At that time, the ancient monster clan had already reached its peak, and [-]% of the three thousand realms were firmly controlled by the ancient monster clan.

These ancient demon clans even established the Heavenly Demon God Mountain by themselves, proclaiming that they are the continuation of the supreme demon court. Countless ancient demon clans flocked to it, and for a time, they became powerful and powerful.

As for why such a powerful ancient monster clan weakened?

Then let's start with the human-monster war. The Sky-yemon tribe thought they were extremely prosperous, and openly challenged several top immortal forces headed by Guiyuan Holy Land.

The result is obvious, the alliance of the ancient demon race was broken up, and the Heavenly Demon Mountain was sealed by itself for ten thousand years.

In that war, in addition to Guiyuan Holy Land, several other top human races also disappeared into the long river of the world one after another.

The "decline" of Guiyuan Holy Land also began at that time.

Although some people say that Guiyuan Holy Land is just pretending to be in decline for an unknown plan, this matter still needs to be investigated.

However, it was also after that tragic war between monsters and monsters that countless forces rose together, a hundred flowers bloomed, and ten thousand ways contended.

After countless years of development, it ushered in the current Golden World.

It took a while for Luo Yanyu to bring the thoughts of memories into reality.

"Guiyuan Holy Land? Those old things are all human beings, three thousand Dao domains, and the thing I can't see through the most is this Guiyuan Holy Land."

This is the evaluation of their supreme ancestor in the holy land of Yaochi, this is a strong man who has lived for countless epochs.

It can be seen how heavy the weight of this evaluation is.

"Look! Changge Shenzi has almost reached the barrier of Kunlun Peak!"

A disciple's shout made Luo Yanyu look at the figure in white again.

In fact, not only Luo Yanyu, but almost all the arrogances in Kunlun Shenshan looked at Su Changge who was walking slowly with his hands behind his back.

They were all curious about what kind of achievements Su Changge would make?


A thunder flashed across Kunlun Tianfeng, and the endless thunder power instantly turned into an angry thunder dragon biting down!

"The power of law of Kunlun Tianfeng is activated!"

"Even the power that defeated Ye Liangchen in one fell swoop just now, I don't know if God Son Changge can hold it back?"

The endless white lights pierced people's eyes, making it impossible to even open them, and Su Changge's figure was even more submerged by this sea of ​​thunder!

Until the power of the furious thunder subsides.

The next moment, they were dumbfounded.

Even with such a violent thunder, Su Changge didn't stop at all, he still took several steps steadily.

Needless to say, the embarrassment caused by the thunder did not even stain the hem of his clothes.

It's like a little wind and rain, not worth mentioning!


The law of Kunlun Tianfeng seemed to be irritated by Su Changge's unresponsive appearance.

Thousands of thunderbolts intertwined and tumbling, dyed the sky into a white awn.

The roar of the Thunder roaming around can be heard endlessly, but the mere reverberation makes people have a splitting headache!

"This... is this a catastrophe? Doesn't it mean that there will be a catastrophe if you become a saint?"

"Why did Su Changge attract catastrophe?"

While some Tianjiao were shocked, they were also a little scared.

I don't know if Su Changge dug up the ancestral grave of some immortal force, so he will be struck by lightning!

"It's better to kill this guy!"

Tang Xuan, who had changed his face with a special secret method, stood in the crowd with a stern look.

If it weren't for his six reincarnation seals, he might die without even scum left!

And this Su Changge left an extremely strong shadow in his heart.

If you can't beat him yourself, why not curse him behind your back?

"This junior is not simple."

The artifact spirit of the seal of reincarnation also had a dignified expression.

This momentum is really too great.

The sky was full of thunder intertwined into a vast ocean, and the tumbling Lu Tao was even more intertwined with pieces of thunder. Even a saint who became enlightened in the flesh would probably be wiped out if he fell into it.

Su Changge, who was standing under the sea of ​​thunder, looked extremely thin, but his face was always indifferent.

Either this means that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, or they have absolute confidence!

But obviously, Su Changge must be the latter.

I saw Su Changge slowly raised his right hand, and the aura of the holy body permeated out.

Countless stars gathered towards his palm, and the outline of the Sword of Heaven gradually manifested!

And the moment the Heavenly Sword appeared, the strongest young sword master of the Luohe Sword Sect who was leaning against a boulder far away from the crowd suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking in the direction of Su Changge, there was a flash of surprise: "This sword intent..."

"Very strong."

This made the pupils of Fengshuangjian and Bawangjian who accompanied him widen even more.

They have followed Wang Quanjian for many years, but they know the arrogance of this Wang Quanjian.

Now actually use the word "very strong" to describe the sword intent of a person he has never met?

This is nothing more than an extremely high rating!


Hongchen Jianye Wuchen poured a gourd of wine into his mouth, casually wiped the corners of his mouth, a trace of wine red inadvertently appeared on his face.

"Hey~ Wang Quan sword is Wang Quan sword, and it can be seen at a glance that this kid Su Changge is unusual."

"It's not like me and nephew Aotian who only found out after a big loss, don't you think so, nephew Aotian?"

Wuji Aotian, who was standing on the side pouring wine for Ye Wuchen, smiled awkwardly, "... what uncle said is very true."

How dare he speak?

These four are all young sword masters of their Luohe Sword Sect.

As the No. [-] swordsman myself, in terms of seniority and cultivation, I can't compare in everything.

Originally, he was going to be oppressed by the pervert Su Changge before, but now he is fine, and the four young sword masters have come again!

If there is a next life, he must carry out Gou's philosophy to the end!

As long as he is strong enough, no matter what the emperor's road or the road to immortality, he will be a melon-eating crowd!


And Su Changge, who was in the center of the thunderstorm, had already grasped the Heavenly Sword, and a crisp sword sound pierced through the world.

Even though it was just a mere sword chant, it was countless times more powerful than all the thunderbolts in the sky!

And the thunder in the sky seemed to be provoked by this, and in an instant, countless thunder poured down!


Su Changge uttered the Dao sound lightly, just two short words, full of endless killing intent.

He held the sword of heaven and slashed towards the sky.

next moment.

The sky and the earth are roaring, and the sun and the moon are dark.

Even the dazzling thunder was eclipsed, only God saw that stunning sword light, shining for nine days.

The galaxy-like sword glow went straight into the sea of ​​thunder, submerged in it, and disappeared!

The world suddenly became quiet again, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

Everyone clasped their hands tightly, staring at the still Thunderbolt, as if something terrifying was about to emerge from it!

People around even became cautious about breathing.

Some people even feel numbness in the scalp and weakness in the legs.

Some people even feel chest tightness and dizziness.



The appearance of a white awn, dyed the sky and the earth into day, and the crack of the stars resounded.

White light filled the sky, at this moment all the thunder dissipated inch by inch, and the violent thunder ocean turned into nothingness.

The coercion accumulated in everyone's hearts was swept away!

The world seems to be clear!

Da da da!

The footsteps sounded again.

And Su Changge stepped forward, as if nothing happened!

This made everyone's minds roar even more!

A sword shatters the sea of ​​thunder!How powerful is this?

If it were any of them, Ruin Leihai would have been afraid, but he was shattered by Su Changge with one sword!

Su Changge stopped slowly, looked back slightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but he was full of invincible courage.


"See you again at the top of Kunlun!"

The saints of Guiyuan Holy Land looked at each other and smiled.

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