and other teleportation methods cannot be used.

"Greetings, Lord Son of God."

Seeing Su Changge, the owner of Tianji Island was not surprised and said respectfully.

But if you look carefully, there is less unnaturalness in the depths of his eyes, and more awe.

The Holy Land of Guiyuan is too terrifying, and Su Changge's talent background is also too terrifying!

"If I ask you to test a very mysterious place of opportunity, how sure are you?"

The owner of Tianji Island was taken aback, as if he hadn't expected Su Changge's sudden question.

However, he still answered honestly: "It depends on what kind of opportunity Changge Shenzi needs to investigate."

"It's related to the fairy in the myth."

The owner of Tianji Island was silent for a while when he heard the words, and then gave Su Changge a weird look.


records in mythology.

The legendary immortal monk.

If he hadn't known about Su Changge's talent background, he would have really regarded Su Changge as an idiot living in a dream.

"If it's God Son Changge, the old man may be able to guess if there is a token about this place of opportunity, but it will take a long time."

Su Changge's eyes lit up slightly, another surprise.

He originally thought that the most he could do was to find a clue, but he didn't expect the other party to be able to deduce it.

Sure enough, it's not bad to accept some younger brothers who do odd jobs!

"It's okay, let's take a look at this thing, can it be used as a token?"

Su Changge took out a ball of shining light and pushed it towards the void.

The secret key of Xianzang sprinkled streams of starlight in the air, and slowly fell towards the owner of Tianji Island.

"God Son Changge, this is!?..."

But when the owner of Tianji Island saw the ball of light for the first time, his face was excited and flushed, as if he had seen something extremely sacred and supreme!

With trembling hands, he slowly caught the falling light ball.

I almost burst into tears!

That stalwart aura even made him feel his own insignificance, which was the rhyme of breaking away from the mundane world and transcending the world.

That's recorded in the myth, fairy spirit!

After living for so many years, he has always heard about it, but he has never seen it, let alone experienced it himself!

But now, the legendary item related to immortals is in his palm!

How can this make him not excited?

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