Ye Wuchen looked indifferent, and reached out to hold the hilt of the sword.

In an instant, a violent sword energy surged towards the surroundings!

Even the surrounding aura swayed wildly, as if swept by a strong wind!

"Open the sky!"

Ye Wuchen suddenly slashed out with a sword, and the long sword in his hand burst into bright green light!

A thousand-foot sword energy carried the intention of opening the sky, like the Milky Way falling towards Su Changge!

And looking at this shocking sword, Su Changge's eyes were like an ancient well without waves.

He just slowly raised his right hand, and the God Sword reflected bursts of cold light, as if time slowed down at this moment.

The sword is the king of soldiers.

Those who cultivate to the extreme can slash the sky, destroy the earth, kill gods, and slaughter Buddhas.

When swords meet, when narrow roads meet, the brave wins!

"Cut Dao Jue, join the Dao!"

This is the second form that Su Changge learned from the Dao Slaying Jue.

At this moment, he finally understood the essence of this style.


I saw where the sword light passed, causing the void to vibrate, and more space fragments fell from the sky, completely shattered like a mirror!

The terrifying kendo emanating from the sword light turned into endless brilliance and flooded everything!


There was a crisp sound that seemed to be absent.

As the sword light became brighter and brighter, the sword that Ye Wuchen slashed was turned into stars flying all over the sky.

"Is this the style of the sword that Aotian said..."

"not bad...."

Ye Wuchen saw his sword move being torn apart, and knew that he had failed since that moment.


After the endless white glow passed, everyone slowly opened their hazy eyes.

A white robe held a three-foot blue spear and pointed directly at Ye Wuchen's face.

There is still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but at this moment he really looks so elegant.

"You are defeated."

Su Changge's voice resounded all around.

This top-notch competition came to an end like a dream.

Chapter 147 The conspiracy of the ancient Tianjiao, the murderous intention of Kunlun Shenshan

Ye Wuchen who reacted also smiled happily, bowed and said: "Thank you, Son of Changge, for your enlightenment."

To lose is to lose, as far as Ye Wuchen is concerned, he doesn't care much in his heart, the way of the sword is to practice constantly.

And the last sword, he even felt a force of heaven and earth.

If Su Changge hadn't suppressed most of the sword energy when he slashed out with this sword, he might be in danger.


After a farewell.

Looking at Su Changge's disappearing figure, Ye Wuchen felt mixed feelings.

"Guiyuan Holy Land... Son of God?"

"It really is the Golden World..."

But before Ye Wuchen finished sighing, a palm was patted on his shoulder.

Wuji Aotian said as if seeing through the world of mortals: "Little uncle, don't be discouraged, Su Changge is a monster, just get used to it slowly!"

What Tianjiao contends for hegemony?

Keep it up, and then live forever?

As long as he can beat all these perverts to death, he will be invincible! ?

He has already begun to imagine the scenes of the future world. Although the effect of this is relatively slow, there must be no problem for him to become a fairy in the end!

Looking at Wuji Aotian whose soul has been sublimated, Ye Wuchen smiled wryly and shook his head.

He had been listening to his senior nephew saying how terrifying Su Changge was, and now it seemed that he understood Wuji Aotian's fear.

"I don't know if Wang Quanjian is interested in Su Changge?"

"Forget it... that guy is more obsessed with swords than me..."

"If the king does not see the king, if he does meet, he will be stained with blood."


Soon, things about Su Changge's subjugation of the blood dragon and his defeat of the young sword master of the Luohe Sword Sect swept through like a hurricane.

Intense vibrations were caused in various areas of the Immortal Ancient World, causing a scene like a major earthquake.

All the younger generation who heard the news were all shocked, their eyes widened, and they stood there dumbfounded.

Many people were so cold all over, as if they were lifted from the sky in broad daylight, and even their souls couldn't help shivering!

The Blood Demon Dragon is known as a natural disaster-level alien beast in the ancient world. With its powerful bloodline and talent, it can sweep over [-]% of the orthodoxy.

But he was easily subdued by Su Changge.

Moreover, the young sword master of the Luohe Sword Sect, and some arrogances who knew his identity and background also spread the news early.

The ancient Tianjiao of the top kendo sect in the Three Thousand Dao Domain, with a perfect cultivation base in the Almighty Realm, was even bestowed with the handed down holy weapon, the Red Dust Sword.

But in the end he was still defeated by Su Changge with a sword.

You must know that Su Changge hadn't stimulated his own Eucharist bloodline at that time.

In this battle, the strength displayed by Su Changge shocked everyone, even the ancient Tianjiao was no match at all.

This is no longer the existence of the Young Sovereign, but the Young Taboo!

Originally, the birth of ancient freaks one after another put a lot of pressure on the contemporary young generation.

Now Su Changge has become an insurmountable giant mountain, shrouding their heads, which makes the contemporary young generation breathless!

"Everyone must have heard about what happened? Now Su Changge is dubbed a young taboo."

"If we let it continue to grow, it will be of no benefit to us."

In an ancient cave that spews fairy mist, a group of ancient Tianjiao sits around on stone chairs.

Listening to Huang Luoxin's words, everyone frowned, their faces were solemn, and they didn't say a word.

"Hmph! Huang Luoxin, if you fart, let it go. If you don't fart, I can suppress that Su Changge by myself!"

Long Batian slapped the stone table with a palm, and shouted: "I have condensed the complete blood of the Heavenly Tyrannosaurus, even if the other party is a holy body, I dare to fight it!"

But Huang Luoxin giggled, "Si Niqian, you almost died in his hands before, it's healed so quickly, the scar has forgotten the pain?"

"And how do you know that Su Changge has no cards? How do you know that he has no stronger means?"

This remark made Long Balong, who was originally "extremely passionate", suddenly wilt.

Su Changge cast too much psychological shadow on him. For Yu Long Batian, defeating Su Changge was the best way to prove himself.

"My Tianshan Sect has an ancient killing formation, I believe it is not difficult to kill Su Changge."

Among the crowd, Chu Changqing took a sip of tea and said slowly, "However, this requires everyone to cooperate with me."

An ancient Tianjiao heard the words but snorted coldly: "I don't know what virtue you Tianshan teaches? Cooperate with you? What if you cheat us?"

Although Tianshan Sect is also a dusty ancient force, the reputation of this sect is really not good.

There are many times when bridges are demolished across rivers.

Chu Changqing smiled faintly when he heard the words, picked up the teacup again and said nothing.

As far as he is concerned, there is no need to unite or not.

After all, I am the overlord of the sky, and I also have the arrogance of being a holy body.

He really wanted to experience the difference from the innate sacramental embryo in the records.

"In my opinion, let's just unite and kill the stronghold where Guiyuan Holy Land is located! Life and death are life and death in the ancient world, so Guiyuan Holy Land will make things difficult for me?"

"Stupid! Leaving aside Su Changge in Guiyuan Holy Land, just Ye Lintian and those holy sons and saints are a tough nut to crack!"

"Then how about sneaking into the maid who kidnapped Su Changge, and then leading him into our besieged place?"


Many ancient arrogances have spoken out their "conspiracies and tricks".

Su Changge is too strong, so strong that it obscures their light, this world does not need an overly strong protagonist!

But at this moment, a voice interrupted the commotion.

"Presumably, you have been here for so long, so you should know something about this world. What do you know about the Kunlun Divine Mountain that has been making a lot of noise recently?"

Everyone looked at Du Fuzi suspiciously, not understanding what he meant.

"Vald donkey, if you want to say it, just say it directly, why bother?"

Hearing everyone's doubts, Du Fozi was not angry, and said, "Kunlun Shenshan is a chance that only appears in this world every 3000 years, and it is even known as the secret of becoming a fairy."

"Such a great opportunity, even in the Three Thousand Dao Domain, is extremely rare. The poor monk believes that this opportunity must be the greatest opportunity for this trip to Immortal Ancient."

"Why do we need to go around? With such a great opportunity, Su Changge will definitely go there. We just need to lay a dead end there and invite you into the urn."

Crossing the Buddha said with a smile: "However, the poor monk has one more request. At that time, you have to help the poor monk to ferry Su Changge into my Buddhist way."

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