Scarlet air billows from the mouth of the Blood Demon Dragon, and the rich smell of blood is as strong as a blood demon flower blooming in hell!


The scarlet dragon's breath whizzed out, making even more rumbling noises in the void!

But Su Changge didn't care at all in his eyes.

The seemingly powerful breath is nothing more than a tonic in his opinion.

Su Changge slowly raised his right hand facing the scarlet breath, and the rich devouring power kept intertwining and spinning, forming a dark vortex in his palm.

Devour Eucharist launched!


The huge roar was accompanied by a burst of scarlet light, as if the world was set off by a bloody storm!

But a jaw-dropping scene appeared!

The mighty scarlet light seemed to fall into an endless abyss, without even stirring up the slightest ripple!

"how is this possible!?"

"How could my breath have no effect at all!"

The Blood Demon Dragon was also refreshed by this scene.

His strength in the Three Thousand Dao Domain is also comparable to the existence of the Great Saint.

The human kid in front of him is obviously not a saint, so how could he block himself so easily?

Although I didn't use all my strength, it wasn't something a brat who hadn't even reached the Holy Land could stop it!

"Surprised? It seems to me to be expected."

Su Changge smiled lightly.

He knows best what his talent potential is.

If even such a small character can't be suppressed, then the system rewards pigs better than him!

Afterwards, Su Changge made another gesture of invitation.

"I'm invincible, you can do whatever you want."

This sentence made some onlookers gasp in fright.

"Isn't this young man too crazy? This is the blood dragon! How dare you provoke him like this?"

Some aborigines who didn't know Su Changge's strength showed sarcasm: "It's really courting death. It's obvious that the blood demon dragon didn't use all its strength just now, and it still angered the other party. It's simply stupid!"

"Hahaha! The pride of the three thousand realms? I don't think he is more than a reckless man!"

Some of the three thousand Daoyu Tianjiao who had been favored by Su Changge retorted aloud.

"Son of God, Changge, can you natives understand?"

"That's right, if the son of Changge is a fairy god, you are humble ants crawling on the ground, and you don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!"

Su Changge, as the No. 1 of the contemporary young generation in the Three Thousand Dao Domain, is obvious to all of them about his strength.

The Blood Demon Dragon laughed angrily when he heard Su Changge's words.

"Hahaha! I don't know how many eras I have traveled across the Luo Continent, and this is the first time I have heard such a brazen human being!"

"I'll let you know what a stupid decision it would be to provoke me!"

The dragon's roar shook the sky.

The blood demon dragon fully unfolded its sickle-like wings, and bloody lines ran vertically and horizontally on the dragon's wings, like veins of blood in the dark night.

The huge faucet raised its head even higher, and the huge horn like an ancient bull was like the center of the sky and the earth, and the blood energy permeating the space was even more crazily gathered.


As the pair of dragon horns bloomed with a more dazzling red light, bursts of aura like waves swept out from them!

This bloody storm destroyed and broke a large area of ​​ancient trees around it like a rotten one.

In an instant, the world turned into flying sand and rocks.

"That will be the first feast of my rebirth, you bug!"

The Blood Demon Dragon grinned ferociously.

The dragon horns and dragon wings emit scarlet light at the same time!

It was as if all the blood in this world had been drawn away, frantically gathering towards the blood dragon, and finally formed a huge blood ball in front of its chest!

"Blood falls to the stars!"

After a burst of fiery red light, the huge blood cell exploded suddenly!

It turned into countless pillars of blood light that traversed the void, and then turned into phantoms of blood dragons, roaring towards Su Changge with their bloody mouths open!

Above the sky, it is even more densely filled with a large area!

Just the power she exudes alone is daunting!

But Su Changge uttered the word calmly, "Ning."

The moment the words fell, the power of space in this world seemed to be imprisoned by an inexplicable force.

Maybe others didn't notice anything.

But the young sword master of the Luohe Sword Sect in the crowd, wearing a coir hat, was completely surprised!

"Sword Domain!?"

"It's actually reached the realm of freedom and freedom..."

The realm of sword intent recognized by the Three Thousand Dao Domain.

The first state: into the sword.

The second state: mind training.

The third realm: the unity of man and sword.

Fourth Realm: Feel at ease.

And the legendary fifth realm: turning heart into sword.

The so-called free mind is based on the monk's mastery of the way of the sword, what the heart reaches, and what the sword produces, it can also be said to be a higher level of existence of the sword heart.

As for turning the heart into a sword, that didn't belong to the category of swordsmanship before. Using the heart as a guide, gathering gods and turning the sword, everything in the world is the way of the sword.

This realm is also known as entering the mortal world, the mortal sword, and the end point of the real strong must be to return to the original.

However, Su Changge is obviously a monk with a powerful bloodline of the Eucharist.

Why is even the swordsmanship talent so powerful?


At the same time, on the battlefield.

The phantom of the blood dragon all over the sky stopped at the moment when it broke into Su Changge's sword domain!


Following Su Changge snapped his fingers!

The blade of sword energy hidden in the void erupted suddenly, and almost before everyone reacted, it cut countless times in the void!

When everyone reacted.

The phantoms of blood dragons all over the sky dissipated layer by layer like wind and sand, turning into fine powder-like dust and floating in the air!

The visual effect of this scene even shocked the numb scalps of everyone!

No one could see what was going on!

They only know that the full blow of the blood dragon has been resolved!

It was still easily resolved!

"You... who the hell... are you!?"

The Blood Demon Dragon was finally a little scared, and even unconsciously stepped back half a point.

It is very clear how much power it has just used, but it has seen the end.

Totally vulnerable!

But Su Changge didn't answer it, just said coldly: "Surrender, or."


The murderous intent of the last word turned into substance, like a blade hanging over everyone's head!

That extreme murderous aura made their hearts tremble even more!

However, the Blood Demon Dragon still raised his head, and said bravely: "How could I, the mighty Blood Demon Dragon..."

But it hasn't finished talking yet.


A sword light suddenly cut out from the void, like a shooting star piercing the night!

The speed was so fast that only the afterglow of the sword energy left behind afterimages in the air!


A giant horn of the Blood Demon Dragon snapped and hit the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust!

far away.

The gigantic mountain thousands of feet high made rumbling noises, and a slanted sword mark burst into bright light from halfway up the mountain!

Then the giant mountain collapsed, setting off a billow of smoke!

On the other hand, on Su Changge's side, he was holding out his right hand, making a sword finger with his hand.

A seat in white clothes chattered.

There is even a trace of sword intent rising in the cold eyes!

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