Li Haotian smiled and said: "Master Shenzi has given us the most perfect demonstration, how are you two?"

"Of course you have to follow in the footsteps of the Son of God, just crush it." Ye Lintian's words revealed a powerful momentum between the lines.

"As a woman, I naturally can't fall behind."

Bi Qingxia also smiled slightly.

Many Tianjiao who returned to the Yuan Holy Land stepped out together.

Su Changge's sword.

It also officially sounded the horn of Kunlun Mountain Climbing!

Chapter 164 Illusion, World Annihilation War, History of Failure, Let Me Make Up

Most of the less talented people went to other Kunlun peaks one after another.

After all, the higher the mountain, the more difficult it is to climb. Although the opportunity is good, you have to enjoy it with your life.

However, some stubborn Tianjiao didn't believe in this evil, so they insisted on going to Kunlun Tianfeng to have a try.

As a result, without exception, they were reduced to ashes by the law of the sacred mountain.

Each mountain peak has a winding ancient road leading to the highest point, and the runes flash, revealing a faint ancient charm.

This ancient road also has the power of special laws. Those who set foot on the ancient road will fall into different environments.

There are thousands of avenues, but few mortals.

Only those with a firm Dao heart can reach the peak of the Dao.

"A test for Dao Xin? Interesting."

Su Changge smiled lightly, and then stepped in.

The space in front of him began to distort, and the obscure dao rhyme permeated.



"If we are defeated today, the world will fall into endless darkness! We have no choice!"

"The Immortal Realm is shattered, and the Three Thousand Dao Realm is the last hope of our human race!"

"Kill! Kill all these dark creatures!"

In the endless world, gold and iron horses, wolves living in Xuxu, resounded thousands of miles!

In the sky, countless warships and flying boats bursting out with divine light burst out with blazing divine light, making the sound of crushing the void.

There are also countless monks who have risen into the sky, including many monsters, ancients, and even elves who have long since disappeared from the world.

In a trance, the silhouettes of countless strong men cast out one after another extremely powerful magical spells.


A series of spears of divine light pierced the sky, smashing into the dark tide like breaking an army, and blazing flowers of divine light exploded in the sky and earth.

Su Changge is a human swordsman, holding a three-foot green blade and standing on a warship with his hands behind his back.

The breeze blows, lifting a corner of the white clothes.

"It seems that this is an illusion similar to the projection of the heavens, and it seems to be the battle of annihilation countless epochs ago."

Su Changge looked at the heaven and earth surging with divine light in front of him, and his blood turned into substance in a tumbling vortex.

The flash of thunder and lightning in the sky was even more terrifying than the ocean of thunder that had condensed on Kunlun Shenshan before.

But such a terrifying scene is not a law, but the collision of countless supernatural powers and spells.

"Brother Mubai..."

At this time, a woman came and pulled out the corner of Su Changge's clothes.

Mubai is the identity of Su Changge who traveled through this illusion.

The person who called him was an extremely beautiful woman, with a beautiful nose and almond eyes, and a creamy skin.

In particular, a pair of white and straight long legs set it off even more gracefully, like a piece of shining jade.

"Brother Mubai, why don't we go back, this kind of war is too big, even if we lose the two of us, it doesn't matter..." Mu Qianyue worried.

"It seems that this is the first test, right?"

"According to the usual tactics, it is estimated that it is for the common people of the world."

Isn't it just to promote your righteousness, Su Changge is the best.

Su Changge patted Mu Qianyue's head and shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "The world is in chaos, people are devastated, and the world rises and falls, everyone is responsible."

"What's more, my Mu family is an ancient clan, how can I, as the young master of the Mu family, live in a corner?"

"But brother, you..."

Just when Mo Qianyue wanted to say something more.

Roar! !

The roar of the dragon shook the sky, and a real dragon eroded by the power of darkness rushed towards Su Changge's flying boat!

"Why did the monsters in the saint realm charge here?! Could it be that the front line has been torn apart?"

"Don't panic! It should have slipped in from the front line. It's just a dark creature in the saint realm. We can kill it when we unite!"


This battle is divided into the core area, the front line area, and the rear area.

The core area can be understood as the emperor's battlefield, and the suppression of the three thousand realms can only make the shots below the fairyland.

But the core battlefield is probably not what they can imagine. Just standing here millions of miles away, the aftermath of the battle and the roar of the sky and the earth can be heard endlessly.

As for the frontline battlefield, it is dominated by the strong in the holy realm, and it is all fighting between the strong in the holy realm and the dark creatures.

The backline battlefield, as the name suggests, is the dark creatures below the holy realm. Although these dark creatures are weak, their numbers can be described as overwhelming!

The seven great arrogances stepped forward and each formed a battle formation. The resonance between their breaths made their breaths rise suddenly!

"Evil Sword Formation!"

The seven people shouted in unison, and amidst the surge of sword energy, a huge sword with a thousand feet was cut straight down!

The majestic power even slightly distorted the void. Such a powerful sword move might be able to kill any saint of the human race.

However, the physical strength of the dragon clan is already strong, not to mention the blessing of darkness makes it even crazier!


The black dragon roared, and spit out a pitch-black flame from its mouth, but its temperature was icy cold and biting, strange and ominous!


Just when the Seven Great Talents thought with joy that they had successfully killed the black dragon.

The huge sword suddenly shattered, jet-black flames poured out, and a ferocious and huge dragon's head protruded out of it amidst the roar!

Black flames surged again in the gap between Longkou Dazhang, and the icy breath instantly made the complexions of the seven people pale!


A sense of death palpitations instantly flooded my heart.

Not only is this black dragon fine, but it has already charged up for the next blow!

But just when Black Flame was about to spit out Black Flame.

The white light in the sky flashed like a flash in the pan!

But I didn't wait for everyone to react.


Su Changge's figure had appeared behind the black dragon at some unknown time.

"It seems that although I am in an illusion, I still retain all my original strength."

Su Changge murmured.

However, the black dragon's body was being torn apart slowly by a gust of sword energy, and the sharp sword energy continued to roam freely, wantonly cutting the so-called ultimate body of the black dragon.


Suddenly, the black dragon's body exploded violently!

Fireworks billowed all over the sky, turning into little sparks and falling!

This scene was even more shocking. Countless pitch-black flames fell like meteors, setting off the white-clothed figure like a god descended from heaven!

"The young master of the Mo family is so strong!"

"That's right! The dark creature in the Saint Realm was beheaded by Young Master Mubai!"

After the seven arrogances came out from the shadow of death, they praised Su Changge one after another.

At any rate, the dark creatures of the dragon clan in the saint realm need the cultivation of the great saint to completely suppress them, and many methods are also needed.

But he was beheaded with a sword by a young man who had not yet become a saint!

This alone is enough to go down in history!

But Su Changge didn't relax in the slightest.

"The War of Extermination is the most tragic war in the three thousand realms in countless epochs. Is the test of this illusion so simple?"

Just as Su Changge was thinking secretly.



hold head high!

A few more terrifying beast roars resounded in all directions!

This sudden beast roar caused the hearts of many human children who were cheering and celebrating to fall into the endless ice cave.

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