But then he put away his power.

"This game needs to be played slowly."

"I hope that the Son of Changge won't disappoint me too much."

He led the young Tianjiao of the Tianshan Sect to come here, and he chose this flying boat because he didn't want to attract too many people's attention.

Entering the Immortal World in this secret way will often yield unexpected results.


As the breath of the ancient world leaked out, more and more forces were attracted.

Shi Xiaocang, whose whole body was golden and shining like gold, also came.

The harvest of the previous Secret Realm of Return to the Ruins made him break through to the peak of the Great Energy Realm at this moment.

However, his eyes were also fixed on Su Changge's position, and there was a strange ripple in his eyes.

"This guy is even stronger, if he lets me be his mount again..."

"Then should I give him a ride?"

Some clansmen behind him even changed their complexions when they heard the words.


Since their lord came back last time, he has become a monster!


And at this time, thousands of glows burst out from the crack!

Like layers of space barriers shattered, the terrifying gust of wind seems to be able to tear people apart.

"The Immortal Ancient World is open!"

Chapter 138 Rebirth of the Head of Another World

The Tianluo Continent is vast, with majestic mountains, forming an endless mighty dragon.

It's like a completely different world.

The breath is simple and has a strong power of blood, as if it gave birth to all living beings in the world.

There is a thick white mist floating between the sky and the earth.

In addition, there are many strange beasts walking in Tongtian Forest.


Today, there are waves of ripples above the void.

A portal of light appeared, and countless monks with divine light came out of it.

They are all young supreme beings of various orthodoxy in the Three Thousand Dao Domain.

But they didn't communicate at all.

After choosing a direction, they will meet up with their respective disciples.

This is to avoid encountering other forces prematurely and being defeated one by one.

After all, when they got here, their enemies were not only their peers, but also the aborigines here.


A place of plains.

Ripples appeared above the void.

A figure in white clothes suddenly appeared, followed by countless disciples with powerful auras.

"Is this the Tianluo Continent?"

Su Changge smiled lightly, looking at the area in front of him.

It is a plain.

The terrain is flat, and there is an emerald-like lake in the distance, exuding an aura of heaven and earth, very similar to the aura of the three thousand realms.

There is also a giant crocodile with blue scales in the lake, as strong as a black bull.

It seems to be absorbing the air of heaven and earth.

Seeing this, Su Changge flicked his fingers, and a ray of divine light roared out from his fingertips!

Instantly tear that giant crocodile into pieces!

Maybe the giant crocodile didn't understand until it died, so it just basked in the sun, what happened?

What surprised Su Changge was that after the death of the giant crocodile, the aura stayed together for a long time, slowly forming a circle of blue aura, like a special mark.

"It seems that this is the Dao Ring of Tianluo Continent?"

"Blue is the basic spirit ring, orange is the high-quality spirit, white is the ultimate spirit, and black is the super spirit..."

After absorbing this spirit ring, Su Changge murmured: "Compared with the alien beasts in the outside world, the alien beasts here focus on energy and blood. …”

"The dharma body of Changqing Huashen Jue must be condensed soon."

Su Changge pondered for a moment, and said: "My spiritual sense was aware of it before, and there seems to be a living thing responding in an area in the north."

"Let's go north."

The aborigines of the Immortal Ancient World must not be too bad, and it is inevitable that there will be an existence similar to the son of luck.

And this world also defaults to a rule, that is, the older generation can't make a move.

After all, it is not difficult to annoy the top forces in the Three Thousand Dao Domain and destroy this world.

This is extremely beneficial to Su Changge. Rather than saying that this is the Immortal Ancient World, it is more like his hunting ground.


at the same time.

In Tianluo Continent, there is a lot of people and traffic.

This place is called Qianfeng Empire.

In Qianfeng Empire, the sacred place that all cultivators dream of is Fenglin Academy.

In a classroom, a group of young men and women are listening, and a lecturer is explaining a practice treasure technique.

This lecturer was very young, dressed in a white robe, extremely beautiful, with thin powder covering his face, his skin was like creamy fat, and his hair was like clouds.

But what makes people feel novel is that the girl has a pair of animal ears on her head.

The snow-white animal ears are in sharp contrast with the long black hair, which seems to add a touch of exotic style.

However, the silk-like black leg socks on the legs are a little more charming, just like the beauty in the world.

At this time, she suddenly saw a teenager sleeping on the desk.

There was a trace of anger in the beautiful eyes.

"Tang Xuan, why are you sleeping in class again?"

Tianluo Continent is vast and boundless, and there are many orthodox forces in this world.

Their Qianfeng Academy is even called Tianjiao Academy, where there are many geniuses and heroes.

To put it bluntly, the boys and girls who can come here to practice are all talented people, and their future achievements will not be low.

But there is an exception in this classroom, and that is the little cousin in her family, Tang Xuan.

Many teenagers and girls also had sarcasm and disdain, looking down on the black-haired young man who was still lying on the table and sleeping soundly.

"This trash can actually come here to practice, it's a shame for us."

"It's nothing more than relying on the family background of the Tang family. If it weren't for Lecturer Wu'er, how could he be able to practice here?"

"I really feel sorry for Teacher Wu'er, to have such a cheap cousin."

Many teenagers and girls were talking in low voices.

Tang Xuan.

He is a well-known person in Fenglin Academy.

The disappearance of his father when he was young seems to have been a great blow, and he has not recovered since then.

But because of his status as the direct line of the Tang family, the three top families of the Qianfeng Empire, there is no need to worry about the resources for cultivation.

But because of his poor cultivation aptitude, he usually doesn't work hard at all, and often falls asleep in class, and is considered the number one waste of Fenglin Academy.

And his elder sister, Tang Wu'er, with the rabbit ears on her head, is the beauty of her pure heart Jade Rabbit bloodline.

The Jingxin Jade Rabbit can be said to be the most mythical beast in the Tianluo Continent. If it does not die young, it can easily condense a super-grade Dao ring.

Many heirs of great powers have pursued her, and it can be said that her future is limitless.

Comparing the two, one is like a phoenix above the nine heavens, and the other is like a pheasant flying in the wild forest in the mountains.

"Tang Xuan!"

Seeing that Tang Xuan was still sleeping soundly, Tang Wu'er's voice became louder, her face became colder, and she walked towards Tang Xuan quickly.

At this time, there seemed to be some loud movements, which woke up the boy.

"Ah! Jue Tianmen, I will come back again..."

Tang Xuan let out a scream, then raised his head suddenly, but his expression was a little confused, as if he was still asleep.

"here is?"

"who are you?"

Looking at the unfamiliar scene in front of him, Tang Hao murmured.

"Are you still going to Jue Tianmen? Hahaha! I'm afraid you are sleeping stupid?"

"Then I'll tell our young master Tang where this place is. This is Tianjiao Academy, Qianfeng Academy, and you are the number one trash in our academy!"

There was laughter all around.

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