"Go to hell!"

After a series of whistling sounds, the skull suddenly shattered, turning into endless black energy and pouring into the right hand of Emperor Yin!

And his right hand turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it came from the ghostly hand of a hell demon god!

"Ghost King's Shattering Fist!!"

Yin Tianzi punched with all his strength, and thousands of ghosts turned into endless darkness and drowned towards Su Changge!

The reason why all the power was gathered in the right fist was that Yin Tian only wanted to concentrate his power, break through the face, and meet Su Changge's sword with the strongest blow.

What's more, if you lose, you can run away with a broken arm at worst, and it won't hurt your life!

This series of actions can be said to have been deliberated in his mind.

However, Su Changge seemed to have guessed everything.

So the moment Yin Tianzi swung his fist, Su Changge made a move!

The dazzling sword light seems to cut Yin and Yang, as if Dharma and Dao are completely separated by it!

"Yin and Yang with one sword!"


I saw a slashing sword light flashing out of the endless waves of darkness, and then burst into a shocking momentum, like an exploding star!

The billowing sword energy stretches like a torrential river. Wherever it passes, ferocious ghosts turn into dust and dissipate, just like ice and snow encountering the scorching sun!

At the moment when Yin Tianzi's fist seal was broken, Su Chang's singer kept moving!

Flip your wrist again, and a sword sweeps out again!

Another flickering white light pierced the sky and the earth!

When everyone saw clearly again, Su Changge's figure was known to teleport behind Yin Tianzi.


With the long sword in its sheath, Su Changge still kept holding the hilt.

A gust of breeze blew slightly, lifting the corners of his white shirt slightly.

"Did I lose...?"

Yin Tianzi muttered in his mouth.

But Su Changge remained silent, and turned into a streamer in another direction.

He wanted to find Chu Changqing who had slipped away before.

The moment Su Changge started.

Ka Ka Ka! !

Countless cracks spread out from Yin Tianzi's body like a spider's web, and then they became densely connected!

Especially among the densely packed and countless cracks, there is even more lingering sword energy permeating from them!

"I...still not reconciled..."

Swish swish!

It was the sword qi overflowing from Yin Tianzi's body that turned into countless blades of sword qi, leaving streaks of sword qi light in the void!

Tianzi Yin's body was cut and shredded in an instant, and another gust of wind blew by. The top talent of Hell God Palace, Tianzi Yin, turned into wind and sand and dissipated in the world.

This scene caused the Immortal forces who were besieging and killing many disciples in Guiyuan Holy Land to change their complexions and stay where they were.

I don't know who spoke a word.

"Master Yin Tianzi...is dead!!"

For a moment, a thousand layers of waves were stirred up, and a terrifying chill spread over everyone.

A generation of top ancient arrogances fell like this!

They knew how powerful Emperor Yin was, but such a powerful Tianjiao died today!

It wasn't until now that they realized that Huang Luoxin and Long Batian had long since disappeared, and as for Chu Changqing, they fled directly!

"Kill! Anyone who offends me and returns to the Yuan Holy Land will be destroyed!"

After hearing the news, some disciples from the Guiyuan Holy Land rushed over again. Under the leadership of several ancient arrogances, the protagonists of this hunting banquet began to change!

"We are defeated!"

"No...I don't want to die!"

A Tianjiao from the Prison God Palace was the first to be unable to bear the pressure, dropped the long sword in his hand, and turned into a stream of light and fled towards the distance.

This is even more affecting the whole body, more and more people began to flee crazily!

In fact, they have already lost since Su Changge fought against the four top talents alone and was able to firmly occupy the top spot!

This battle has been decided from the beginning!

They were completely defeated, completely defeated!

It's not just them, they are besieging and killing Li Haotian, Bi Qingxia, and Ye Lintian's Immortal Forces Tianjiao also fled after hearing the news here!

"Hahaha! Lord Shenzi is indeed Lord Shenzi, and he defeated the Four Great Talents by himself!"

In a valley, Li Haotian shattered the Yuanshen of a disciple of Shenlong Island Tianjiao in his hands, showing fanaticism.

"Yin Tianzi was beheaded with a sword, Chu Changqing fled and died, Long Batian and Huang Luoxin disappeared."

He also knows the strength of these three Tianjiao, one of them is the overlord of the sky, but the combination of such a powerful Tianjiao is not the enemy of their sons of God!

Chapter 158 The revived ghost seven, devouring the body of the sky

At the same time, in a small world in Kunlun Shenshan.

Du Fozi also received news of the defeat of several major forces.

Especially when he heard that Emperor Yin had fallen, his heart trembled slightly.

"Emperor Yin has fallen..."

There was an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

This made Du Fozi a little confused, but as the sadness became stronger and stronger.

Du Fozi said to Zhan Fozi beside him, "Su Changge just went through a big battle."

"The benefactor of Changge has a predestined relationship with my Buddha, and this moment is the best opportunity for him to become enlightened."

"Go look for Su Changge first, I'll be there right away."

Zhan Fozi nodded slightly, picked up his weapon wrapped in white cloth, and walked out of the cave.

As far as their Buddhism is concerned, if Su Changge, the supreme arrogance of heaven, can be brought into Buddhism, it will be absolutely beneficial and harmless!

However, what he still cares about is that Du Fuzi's recent state is very strange.

Even the scriptures that I love to recite every day are no longer touched, except for meditating every day and staring at one place in a daze.

"I wish I was worrying too much."

Taking a meaningful look again, Zhan Fozi turned into a long rainbow and went away after crossing the Buddha.

Finally, after Zhan Fozi left for half a stick of incense.


Du Fuzi clutched his chest and spit out a big mouthful of black blood, which was filled with a strong death breath.

"Is it really a sequela after the ghost blood explosion?"

But at this moment, a female voice sounded in his mind.

"Master Yin Tianzi is dead..."

"Master Yin Tianzi was killed by Su Changge..."

"Ahhh....I want to avenge Lord Yin Tianzi!!"

This cold female voice was like the echo of a ghost, and it made the originally calm death energy in Du Fozi's body explode violently in an instant!

"Damn it! How dare the monster dare to erode the poor monk's Dao heart!"

"Golden Buddha Statue!"

Du Fuzi formed a dharma seal in his palm and chanted scriptures, and his body burst into bright Buddha light.

A huge Buddha statue suddenly appeared in this space amidst the condensed runes, and bursts of Buddha's light bloomed in the ups and downs, dyeing the dark cave into a piece of gold.

But the death energy in his body was like a bursting embankment, continuously flowing out, like an unstoppable spring, endless death energy was constantly gushing from his dantian! !


Du Fuzi let out a shrill scream, and the original golden Buddha light was eroded into black, revealing a strange and ominous look.

And Du Fuzi's figure was continuously swallowed by the surging death energy, and his figure gradually disappeared in it.

After a long time, a figure walked out of it.

There was a hint of evil in his eyes, as if from hell, and the voice of a female ghost resounded through the cave.

"Master Yin Tianzi, I, Gui Qi, will definitely kill Su Changge to avenge you!"

The incomparable killing intent in his eyes turned into substance.

"Now I'm not very proficient with this body, I have to activate the remaining breath of ghost blood."

"That's not enough. I heard that the emperor's daughter from Demon God Abyss has also come, so let's find a way to get her into the water."

Du Fuzi... No, it should be said that he was the reborn Ghost Seven, with an even more ferocious face.

"Su Changge! I will definitely kill you!"


The other side of Kunlun Mountain.

The Kunpeng transformed by Chu Changqing broke open at a high speed, roaring away in the sky.

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