"An ant may shake a tree and seek its own death."

Su Changge said softly, with a calm face, he just stretched out his finger again.

Cut again!

The radiant sword light was even worse, cutting across the void like a long river!

But this time the black thorn centipede had already kept an eye out.


The solid scales on its back are even more erected layer by layer, and there are more laws running on it, forming scale shields one by one.

Then the aura around it suddenly rolled, forming a purple vortex beside its body, like a sky-shattering cone!


In the end, the sword energy just made a loud noise. Although it didn't break the hard shell, it shattered a large piece of the scales on his body!

The remaining beast with a dragon head and a tiger body with a 10-year soul ring was not idle either, and also roared and rushed towards Su Changge!

The two horns on the top of its head are in a spiral shape, bursting out bursts of bright golden thunder light!

The figure is like a mountain, covering the sky and the sun!

Terrifying thunder gathered in the air and struck at Su Changge!

This strange beast is not only infinitely powerful, but also possesses a rare talent of thunder and lightning.


The movement here attracted the attention of people from a hundred miles around.

"What happened there? Couldn't this destructive thunder be a catastrophe?"

"Although this thunderbolt is powerful, it is far inferior to the Heavenly Tribulation, and it is completely different from the power of the law of the Three Thousand Dao Domain. It should be unique to this world."

Amid everyone's astonishment, another Tianjiao with long-term experience said: "This should be the explosive power of a beast with a super-level spirit ring in the ancient world. This strong spirit ring power cannot be mistaken."

"Extraordinary beasts with super-level spirit rings? Some of them are comparable to saints! Who is so bold to provoke such monsters?"

Some people tremble all over just by feeling the aftermath of this battle.

That power was so terrifying that it even made them feel their own incomparable insignificance.

However, there are also curious and daring people who have already used their supernatural powers and spells, and want to observe them for a while.

In a wine inn on a mountain path, a man wearing a straw hat and a black robe put down the wine glass in his mouth, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Huh? An incomparably strong sword spirit... Interesting... I didn't expect that besides my Luohe Sword Sect, there would be such a powerful swordsman in the younger generation?"

"Hahaha! Interesting! Interesting! Aotian will accompany me to learn a lesson or two."

"Little Er, check out!"

Wuji Aotian on the side is still capitalized "囧".

That's right, this man dressed like a Jianghu swordsman is his little uncle.

Also one of the four young sword masters of their Luohe Sword Sect, Ye Wuchen, was given the sword name, Hongchen Sword.

"Hey! This familiar smell...if nothing else happens, it's that guy Su Changge..."

"It's true that the gap is getting bigger and bigger. Why can't I compare to Su Changge when I swing my sword every day?"

Wuji Aotian sighed dejectedly, and quickly chased after the little uncle who was walking away.

The world is too dangerous to live with, so just be an ordinary bastard!


On the other hand, in the Beast God Forest, the battle continued.

Because of Su Changge's powerful strength, these two strange beasts pay more attention to tacit understanding when fighting together.

Use most of your aura as your own protection.

"Do you think that if you deepen your bastard, everything will be all right?"

Su Changge mobilized part of the blood of the holy body, urging the dragon elephant to shake the prison.

Suddenly, the void was enveloped by a mighty aura, and the strong wind set off huge waves!

At this time, Su Changge's figure disappeared in place, and appeared on top of the black-red centipede like a flash of divine light, and he punched down with a bang, as if it contained tens of millions of power!


The originally indestructible shell instantly turned into debris, and the head of the black-red centipede exploded!

Then he kept moving, turning fists into palms again.

Su Changge's body was shrouded in endless divine light, as if standing in another world, and behind him appeared a hazy stalwart figure!

Accompanied by Su Changge's movements, he slapped it with one palm!

Like the brilliance of the sun and the moon blooming in the world, everything will be turned into nothingness!

The huge beast with a tiger body and dragon head was firmly locked by this force, unable to avoid it, and finally showed a look of panic and despair!

But after all, he was powerless to resist, and before he could even utter the final scream, he instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist, stepping in the footsteps of the previous strange beast!

The mist of blood was misty, and the smell was pungent.

Some of the monks who had already arrived were even more frightened by this scene and stood still in place.

The white figure standing upright in the blood mist is like a god of death!

It was as if approaching him was a kind of blasphemy against him!

Just after Tang Wu'er settled down with her two friends.

The mutation popped up again.

The blood mist floating in the air seemed to be guided by an inexplicable force.

They all gathered together in one direction.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was pouring into a spring like an altar.

After all the blood mist in the air was absorbed, the stone slab that originally stood on the spring's eye burst into blood-colored light and shattered layer by layer!

"Jie jie jie....!"

"I! The blood demon dragon is finally free!!"


When the words fall, the array breaks.

A blood-colored beam of light rose from the ground, straight into the sky, and even dyed the floating clouds above the clouds into blood!


Immediately afterwards, a pitch-black figure slowly emerged from it.

It was a black dragon as black as ink.

The huge dragon wings are like the sickle of death, as if it can easily harvest the soul of any living being.

There is even a pair of huge horns on the top of the head, which are comparable to ancient bulls, and endless blood is lingering on them.

Especially those red pupils, full of bloodthirsty and fury, as if everything was just his food or prey!

"This... this is... a beast with a super high-grade spirit ring..."

"The legend is actually true..."

Tang Wu'er's complexion changed drastically. He had said before that a strange beast with a super-high-grade spirit ring was sealed in it.

In fact, she was skeptical at first, but the scene in front of her forced her to recognize this reality.

"Blood Demon Dragon!"

"Known as the beast of natural disasters in the ancient world, although its strength cannot alone destroy the top forces in the ancient world."

"However, ninety percent of the forces in the ancient immortal world are not out of breath!"

"And this blood dragon also has a talent that is extremely troublesome, blood recasting!"

"Even if one's own life dissipates and the body turns into nothingness, as long as a drop of blood remains in the world, it can recondense its own soul through this drop of blood."

"Finally, use the supreme power as an excuse to confuse others and dedicate blood to it, and the dragon will return to the world..."

Tang Wuer, who was paralyzed on the ground, kept muttering...

It was like feeling the breath of despair.

"Interesting, I said, why do these strange beasts come to sacrifice by themselves?"

"It turned out to be the rebirth plan set up by you guy."

The Blood Demon Dragon cast a contemptuous glance at Su Changge.

"So what if you know? You can't escape the fate of becoming my newborn tonic in the end!"

He could feel the extraordinaryness of Su Changge, if he could devour him, he would be able to return to the peak in no time!

Su Changge shook his head and smiled, "That's right, he has a rebellious personality, and he can be regarded as flamboyant in appearance, and the power of his bloodline is not bad."

"There is value in being enslaved."

Chapter 145 Concentrating the Sword Field at Your Own Mind

"Rampant junior, court death!"

The blood dragon was furious when he heard this.

What is my existence?

Tianluo Continent's only ultra-high-grade Dao ring beast, combined with its own special blood talent, can be said to be the overlord!

This insignificant human being in front of him actually wants to humble himself to be a slave?

Just looking for death!


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