Seeing that Su Changge was swallowed and wrapped by a pool of strange black water, the disciples of the Guiyuan Holy Land showed anxiety and wanted to break through the encirclement to rescue Su Changge.

"Don't worry, you all have to go to Huangquan Road."

Tianzi Yin was full of anger, especially when he looked at Yun Xinyan, his eyes were full of desire, "Since Su Changge killed my maid, you should pay for it!"

"You deserve it too!?"

Yun Xinyan looked angry, except for Su Changge, no one could make her follow her!

The sky was full of water vapor, and it turned into a huge water phoenix, and the endless water aura roared!

Accompanied by Yun Xinyan's single-handed strike, she instantly landed towards Son Yin!

"If you don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine, then don't blame me!"

Tianzi Yin's face is cold, it seems that Su Changge's maid needs to be trained!

Tang Wu'er was also entangled by Chu Changqing, "This girl might as well enjoy some romance with me."

"You! The prostitute is presumptuous!"

Anyway, Su Changge's life and death are unknown now, so his maid will be the first reward.


"Cough cough cough..." In the ruins.

Huang Luo Xin dragged her body covered in blood and crawled out in embarrassment.

Looking at the two pig teammates, she cursed angrily: "Two stupid things!"

"Why don't you kill Su Changge first!?"

Su Changge was just trapped, even if he was killed by the blood of ghosts and gods, it would take time. These two guys ran off to moles the maid so soon?

Sure enough, the moment she finished speaking.


A faint shattering sound resounded through the world.

Yin Tianzi, who was about to kill the remaining Guiyuan Holy Land disciples, was taken aback, and turned his head a little stiffly.

There was even more thunder in his heart, "Could it be..."

But when he turned around completely, the scene that made him feel the most terrifying appeared.

The shady curtain formed by the blood of ghosts and gods suddenly shattered!

Among them is an incomparably blazing divine light gushing out!

boom! !

The huge roar made the blood of ghosts and gods turn into black air and scatter in the sky!

boom! !

Almost at the same time, another huge muffled sound resounded through the world.

Chu Changqing seemed to be instantly knocked into the air by an afterimage, like a meteor falling to the ground!

Layers of rock cracked and turned into a sky full of smoke!

"Lord God Son!"

When everyone saw this figure clearly, the disciples of Guiyuan Holy Land shouted excitedly.

But the disciples of several immortal forces were pale, why did Su Changge come out so quickly!

"This is impossible!?"

"How did you break the blood barrier of ghosts and gods!"

Tianzi Yin yelled in disbelief, he knew the power of Ghost Blood, but why did Su Changge get out of trouble so quickly!

"When did I ever need to explain to the ants?"

Su Changge slowly drew the Heavenly Sword from the void.


Accompanied by a crisp sword cry, the cold light shone like stars in the sky and the earth.

Su Changsinger held the Cangjian sword and pointed it straight at the sky.

The light of the sword is like snow, and the world is frosty.

"It's time to end."

Chapter 157 Anomaly of Heaven's Hegemony?Fleeing in defeat, the Yin Tianzi fell


The next moment, an incomparable sword light burst out from Su Chang's singer, turning into a shocking rainbow, piercing the sky like a shooting star.

There was also an extreme sword intent crazily vented out, sweeping thousands of miles around.

Seeing this scene, Tianzi Yin's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly sacrificed the magic weapon for protection given to him by his ancestors, the Xuantian Nether Shield!

call! !

A dark wind suddenly blew up between the sky and the earth, and the storm of dead energy suddenly condensed. Countless dead souls and fierce ghosts howled and roared, and their bodies overlapped to form a huge and strange ghost-faced shield!


The sword energy and the death energy collided fiercely, and in an instant, a black tide and sword energy surged like a tsunami!

The countless undead summoned by Tianzi Yin frantically used their souls to resist the neighing of the sword energy.

But just when Tianzi Yin thought he was blocking it, he wanted to take a long breath.

laugh! !

A tearing sound sounded!

Su Changge did not know when he came to him with a sword!

The long sword is in the air, and the sharp sword intent stirs up the situation!

Another sword qi slashed out obliquely. In front of this radiant sword qi, the monstrous demonic qi was torn apart and dissipated, revealing the figure inside!

"how come!?"

This sudden change made Tianzi Yin's complexion change even more.

This is the secret treasure of defense bestowed upon him by our ancestors, with countless souls as the source, why was it so easily chopped to pieces by the sword energy! ?

But when he felt the extreme power of the sun on Su Changge's sword, his last sliver of luck was shattered!

The power of the sun is the nemesis of death!

"Chu Changqing! How long are you going to pretend to be dead?!"

"If I die, don't even try to escape!"

At the moment when Yin Tianzi's words fell, an obscure dao rhyme suddenly appeared in the world.

"The vision of the heavenly hegemony, come out!"

Accompanied by Chu Changqing's loud shout, a sky-like scene slowly rose from behind him, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

There is also a terrifying purple brilliance erupting from him, like the ancient starry sky.

"It's Daozi Changqing's heavenly vision!"

Seeing this scene, many Tianjiao members of the Tianshan Sect were overjoyed. Their Daozi finally showed their might!


After another terrifying beast roar, a phantom of a Kunpeng covering the sky manifested from the purple energy that Chu Changqing transformed into!

The vision of the hegemony of the sky, the divine form of the Kunpeng!

hold head high!

There was another thunderous dragon chant, and a huge phantom of a real dragon burst out of the purple air!

The vision of the sky's domineering body, the real dragon's dharma body!

And Chu Changqing, who was between these two visions, slowly floated on the other side of Su Changge. The figure bathed in purple brilliance looked down on all living beings and despised all things like the will of the sky.

"Su Changge, it's your honor to force me to use such methods!"

"You can go at ease today!"


Almost at the same time as his words fell, Chu Changqing had mobilized his own strength, and the two giant beast figures beside him came towards Su Changge with overwhelming power to suppress him!

However, Su Changge began to smile lightly at the corner of his mouth, as if he was extremely confident, "I'll let you see how big the gap between the holy bodies is."


The radiant divine light lingers, the runes jump for joy, the aura surges, and the Eucharist roars.

A supreme and stalwart power has begun to wake up from Su Changge's body, and amidst the lingering divine light, the dharma body condensed by the Changqing Transformation God Art once again emerged behind Su Changge.

Like an immortal emperor, he despises the world!

As Su Changge slashed out with the God Sword in his hand, the huge dharma body behind him suddenly slashed down with a huge lightsaber!


The endless sword energy is like a blade hanging from the sky, and the sky and the underworld burst out with bright light, as if connected to the sky!

After the explosion, a large mountain in front was razed to the ground, and some of the immortal disciples who were involved in the aftermath turned into blood mist and dissipated in the sky and the earth.

However, Su Changge frowned.

"This brat actually ran away."

He had a feeling that the moment he cut it down, he should have used the vision of the heavenly overlord body, the kunpeng god form, and ran away after urging it with all his strength.


At this moment, a huge skull turned into a black shadow covering the sky and manifested from behind him!

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