
A ray of light, like the beginning of chaos, bloomed in the sky and the earth.

Behind Su Changge, there is even a huge dharma body condensed out.

That dharma body is very similar to Su Changge's figure, but the aura it exudes is like a god from the ages, eternal and immortal, vast and endless!

After absorbing enough alien beast soul rings in the Beast God Mountain Range, Su Changge has condensed the first dharma body of Changqing Huashen Jue!

Speechless, Su Changge stretched out his palm.

It also moves accordingly.

Tang Xuan, who was directly opposite to this palm, felt even more trembling, this breath far exceeded his cognition!

Just like a mortal who first sees a god, only then realizes his own insignificance and powerlessness!

But the strong desire to survive made him burst out with great courage.

"How can I die here!?"

"I haven't returned to the original world, and I haven't taken revenge on those people!"

Tang Xuan used all his strength to urge the reincarnation seal, he didn't want to die like this!

"Block the car with the mantis arm."

Su Changge snorted coldly, and the palm shadow that shrouded the sky shattered the void and quickly suppressed Tang Xuan!

"Elder Ling, save me!"

Just when Su Changge was about to crush Tang Xuan's body, Tang Xuan let out a loud roar.

Perhaps it was feeling Tang Xuan's despair at the moment.

A ray of divine thought in the seal of reincarnation inspired the last pure power of reincarnation.


The seal of reincarnation bloomed with even more dazzling light, and a strange vortex appeared in the void, like a gate of space, and countless fragments of time and space flashed through it!

Tang Hao was sucked into it almost as soon as it appeared.

When Su Changge slapped the place where Tang Xuan was with his condensed Dharma Qi, it was just a puddle of blood.

"It's the hidden figure who helps out again."

"However, this kid escaped decisively, and escaped with a broken arm."

Su Changge curled his lips, this kind of lucky person is the most troublesome.

The means of escape can be said to emerge in endlessly.

Su Changge shook his head, and looked at Tang Wu'er pretending to be apologetic: "Sorry, I couldn't kill this demon."

"But don't worry, he will kill him in the future."

Tang Wu'er shook her head lightly, looking at Su Changge with a trace of strange emotion in her eyes.

"My lord is so considerate of me..."

"Wu'er doesn't know how to repay my lord's kindness in this life..."

It became.

Su Changge smiled lightly.

In fact, as long as he wanted to just now, he could completely keep Tang Xuan.

But a living Tang Xuan is more valuable than a dead person, and Tang Wu'er's loyalty can be fully relied on by this Tang Xuan toolman.

Besides, he was also somewhat interested in the seal of reincarnation, but it was a pity that he felt the incompleteness of that item.

"However, Tang Xuan must have a way to repair the seal."

"At that time, the complete seal will be accepted by the Son of God."

Perceiving a position in the consciousness, Su Changge sneered.

The jade pendant that Yun Xinyan gave to Tang Xuan earlier still contained his sword intent to kill the god.

As long as the opponent has the ability to reach the sky, he will not be able to detect this sword intent that only he can perceive.

"Little leek, no matter what, you can't escape my palm."


In a secret place in Kunlun Shenshan.

Tang Xuan clutched his bloody severed arm with a painful expression on his face.

"Damn it! Don't avenge this revenge, and swear not to be a human being!"

"Tang Xuan, you should stop messing with that man."

"That man is much scarier than you think."

A divine consciousness in the seal of reincarnation passed into his mind.

This is exactly the spirit elder he called out earlier.

Tang Xuan didn't know much about the weapon spirit of the seal of reincarnation, only that it came from the nine heavens.

Hearing what Ling Lao said, Tang Xuan's face was pale and at the same time a little unwilling.

"What does Elder Ling mean by this?"

"With my talent, as long as I continue to get other opportunities in Kunlun Shenshan, I will be able to surpass him!"

He also has absolute confidence in himself. In his previous life, he had become the head of the Jue Tian Sect in the early [-]s, and he believed that he would never lose to anyone in terms of talent and understanding.

" don't understand..."

"That man's talent is even stronger than some of the top talents above the Nine Heavens. It is definitely not as simple as you think."

At this time, Linglao changed the subject.

"The only way now is to restore me to my peak moment, and we can still fight."

"It's a pity that he took away the ancient tree of reincarnation we found earlier, so we can only find another way."

The reason why the seal of reincarnation sleeps under the ancient tree of reincarnation is that it wants to use the mature fruit of reincarnation to repair its own incompleteness.

But because of Su Changge's strong intervention, now they have to use other methods.


"Old Ling, do you really have a way to kill Su Changge?!"

The pain of his broken arm constantly stimulated his nerves, which further amplified his killing intent towards Su Changge!

"If you use reincarnation exile, there should be [-]%..."

"Eighty percent! That's enough! Even if it's only forty percent, we have to try!"

"Sister Wu'er, Miss Xinyan, wait for me!"

Looking at the excited Tang Xuan, Ling Lao's other words stuck in his throat, but echoed silently in his heart.

"If the previous power is just the tip of his iceberg..."

Elder Ling stroked his confused thoughts, but he still didn't quite believe it.

"That's a character who is taboo in the heavens, and it shouldn't be so easy to meet."

Chapter 154 The plan to destroy the Soviet Union is launched, the bell of death, the banquet of hunting

Each reincarnation fruit has ten petals, and ten complete reincarnation fruits can be used by 100 people.

So Su Changge didn't feel sorry for sharing a piece with everyone present.

This moved many arrogances of the Holy Land, and at the same time, they followed Su Changge even more in their hearts!

You must know that they did not contribute much from the beginning to the end, all of this was solved by Su Changge himself.

Su Changge also gave Tang Wu'er a piece of reincarnation fruit.

"Whoever sees it has a share, Miss Wu'er please accept it."

"My lord, you..."

Tang Wu'er's face was full of disbelief, such a fetish lord gave it to herself so easily?

Su Changge smiled slightly, "The remaining fruits are enough."

The purest power of reincarnation in the ancient tree of reincarnation is all on the tree!

Since these are people who follow him, they naturally have to give them some soup, and the benefits must be paid out on time!

After saying that, Su Changge came to the ancient tree of reincarnation, stretched out his right hand and stuck it on the tree.

A strong devouring power appeared in his palm, forming a dark vortex.

Devour the Eucharist, activate!


The aura of the world here is even more frenzied and restless, and the breath of reincarnation hidden in the ancient tree of reincarnation is continuously absorbed by Su Changge!

The tree spirit sleeping in the depths of the ancient tree of reincarnation was even more furious. How could a human junior be so presumptuous!

"be honest!"

Su Changge snorted coldly, mobilizing the power of the innate holy body and dao embryo, and the aura like the ancient sacred mountain seemed to suppress everything!

Even the power of reincarnation, known as the top in the avenue, has to bow its head in front of this aura!

This scene changed everyone's complexion even more, and they actually directly absorbed the power of the ancient tree of reincarnation! "

This scene even changed the complexion of everyone.

They have never seen such a technique that can directly absorb innate fetishes!

"Master's too scary..."


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