Therefore, there must be a brave man under the heavy reward, and countless aborigine monks, even the monks of the three thousand realms, began to have crooked thoughts about Long Batian!

As a result, Long Ba was hunted down every night, and every night was restless!

"Bastard! Who the hell designed to entrap me!?"

In a cave, the faces of the Tianjiao disciples in Longshen Island were covered with mud, and their expressions were extremely haggard. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were savages.

Long Batian was even more embarrassed by the ensuing pursuit during this period.

So that the spirit is always in a trance.

Moreover, the reason why the Temple of Heavenly Soul dared to order the pursuit and killing of the dragon clan of the top power in the Three Thousand Dao Domain was also emboldened.

After all, if the top powerhouses of the Dragon Clan want to enter it, it will definitely arouse the hostility of all the hidden forces in the Immortal Ancient World.

They are sure that the Dragon Clan does not have that courage!


At the same time, the Beast God Mountain Range.

Another burst of divine light exploded, and a strange beast died instantly, dropping out of a top-grade spirit ring.

The instigator of all this, Su Changge, killed countless strange beasts during this period.

The reason why it went so smoothly is thanks to the backer outside, Long Batian.

"It's all trash fish, what a waste of time."

Su Changge glanced at the top-grade Alien Beast Dao ring in his hand with disgust, and murmured.

These words can make Tang Wu'er on the side flustered in the wind, the beast of the best spirit ring!

Anyway, it is also the existence of the powerful realm of the Three Thousand Dao Domain. Is it really so unbearable?

"How far is it from the place you said?"

Su Changge asked Tang Wuer.

Along the way, he didn't know how many strange beasts he slapped to death, and there was never an existence that allowed him to make a second palm.

Those strange beasts are not fools either, for a master who swatts them like a fly, they can go as far as they can!

Those beasts who didn't listen to persuasion, all died!

"Front convenience is what adults are looking for..."

Tang Wuer replied in a low voice.

In fact, he still has a little thought of his own, because there are two good friends of hers in this beast god forest.

She met when she strayed into the Beast God Mountain Range when she was a child. The Qingcang Snake Python and the Giant Power God Ape are both alien beasts with super-level Dao rings.

When she just arrived at the Beast God Mountain Range, she had already sent a message by her own means, reminding her two good friends not to come out.

However, all of this was seen by Su Changge.

"Mortal wisdom."

As the two continued to go deeper, layers of fog gradually appeared around them.

The quiet forest, accompanied by hazy fog, seems to add a strange place.

Suddenly, Su Changge stopped.

Tang Wu'er, who stopped her and kept going, frowned slightly, as if she had sensed something.

"No, this breath fluctuates, it seems to be far more than the beast with the highest level of spirit ring..."

"Looking at the number, there are six of them...why are they all gathered here?"

Suddenly, he remembered a ray of information Tang Wuer introduced earlier.

"The alien beast of the super-high-grade spirit ring that was sealed countless epochs ago, the sacrifice of the alien beast?"

"Could it be..."

Su Changge's complexion changed a little.

Sure enough, when they got closer to the ruins shrouded in gray mist, there were several huge figures standing upright, like a mountain peak reaching the sky, and their eyes were like several rounds of blood moons!

The coercion is like a field, which is completely different from the strange beasts I have encountered before, but the breath it emits seems to make the earth rumble!

The leader is a ferocious beast that looks like a tiger, has a dragon's head, and is covered with golden scales.

Its body is hundreds of meters high, standing like a hill among the ruins, and a blood moon is his eyes.

In addition, beside him, there is a centipede with black wings and a tree demon with tentacles!

The black-thorned centipede was as thick as a mountain range, more than 2000 meters long, and its entire body was pitch black, as if cast from black iron nerves, lying quietly among the ruins.

On the other side, the Tongtian Tree Demon has a hideous and terrifying face in the trunk of the tree, and the tree vines that cover the sky are criss-crossing, plowing the earth out of deep ravines!

But the most frightening thing is that there is a huge mountain of white bones in the middle of the altar, and the aura that emanates is also a strange beast with a 10-year-old soul ring!

It seemed to be swallowed up by something, not even the remaining Yuan Ling was left.

However, on the altar, there were still two strange beasts lying in a pool of blood.

They are a huge boa constrictor and an ape with a body as strong as god's iron.

"Xiaoqing! Xiaobai!"

Tang Wu'er's complexion changed drastically. These are her two good friends, but they are already dying at this moment, and their lives seem to disappear at any time!

"To shut up."

Su Changge's cold words stopped Tang Wuer, who was originally emotional, instantly.

"Even if you rush out now, what can you do?"

"The impotent rage of the weak?"


Tang Wu'er's tightly clenched fists slowly loosened, and the rabbit ears on her head pulled down, as if she was very depressed.

All of Su Changge's words hit her sore spots. Apart from purifying the dark air, he seemed to be unable to do anything.

"My lord, I know you are very can please..."

However, Su Changge had already walked slowly towards those strange beasts at this moment.

Dressed in white clothes fluttering in the wind, his back is full of confidence and invincibility.

"However, you are lucky today, and these alien beasts are just in need."

"By the way, I solved it for you, but you have to find a way to repay this favor."

His principle of doing things is to take into account both sugar and slaps.

Doesn't this pull the rabbit into his own thief boat.

Saved her friend herself.

It's not too much to let her die for herself in the future, right?

"Huh? Who?"

The tiger-body dragon-headed alien animal in the lead seemed to sense Su Changge's aura, and shouted.

It is not uncommon for a strange beast with a super-level spirit ring to have cultivated a complete spiritual intelligence, and it is not uncommon to know the language of the human race.


Su Changge smiled lightly.

"Returning to the Holy Land of Yuan, Su Changge, I'm here to get your soul ring."

Su Changge just stretched out his right hand and raised it high towards his side, and his fingertips were surrounded by two strands of red and blue sword energy!

Like the frost and cold of the ages, like the scorching sun of the sun!

The intertwined yin and yang are like the light that cuts across the sky.


With divine light in Su Changge's eyes, he directed at the Tongtian Tree Demon first!

Countless sword qi turned into a bright sword light, with the sound of whistling, as if it was natural, it cut straight down from the sky!


The divine light soared, the sword energy crisscrossed, and the void trembled!

It seemed that even the Beast God Forest was split into two halves by this sword!

When the sword energy slowly dissipated.

The Tongtian Dryad has actually been divided into two halves, and the body is burning with fire, and the frost has condensed!

There is also an abyss-like crack starting from the Tongtian Dryad, which spans thousands of miles!

"The first one."

Until now, Su Changge's indifferent words resounded through the dead forest.

The weak will only be impotent and furious.

Strong?Suppress it with thunder!

Chapter 144 A sudden change, the blood dragon?Has the value of being a means of transportation

Until this moment, the thoughts of the other two beasts were brought back to reality!

Furious emotions flooded my heart instantly!

What a cruel human being!

Roar! !

The black-winged centipede was the first to attack. It didn't expect a tiny human monk to be so presumptuous, killing their companions without saying a word!

The already violent expression became even more violent and crazy!

He twisted his body a thousand feet and came crushing towards Su Changge!

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