Seeing the appearance of the old Tianji Island Master, Su Changge also shook his head with a wry smile.

It turns out that what I have been immune to for a long time is so supreme in the eyes of others?

This may be because I swim in the ocean of gold every day, not knowing how rich I am.

"By the way, I still need a world full of qi and blood. There should be a fairy world to be opened recently, right?"

"Can the island owner speculate on a world of Immortals with strong energy and blood?"

Su Changge's words brought the owner of Tianji Island, who was obsessed with observing the secret key of the fairy store, back to reality.

"Oh... oh... of course!"

"Please wait a moment, God Son Changge!"

As if his potential had been aroused, the process of divination and Tao testing was faster than Su Changge imagined!

It's just that the owner of Tianji Island sent a miraculous object, read out an obscure formula, and through a series of complicated methods, quickly handed over a coordinate position to Su Changsinger.

"God Son Changge, this is the Immortal Ancient World that best meets your needs."

"This jade slip also contains general information about this world. It is probably similar to the existence of the mainland. Please pay more attention to it, Son of God."

"If nothing happens...I..."

The owner of Tianji Island looked at the secret key in his hand, and then at Su Changge.

There seems to be a kind of impatient eagerness.

Su Changge shook his head and smiled, it seemed that the secret key of the fairy store really aroused the silent passion of the other party.

After some explanation.

Su Changge returned to Guiyuan Temple again.

He began to study the jade slips carefully with his spiritual sense.

A quarter of an hour later, Su Changge frowned slightly.

"This Fangxian Ancient World is a boundless continent named Tianluo Continent. The aura used to decorate it is different from that of the Three Thousand Dao Realm. Cultivators are born with special mana imprints."

"It's called the embodiment of spiritual energy, and it's called Dao ring by the monks in Tianluo Continent?"

"The strongest use the Dao ring of the ancient alien beast as the Dao foundation, resist the power of the alien beast, transform the spiritual energy and fight the sky..."

Su Changge pinched his chin, and there was a hint of playfulness at the corner of his mouth.

"So, maybe there are big leeks there too?"

Chapter 137 Appeared one after another, the ancient world of Immortals opened, and the careful thoughts of various forces

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Su Changge and his party have already set off to the Dao Domain where the Immortal Ancient World is located.

All the forces knew that Su Changge, the god son of Guiyuan Holy Land, got the last hexagram, and all the forces were paying close attention to Su Changge's whereabouts.

So not long after Su Changge left, many big forces sent young disciples of their own forces to follow him from afar.

"It's obviously the last hexagram obtained by Lord Shenzi, so why should I be smeared by these people?"

Gu Linger pouted and muttered.

Su Changge shook his head with a smile, and said, "When the Immortal Ancient World was born, there would have been a lot of commotion."

"After that, there will also be many forces coming."

In fact, he really didn't care, was that a monk who came to compete?

That's all good leeks for giving him benefits!

Besides, he wanted the last hexagram of Tianji Island for the clues of the Bronze Temple.

In the process of waiting for the fairy world to open.

Mighty monks appeared one after another, the fairy mist rose and fell in the sky, and all kinds of gorgeous mounts pierced through the void.

There is a strange beast that looks like a black bull and is covered with scales.

There are also Peng birds flying around with lightning lingering.

Huge flying boats block out the sky and the sun.

The mighty warship is magnificent.

The above disciples are all young disciples sent by various sects, among them there are many figures of young supreme beings and even ancient freaks.

But it's the same as before.

There is no sign of the older generation among them.

The Golden World is originally the stage for the younger generation. If the older generation makes a move, then the younger generation will have no room to grow. This is also the default rule of all sects and sects.

However, they did not deliberately approach the area of ​​Guiyuan Holy Land.

Because the momentum in that area is too great.

A large group of powerful young supreme beings, just standing there looks like a god, a man of pride.

And the person in the head has a handsome face, a slender and tall figure.

The star crown in feather clothes and the white robe with wide sleeves make it even more extraordinary and refined.

The large group of followers surrounded him like stars and the moon.

All of them are majestic, imposing like a rainbow, their qi and blood fluctuate extremely astonishingly, and their bodies are shrouded in dazzling brilliance.

"Is this the legendary son of Guiyuan Holy Land, Su Changge..."

"Presumably only the best of those ancient freaks dare to compete with it."

Some Tianjiao who had never met Su Changge sighed.

That breath really made them daunting.

Click! !

At this moment, the sky split open strangely, like an inexplicable big crack appeared in the space.

Accompanied by the surging sunlight, they could vaguely see the scene inside.

There are stretches of ancient mountains stretching as far as the eye can see.

One after another, towering and majestic, ancient and extraordinary, the whole body is greenish brown, but there are also fairy mountains showing colorful colors, which make people feel a little gorgeous.

Among them are the figures of many strange beasts, with strange shapes and different shapes.

The aura they exude is very strange, presumably it is the existence of the so-called soul power in Tianluo Continent.

But among the many arrogances in the Three Thousand Dao Domain, there were a few figures staring at Su Changge's direction.

"Fortunately, the ancestor gave me the last drop of the blood of the Celestial Tyrannosaurus. Although the power of the bloodline is not stable, it is enough to deal with Su Changge!"

Looking at Su Changge's back, the corners of Long Balong's mouth rose slightly, as if he had regained the peak confidence he had just born.

Standing not far from him, Huang Luoxin, who was wearing a cloud-patterned red robe, cast a disdainful glance at Long Batian: "This Long Batian is probably going to give Su Changge benefits again."

"Fortunately, this time the Phoenix Lord sent many young supreme beings to go with me, first to test Su Changge's strength, if this trip can kill Su Changge in one fell swoop..."

Although she lost her memory about Patriarch Jianxin last time, she knew about Su Changge's terrifying strength.

Moreover, Guiyuan Holy Land once said that the older generation is not allowed to participate, and others are free.

It's not too much to think of a way to unite with many Tianjiao to kill Su Changge, right?

"Amitabha, son of Zhan Buddha, that is the long song benefactor I told you earlier."

Du Fuzi said to the people around him.

I saw that it was a monk with a resolute face and wearing a black robe with a dragon pattern.

What made people even more concerned was that he was carrying a stick-like object on his back, but it was wrapped in a bundle of white cloth with black scriptures written on it.

Especially the power of qi and blood, just standing there, is like an arhat fighting against the sky and the god of war.

"Really? I want to see if I'm as amazing as you said."

Zhan Fozi said lightly.

But what made him feel more concerned was Du Fuzi beside him.

As a born warrior, his intuition has always been accurate, and he always felt that Du Fuzi had a strange feeling.

In a corner of the crowd, there was a flying boat made of dead wood floating in the air.

But it is such an inconspicuous flying boat, but there are a group of young talents with terrifying aura standing inside.

One of them was even an old acquaintance of Su Changge before.

Ye Bucai is known as the face king by everyone.

But at this moment, like so many Tianjiao, he knelt down on one knee, buried his head deeply, and did not dare to look up at the young man sitting on the highest place.

"Ye Bucai, the Su Changge you're talking about is the young man in white in Guiyuan Holy Land?"

Hearing Chu Changqing's question, Ye Bucai shivered: "Yes... yes... he killed Daozi Ge Jingyun..."

Ye Bucai swallowed, and continued: "He said that if senior brother wants to avenge Ge Jingyun, he can find him at any time..."

Hearing this, the surroundings fell into silence.

Many disciples of the Tianshan Sect were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe, but he knew the temper of the number one disciple, Chu Changqing!

He obviously looks like a scholar, but when he gets angry, he is extremely cruel!

"good, very good!"

Chu Changqing laughed angrily: "Since Daozi woke up, this is the first time someone dared to provoke me like this."

"It's also the blood of the Holy Physique. I want to see how far the Innate Holy Physique Dao Embryo, which once ranked first on the Eucharist list, is different from my Celestial Overlord Physique!"

boom! !

Terrifying power of qi and blood gushed out, but the coercion alone was like a mountain of gods suppressing everyone's heart!

And Chu Changqing is like an overlord sitting on the throne at this moment!

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