And in another area of ​​Kunlun Divine Mountain, dozens of Tianjiao Tianjiao, an immortal force with powerful aura, surrounded Ye Lintian and several Tianjiao from Guiyuan Holy Land.

"Ye Lintian, hand over the chance and spare you!"

Standing in the first position, the Tianjiao of the Almighty Realm yelled sharply: "Do you think you guys can escape in the face of so many of us? Handing over the opportunity is your last chance!"

Ye Lintian smiled coldly, "Fate? Maybe not?"

"You have followed us for so long just for chance? Don't hide it."

These words caused the corners of the mouths of the ancient Tianjiao of the Immortal Force to sneer with ice-cold faces.

"Alright, you're going to die here anyway, so I'll have a showdown."

"I can only tell you that Kunlun Shenshan will be the burial place for all of you in Guiyuan Holy Land!"

"Go! Kill them!"

boom! !

Countless Tianjiao's mana burst out!

In an instant, the sky and the earth were full of divine light!

The mana supernatural power turned into a spear that pierced through the heavens and pierced through the disciples of Guiyuan Holy Land!

There was killing intent in Ye Lintian's eyes, he knew that it was a round of several immortal forces teaming up to target them at Guiyuan Holy Land!

"Double pupils! Open!"

The runes kept intertwining and converging in Ye Lintian's eyes, as if separating the heaven and the earth, and there was a sea of ​​blood, as if countless gods and demons had fallen!


A long spear turned into a golden thunder and burst out of the air. The power it erupted even tore through the entire world!

Some Tianjiao disciples in front of them who hadn't reacted instantly turned into blood mist and dissipated!

"Let's work together to kill this double pupil first!"

Several of the most powerful ancient Tianjiao immediately decided to join forces to kill Ye Lintian.

There must be no mistakes in their plan to destroy the Soviet Union, and the saints who returned to the Yuan Holy Land must die!

"Good come!"

Ye Lintian holds a spear in his hand, and the spear shoots out like a dragon!


Suddenly the sky fell and the earth shattered, and the gods shook the sky!


And in another valley.

The roaring explosion sounded continuously, the thunder exploded, the flames soared into the sky, and the ultimate killing power filled the air.


After a burst of golden light, the valley was instantly shattered by this powerful force, and huge boulders all over the sky collapsed with a bang, stirring up a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Cough cough cough...Damn it! Why is he so strong!?"

A blood-stained man flew out of it, clutching his severed arm with a painful expression on his face.

He is an ancient arrogance from Dragon God Island, and he came with a group of arrogance from Tianshan Sect and Zhenhuang Cave.

But at this moment, they have already turned into a puddle of blood, and even their souls are scattered!

A figure of a man in the smoke slowly stepped out of it, and Li Haotian said with disdain, "How dare you plan to ambush people in my Holy Land."

"You're the only one left, it's time to get on the road."

But the seriously injured man looked up to the sky and smiled, "Hahaha! I'm the only one left? Then look at what this is!?"

After saying that, the man took out a divine stone from his chest and crushed it suddenly!


Endless divine light erupted, and words all over the sky intertwined and emerged, forming a magic circle that covered the sky!

The magic circle slowly fell from the sky, and the majestic power of space diffused out!

A group of powerful Tianjiao stepped out from the teleportation circle, and then quickly formed their own formations, staring at Li Haotian who was besieged in the formation.

The seriously injured man laughed mockingly and said, "Stop dying, this is specially prepared for you by our major forces!"

"You will die today!"

Li Haotian raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, "Deliberately?"

"But the alliance between ants may not make much sense."


Endless spiritual energy gushes out, the gorgeous chaotic light intertwines in the sky, and the phantom of a green lotus slowly emerges, and the roots seem to be the veins of the Dao!

The ancient holy body vision, the chaotic green lotus!


Accompanied by the blazing divine light erupting from Qinglian, a heaven-shaking aura poured down from midair!

The mountains crumbled and the sky wailed!

In just a split second, the magic circle formed by many arrogances burst apart!

But Li Haotian had already made a move, and he had already swung a punch!

boom! !

The golden fist light turned into a sky-opening blade and tore the ground in front of it vertically and horizontally!

A large number of Tianjiao of the Immortal Forces fell in all directions. You must know that this is a disciple who is on the edge of this fist light!

And the people in the middle of this fist light have long since turned into dust and dissipated!

Li Haotian's cold voice sounded from the smoke again: "The game continues."


And another land of ten thousand zhang lakes.

The roar of the explosion stirred up sprays of water, but there was a dark and dead air in the water vapor all over the sky.

More than a dozen Guiyuan Holy Land disciples with strong aura are resisting countless attacks coming towards them.

Two of the auras are extremely powerful, one black and the other gold, shouldering the most important power.

"Not bad! Little sister, I didn't expect the maids of Changge Shenzi to be so strong."

After smashing a ghostly skeleton, Bi Qingxia teased Gu Ling'er.

Gu Ling'er remained calm, and casually shot out a black Bana flower, instantly swallowing up the sweeping death energy.

"Of course you can't hold back Lord Shenzi."

boom! !

Countless tentacles erupted instantly from the black Bana flower, piercing through the attacking disciples of the Immortal Force like pitch-black arrows.

The demonic energy surged, turning it into black smoke and dissipating in the air.

"How unlucky! Why are these two stinky girls so strong!?"

A Tianjiao from the Prison God Palace cursed angrily.

Originally, they felt lucky because they had dealt with the two women, and thought that their plan could be completed quickly, but who knew that both of them were stubborn!

It can be said that the disciples who came to support died batch after batch!

At this moment, there was a strange fluctuation in the void, and a figure with extremely powerful seven auras appeared from it!

"That is...!?"

This made the disciple look overjoyed. The right-hand man of the Yin Tianzi, the seven young ghost kings came!

The man with the red ghost mask at the head snorted coldly, "What a bunch of trash, even two women can't handle it!"

"Go away, don't embarrass yourself here!"

Bi Qingxia frowned slightly, and her expression became more interesting.

These seven people seem to use a secret method to unite each other's breath.

This is an ancient secret method, which can combine the breaths of several people to the greatest extent, and the combined strike technique used can achieve unexpected effects.

"Interesting, let's see what the newcomers are capable of."


The golden light bursting out from Bi Qingxia's body made his golden hair even more radiant, as if he was a goddess from the God Realm!

The aura of the Divine King Body is like the arrival of a god!


On the ancient tree of reincarnation, Su Changge has completely absorbed its power.

The reincarnation that originally exuded colorful golden light, the ancient tree has almost dried up, and there is only a trace of the majestic reincarnation rhyme.

"Don't worry, I will let you go as soon as I say let you go."

Su Changge even integrated the ancient tree of reincarnation into his condensed Changqing Huashen Dharma Body!

Not only did he control the power of chaos, but even his dharma body mastered the law of reincarnation!

Looking at the law of yin and yang rotation in his hand, Su Changge whispered, with a touch of satisfaction on the corner of his mouth: "The power of reincarnation... feels pretty good."

This made everyone around even more chaotic, and successfully comprehended the power of reincarnation in such a short period of time!

It is still the purest power of reincarnation!

"Hey! After taking this reincarnation fruit, I just understand a little bit about reincarnation...."

A disciple smiled wryly, "It's okay, God Son Changge doesn't play cards according to common sense..."

But at this moment, a disciple seemed to have received something.

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