The majestic giant mountain of law sits down, stirring up thousands of dust!

The law of purple light circulating on it is accompanied by roaring thunder!

hum! !

The rune roared again, and the aura of the giant mountain of law suddenly climbed up, bursting out an incomparably dazzling light!


The endless aura surged wildly, and thousands of thunderbolts burst out, and the remaining power of the thunderbolts alone turned the earth into a piece of scorched earth!

The dazzling purple awns filled the world, like an ocean of thunder!

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, and the thunderous shots of several great talents followed one after another!

Each of them took out their own housekeepers. It can be said that they spared no effort to explode with all their strength, and wanted to kill Su Changge in one fell swoop!

However, even though they used such powerful means, they still didn't dare to stare at the dusty land in front of them!

"Not bad, the cooperation is quite tacit."

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and Su Changge's silhouette emerged again!

The scene that shocked them once again appeared. Under such a powerful thunder offensive, Su Changge didn't show any signs of injury!

"how is this possible!?"

"Su Changge, what method did you use!?"

Yin Tianzi, who originally thought the ending had been decided, changed his complexion and roared angrily!

They were also prepared in their hearts, knowing that Su Changge was not so easy to defeat, but why didn't he even get hurt at all! !

Chapter 156 Fighting alone, easily crushed, it's time to end

"Are you surprised?"

"It's all to be expected in my opinion."

The corner of Su Changge's mouth smiled lightly, and patted the white clothes stained with smoke and dust.

I have the Immortal Treasure Clothes, as well as the Devouring Holy Body, the Innate Holy Body Dao Embryo, and the Longevity Dao Bone.

Even if they stand here and let them fight, what's the matter?

"It's just a little rain and a lot of thunder."

After the words fell, Su Changge urged the aura of the innate sacramental body, the supreme aura permeated the air, and the precious body was as crystal clear as jade, dazzling and dazzling!

Behind Su Changge was even more condensed into a majestic figure. At this moment, the dharma body was completely solidified, and it was even more terrifying than before!

"Dharma body!? Why can Su Changge condense the Dharma body!?"

Chu Changqing also lost his original calmness, and his eyes were full of panic.

The dharma body, guided by the aura, with the law as the body, with the holy aura as the heart, condenses the body of the heavens, this is the dharma body.

But this sacred energy can only be used by saints, and without the sacred energy in the condensed body, it will be impossible to succeed no matter what!

But why did Su Changge condense the dharma body under the saint?

"How do ants know the vastness of the sky?"



Along with Su Changge swiping out the huge dharma body behind him with a palm, he also swung a palm at the same time!

"Damn it! This bastard actually took the lead in attacking me, I really think I'm afraid!"

Looking at the huge palm coming towards him, Long Batian roared angrily.

A mighty dragon aura emerged from behind him.

At the same time, a huge phantom of a real dragon that seemed to be able to devour the sky and the earth slowly emerged, and the aura it emitted seemed to be able to fight the sky and the earth!

The power from ancient times shocked the faces of the onlookers.

"The true body of the Celestial Tyrannosaurus?"

"I didn't expect this stinky loach to condense."

Huang Luoxin was also surprised by her beautiful eyes, her lips and teeth were slightly parted, the sky tyrannical dragon, the strongest dragon clan existed, and in ancient times it was even claimed to be able to shake the sky and shake the earth, fighting the sky and fighting Buddhas!

Look at Long Batian again, standing under this terrifying phantom, with Daoist intent flowing on his body.

Pieces of white dragon scales slowly emerged from his body, and with the covering of the dragon scales, his aura became even more terrifying!


Finally, when the dragon scales completely covered his skin, his aura suddenly rose to its peak.

An incomparable divine light flashed in his eyes, and now is the time for him to take back his glory and take revenge!

"Come on, start your show."

Su Changge was a little surprised, but only a little bit, after all, he raised this little leek.

Roar! !

The majestic dragon aura was like a raging ocean, and the huge dragon heads that gathered slammed down on Su Changge!

"Then use this trick."

Su Changge turned his palm into a fist, and the light of the fist flickered, and the countless light spots of the dragon elephant in his body roared and roared.

"Dragon Elephant Sky Breaking Fist!"

boom! !

The collision between the fist and the dragon caused the void to explode violently, the thunder continued, the endless dragon energy turned into a flying dragon, and the sky-shattering dragon chant and fist wind were breathtaking!

It was as if two ancient stars collided, dyeing the sky and the earth into a blaze.

The rest of the divine light that suddenly appeared on the battlefield, in front of this huge star light, seemed extremely small, like ordinary fireworks.

boom! !

A figure flew upside down and smashed heavily into the distance. The huge shock wave smashed the world into a huge sinkhole!

The corner of Long Batian's mouth was stained with blood, and one of his arms had disappeared.

"Damn... how could you..."

While his heart was turbulent, he was more unwilling.


Why is it that he has condensed the complete blood of the Heavenly Tyrannosaurus and is not his opponent!

Huang Luoxin, Yin Tianzi and Chu Changqing looked at each other, their eyes were full of heavyness, Long Batian, who was bursting out with all his strength, was defeated so easily!

Su Changge's strength far exceeded their expectations!

"Go together."

The endless flames in the depths of Huang Luoxin's eyes surged, and a fire lotus bathed in extreme temperature shone brightly!

Her aura also rose sharply, this is a secret treasure bestowed on her by the Phoenix Lord of her True Phoenix Cave!

If you don't use it anymore, I'm afraid there will be no chance!

"The Phoenix Falls to the Nine Heavens!"

boom! !

Again, nine phoenix phantoms covering the sky fell down from the sky like flames from the sky. Every time the flames rolled, the phantom of the phoenix became more solid!

Nine extremely gorgeous phoenix phantoms fell on Su Changge like nine huge flaming meteorites!

However, Su Changge didn't care about it at all, "The same move won't work again."

Killing God Sword Intent, One Thought God Demon!


A ray of sword light piercing the sky and earth shone in the sky, like a dazzling sun!


"It will be cut today."

Following Su Changge's mouth lightly uttered the sound.

The sword light pierced through the sky like a star river, the sword energy passed by, the phoenix screamed, sparks filled the sky, and fell one after another!

Puff puff! !

The sound of flames bursting and dissipating resounded throughout the world, and the nine phoenix phantoms suddenly exploded like fireworks!

The aftermath of the sword energy did not diminish, and it slashed towards her in Huang Luoxin's shocked eyes!

Immediately, the surging sword energy overwhelmed her figure!

But before Su Changge made up his sword again, he frowned slightly and noticed something strange.

A puddle of black water appeared under his feet at some point, and there was a smell of corruption in the slight wriggling.

"God Devouring Ghost Realm, open!"

Yin Tianzi shouted loudly.

The black water seemed to be alive, and suddenly exploded from Su Changge's feet, thick as black ink, covering Su Changge's figure.

There is even more death in the endless darkness, as if from the deepest part of hell!

Seeing that the shady had completely wrapped up Su Changge, Tianzi Yin finally showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Hahaha! Su Changge, this is my last ghost blood!"

"Just enjoy it!"

There is no need to introduce the horror of ghost blood, devouring spiritual energy, decaying Taoist body, it is not too simple for this ghost blood.

"Lord God Son!"

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