Hun Cangyu couldn't believe it, he had clearly given his own treasure, why the other party refused to forgive him?

"If you kill me... the ancestors behind me will not let you go!"

As if feeling death, Hun Cangyu began to threaten his identity.

But Su Changge just smiled lightly, with no concern on his face.

"The law of the world is the law of the jungle. The greatest kindness of the Son of God is to give you death."

"Go with peace of mind, remember, the one who kills you is Dragon God Island, Dragon Batian."

After finishing the words, Su Changge raised his right hand and pressed forward.

The phantom of the real dragon roared out behind him!


Hun Cangyu's complexion was pale, but he instinctively used all the remaining power to seek the hope of living.

But in the face of this majestic aura, his broken body is still a mantis arm blocking the car, and the phantom of the real dragon is suppressed by the endless destructive aura!

"The Temple of Heavenly Soul will not let you go!!"

After Hun Cangyu let out a final unwilling roar.

The soul flies away, the body dies and the way disappears.

"Lead the way and enter the Beast God Forest."

Su Changge still looked indifferent, and instructed Tang Wuer.

"My lord...he has already begged for mercy...Why are you?"

Su Changge paused for a moment, but rolled his eyes slightly.


A ray of cold pressure mixed with death enveloped the world in an instant.

It's like falling into the ultimate ice field!

"Are you questioning the Son of God?"

This coercion was even more overwhelming. Tang Wu'er's heart trembled, and she couldn't even breathe. She felt that she was facing the wrath of a supreme fairy god!

"No...not! It's Wu'er who is being abrupt..."

Under this huge coercion, Tang Wu'er spoke with difficulty.

After a long time, Su Changge calmed down the coercion slowly, and continued walking towards the Beast God Forest.

"Do your part."

"If there is a next time, you know."

This sentence made Tang Wu'er tremble even more, if there was another time, she might die!

Ignoring Tang Wuer's trembling body, in Su Changge's view, she is just a "blank paper" that has not stepped into the world of cruel practice after all.

If it wasn't for the strength she needed in her body.

Su Changge will not be used to this kind of Holy Mother.

In his view, the world of practice can also be understood as a world of cannibalism.

There are many demon cultivators who kill people to seize treasures, exterminate clans, and even bloodthirsty and eat human flesh.

There can be principles, but never benevolence.


At the same time, in the central state of Tianluo Continent, there is a world full of outstanding people and aura.

"Damn it! Who killed my descendant of the Heavenly Soul Palace!!"

In one of the ancient palaces, there was a terrifying roar.

Looking for the reputation, it was a man in a black Taoist robe with dry, black and yellow skin.

He is the Lord of the Heavenly Soul Hall.

And this Hun Cangyu is one of his favorite students.

And he just sensed that the soul breath about Hun Cangyu was broken!

The soul breath is equivalent to the information between two monks. If the other party falls, the soul breath will be disconnected by itself.

The master of the Tianhun Temple calmed down his mood.

"I want to see who is so daring!"

He mobilized the soul ring in his body, and used an ancient calculation and backtracking technique to gather the trace of soul breath left by Hun Cangyu.

Then deduce and speculate through the secret treasure.

In a huge bronze mirror, there was white mist lingering, followed by a figure slowly solidified.

But he couldn't see his face and specific figure clearly, it was still a distorted shadow-like object.

"Huh? Why did the soul-returning mirror fail?"

Just when the Lord of the Heavenly Soul Hall was puzzled.

The figure in the mirror looked back slightly.


An aura that far surpasses this world erupts impressively!

That is the power that transcends all things and surpasses everything!

That figure just stood there, like the origin of all Tao, the source of all dharmas, and the interpretation of all things in the world, the sea and the stars!

This scene reminded the Heavenly Soul Hall Master of an extremely terrifying legend.

At that time, there is only one, unexplorable, unsearchable, and unmeasurable taboo in the long river!

"The heavens taboo...?"


At this moment, there was a thunder outside, and the divine thunder pierced through the nine heavens, and it even dyed this world into white light!

It seemed that the whole world was shocked by this, and people were panicked all of a sudden!


The Lord of Heavenly Soul Hall spit out a big mouthful of blood!

The soul power in his body rushed around like crazy, smashing his internal organs in an instant!


This intense pain made him let out a heart-piercing scream!


The guards outside rushed in in a hurry!

But they saw a scene that made them feel creepy!

Their palace master, one of the top figures in this world, has fallen in a pool of blood at this moment. His body has been greatly traumatized, and there are shocking cracks!

"Hall Master! What happened!?"

Several guards rushed forward anxiously, wanting to use their power to heal their palace master.

However, a scene that made them even more horrified appeared.

The 10-year soul ring of their palace master has been turned into powder and dissipated, and all the meridians in the body have been broken!

"What happened to the Palace Master!?"

But he no longer paid attention to the inquiries around him.

Just repeating the last voice heard.

"Sin...the chief culprit...the chief...Dragon God...Island..."

"Dragon... Overlord!!"

After the master of Tianhun Palace tried his best to spit out the last sentence.

Die from exhaustion!

Chapter 143 The Sacrifice of Alien Beasts, Strong?when suppressed by thunder

The master of Tianhun Temple was a top expert in the ancient world, but now he died for no apparent reason!

This is even more like a storm sweeping through the Dao Lineages of the Immortal Ancient World, and even some hidden world forces are shaken by it.

"The arrogance of the three thousand realms is not easy! It's really terrifying to let the Lord of the Heavenly Soul Palace die so carelessly!"

"I have inside information. I heard that the Lord of the Heavenly Soul Palace told the news about the mysterious Tianjiao before his death. It seems to be some kind of Dragon God Island... Long Batian!"

"I don't know where this person came from?"


The things here naturally reached the ears of Long Batian.

Of course, he certainly would not refuse anyone who came to show off, and he generously admitted that he did it himself.

But then another thing happened that made him say fuck it!

"Long Batian of Longshen Island, using tricks to trap my Heavenly Soul Palace Lord, this enmity is irreconcilable!"

"Anyone who provides clues to Long Batian will be rewarded with 100 Yuan of Immortal Soul Stone by Tianhun Palace! Those who harvest the head of Long Batian will be rewarded with 1 Yuan of Immortal Ancient Soul Stone!"

This reward order once again caused the Immortal Ancient World to boil.

Immortal soul stone, the unique ore in the immortal world, has a trace of immortal spirit, which can enhance the potential of monks.

1 yuan!

It is not difficult to wash the essence and cut the marrow to change the cultivation potential!

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