"You still have three breaths to reconsider."

There was a deathly silence all around.

Looking at the figure in white, they didn't even dare to breathe!

Who didn't know that this was Su Changge's blatant threat?

Life and death seemed to be in his mind!

Simply overbearing!

Chapter 146 The demeanor of that sword, the way of cutting, joining the way, cutting

And this sword completely destroyed the last trace of luck of the Blood Demon Dragon!

It has a hunch that if it doesn't make a decision, the next sword will definitely accept itself!

"If a man can bend and stretch, isn't he a slave?"

"I! I did it!"

This sentence stunned some of the surrounding aborigines!

You are a super alien beast that roams the Tianluo Continent!

The natural disaster in the world's population, Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death!

Just give in like that?

But the facts have been settled, and the blood demon dragon restrained his breath, lowered the dragon's wings, and buried his head deeply in the direction of Su Changge.

"It doesn't look stupid."

Hearing Su Changge's words, the Blood Demon Dragon rolled his eyes angrily.

After all, it has wandered around the Immortal Ancient World for so many years, just at that moment, it really felt like facing death directly!

Who knows what else this human being can do?

His innate blood vessels don't work?

"However, you are missing a dragon horn, and your aura is a little bit less, why don't you just forget about it?"

The Blood Demon Dragon's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and he hurriedly explained: "My lord! The horns on my head will grow again!"

Are you kidding me?

I just surrendered to this human being, and the other party actually wants to despise me?

"Shenzi Changge's swordsmanship is outstanding, which makes me admire him very much. Can I have the honor to learn it?"

At this time, a man's voice came from the crowd.

"Oh? Luohe Sword Sect?"

Su Changge raised his brows and looked at the person who spoke. Beside the person stood an acquaintance of his, Wuji proud of the sky.

"Eh... long time no see, God Son Changge..."

Wuji Aotian smiled awkwardly. To be honest, if he could, he really didn't want to meet Su Changge for the rest of his life.

It can be said that every time you meet Su Changge, you will encounter that kind of big event, which is not a good thing for him, King Gou.

Ye Wuchen smiled heartily: "Ye Wuchen has heard the name of God Son Changge for a long time, and seeing it once is better than seeing it once, and God Son Changge is really extraordinary."

"Except for good wine in Ye's life, he likes to learn sword skills with others the most. I wonder if God Son Changge can learn sword skills with me?"

Su Changge knew it in his heart.

The four young sword masters of the Luohe Sword Sect were also well-known arrogance in the past.

King Quan Sword, Fengshuang Sword, Overlord Sword, and Hongchen Sword are the names of the swords of the four young sword masters.

Among them, Wang Quan Sword is the strongest, and is even known as the first sword in the sky of the younger generation, and even has the record of beheading two saints with a sword.

As for the Red Dust Sword, he loves fine wine, and was once called the "Wine Sword Immortal" by the world.

Su Changge pondered for a while, and then said: "Since that's the case, let's fight!"

The top swordsmanship in the Three Thousand Dao Domain is the Luohe Sword Sect, and this young sword master can be regarded as a good sword sharpening stone.

"Okay! Changge Shenzi is refreshing!"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Wuchen took out a sword wrapped in white cloth behind his back.

I saw the breath in his hand exploded, and the white cloth turned into debris and scattered in the sky.

A simple long sword about three feet long with a scabbard appeared in everyone's sight.

The scabbard is not decorated too much, it seems to be carved from mortal wood, and the breath gives people a sense of returning to nature.

"This is the sword given to me by the sect."

"Name, Hongchen."


With a crisp sword cry, in the dazzling sword light, a long sword overflowing with cold light appeared in front of the eyes of the world.

Sure enough, like a scabbard, it is full of minimalism, but it is obviously such an ordinary sword, as if it has the courage to cross the world!

Su Changge smiled faintly, and slowly extended his hand into the void.

After waves of ripples, a three-foot green blade was pulled out of the void.

The appearance of this sword even caused the temperature in this world to drop suddenly, as if it had entered the twelfth lunar month of winter, which made people tremble a little.

"The name of the sword, God."


As if responding to Su Changge, the Shangcang Sword also let out a crisp sword cry, and reflected a breathtaking sword glow!

"Good sword!"

"However, my Hongchen sword will not be weaker than yours!"

Although Ye Wuchen was a little shocked by the appearance of the Sword of Heaven, he also had absolute confidence in his partner.

For sword cultivators, the sword is like life, and to believe in one's own sword is to believe in oneself.

After the two were ready, they stood opposite each other quietly like pines and cypresses.

The breeze blew past, making the robes of the two dance with the wind, but the swords in their hands were still in the wind.

There was silence all around, and everyone held their breaths. This is the pinnacle duel of top sword cultivators from the younger generation!

Everyone's eyes widened, for fear of missing the wonderful moment.

With a leaf falling to the ground.

A cold light flashed in Ye Wuchen's eyes, and his figure flickered like light and shadow. After stirring up a piece of fallen leaf dust, the sword came out like a dragon!


The sound of the handover sounded, which meant that his attacking sword was firmly caught by Su Changge!

Su Changge didn't stay idle either, he reacted quickly, flipped his wrist, and instantly slashed out a sword aura!

The moon-like sword energy sprinkled the light of ten thousand zhang in the sky!

Seeing this, Ye Wuchen just snorted coldly, and the same sword energy roared out!

boom! !

The sword qi criss-crossed, tearing apart the heavens and the earth, causing smoke and dust to rise everywhere!

But Su Changge had already made some moves, holding the sword and shooting out like a shooting star, changing his sword move again in the air, and slashing forward with an even more violent aura!

The sound of the sword resounded throughout the universe, and two completely different sword qi and endless sword qi erupted loudly!

In the smoke and dust, there are constantly piercing sword energy, like twinkling meteors bursting out with blossoming brilliance!

Every time the sword collides with each other, new puffs of smoke will be blown out!

One after another, the sound of swords, the sound of breaking through the sky, the sound of the earth collapsing, all kinds of sounds are constantly roaring and exploding!

It seems that two ancient giant beasts are fighting in the dust, the momentum is earth-shattering!

After flashing the sword light countless times, two figures flew out from the dust.

It's just that compared to Su Changge, Ye Wuchen's appearance is a little bit embarrassed, and there are several more holes in his robe.

On the other hand, Su Changge was dressed in white clothes like snow, spotless.

"Hahaha! Happy!"

"It's been a long time since we've had such a hearty exchange of ideas. Son of God, Changge, don't hide your secrets anymore. How about we decide the outcome with one sword?"

This sentence made the people around watching a little dull.

Just now the speed with which the two of them drew their swords can be said to be comparable to the flickering of light and shadow, and just now they fought, they may have exchanged swords thousands of times!

But the other party actually said that Su Changge hadn't used his full strength yet?

However, some of the three thousand Daoyu Tianjiao who knew Su Changge's strength frowned.

They can guarantee that Su Changge did not use all his strength, and Su Changge's strength is even more terrifying!

They didn't dare to think that if Su Changge urged his physique to cooperate with the way of swordsmanship, I am afraid that this young sword master in the world of mortals...

Thinking of this, their scalps are even more numb!


"Then one sword will determine the outcome."

Su Changge just smiled lightly.

He really didn't have the strength to mobilize his physique. After all, for this kind of opportunity, of course he had to hone his kendo with pure sword skills sparring.

The sword light flickered in Ye Wuchen's eyes, and the incomparable sword energy lingered around him, "Junior Brother Aotian's sword to open the sky was defeated by you, so today I will fight again with the sword to open the sky!"

Hong Chenjian and Ye Wuchen had a tacit understanding, and seemed to have sensed Ye Wuchen's thoughts.

The quaint long sword was suspended in front of Ye Wuchen, the blade kept trembling, bursting out with a bright glow, vowing to cut through the world.

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