The storm of sword energy was instantly torn apart by a powerful force, and a figure in white flew out of it holding a sword!

"God Crossing Sword Art, cut!"

[Sword of crossing the gods: the legendary sword cultivator of the ancient human race, the peak of the universe, comprehended this sword formula, condensed the sword intent of the heavens, turned all Taos into sword energy, and stepped out of the sword, crossed the gods and Buddhas, and crossed the heavens with the sound of the sword! 】

This was the system reward that Su Changge had obtained for successfully hunting the Heavenly Hegemony before. After a period of comprehension, this was also the first time he had slashed this sword.

The blazing sword light gathered and turned into a sky-slashing sword imprinted with endless sword energy runes!

Even the space screamed and trembled because of this sword energy, as if it was a verdict from the sky!


The sky-slashing sword energy poured down, fluctuating violently, and the already shattered space was annihilated into endless space dust!

The young Emperor Qing was about to collapse and dissipate under this powerful crush.

Su Changge saw the corners of the young Qingdi's mouth slightly raised.

"Little guy, you are very good. I look forward to meeting us in the battlefield outside the domain..."

As soon as the young Emperor Qing finished speaking, he was finally completely crushed by this powerful sword energy, turning into thousands of stars and dissipating in the sky and the earth.

"An extraterritorial battlefield?"

"I'll be there."

The battlefield outside the territory is the place he must go after becoming the Great Emperor, and the many ancient secrets there can help him understand the truth of the world.

Ka Ka Ka!

Cracks began to appear in the pitch-black space cut by Su Changge's sword, and then fiery divine light poured out.

The originally dark space suddenly shattered, like the only pure white place in the darkness.

Su Changge smiled lightly, and walked slowly towards the gap.

After passing through this piece of white light, there is a sea of ​​clouds surging in front of him.

Above the sky, endless thunder intersects.

The biting cold wind howled, and as far as the eye could see, there was a stretch of Kunlun Peak.

At this moment, Su Changge was on the highest peak in the sky.

It will be the top of the list, and the mountains are small.


Under the interweaving of divine thunder, a bronze altar suspended in the sky among the ten altars slowly descended, and a faint divine light shone on it.

The complex textures and obscure inscriptions are flickering and misty, and the traces of the years on it add a touch of supremacy and immortality to it.

The bronze platform slowly landed in front of and behind Su Changge's body.

A sound resounding across the universe like a voice that is not like men and women.

"Su Changge climbed to Tianfeng first, and the remaining number of Tianfeng Taoist platforms is nine!"

This made many Tianjiao disciples who were climbing dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

What happened?

But accompanied by a roar, a bronze platform rose high, and on it was a figure in white clothes that surpassed the snow, snow-white and spotless, with a slender figure and skin flowing with immortal brilliance.

He is like a banished immortal in the world, handsome and peerless, with a temperament beyond the dust.

On that handsome face that could make hundreds of millions of girls fall in love with it, there was no expression, it was very plain.

It seems that it is not a big deal for him to be the first person to reach the summit of Kunlun.

Seeing this, some climbing arrogances held their breath even more.

"This is the summit? Why did I see that Changge Shenzi wasn't in a mess?"

"Isn't this Kunlun Tianfeng the most difficult to climb to the top? Why did God Son Changge reach the top so quickly?"

If they didn't all know Su Changge's true strength, seeing the other party's calm face would really easily lead to the illusion that Su Changge can do it, and I can do it too!

"This lady must be the first one to walk out of the secret realm, even that guy Su Changge won't be..."

But just when Luo Yanyu stepped out of the illusion with a smug face, she was dumbfounded.

A bronze altar had already been suspended in the air, but Su Changge on it was looking at her with a smile on his face.

"Goddess Luo is really fast, she's just a stick of incense slower than me."

These words splashed on Luo Yanyu's heart like cold water, and made her stand still in place.

Coupled with Su Changge's inexplicable smile, her self-esteem was hit [-]% critically!

Su Changge must have said that on purpose!

Just to embarrass myself, it's really disgusting!


╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮

Thousands of grievances turned into a cold snort in the end, Luo Yanyu silently walked towards the platform sunk in front of her.

There's no way, they did arrive before me, and I can't beat them if I don't accept it!

"Luo Yanyu, the second person to climb to the top of Kunlun, the number of remaining Taoist platforms is eight."

After another wait.

They were Li Haotian, Ye Lintian, and Bi Qingxia from Guiyuan Holy Land.

Gu Ling'er also obtained the tenth Taoist platform by virtue of her strong strength.

The remaining five Taoist platforms were occupied by the emperor and daughter of Demon God Yuan, Dufozi and Zhanfozi of Xiaoxitian, as well as Wangquanjian and Bawangjian of Luohe Sword Sect.

Half of these ten Taoist platforms are controlled by Guiyuan Holy Land, which shows how powerful its Holy Land must be!

Why is there no arrogance of the monster clan?

That's because the encirclement and suppression of the previous major forces failed completely, and the backbone of the immortal forces all disappeared.

They can only climb other Kunlun peaks, achieve the status of saints first, and finally retaliate with thunder!


Dazzling thunderstorms erupted from countless Kunlun peaks, and the aura of a saint was already brewing.


At this moment, the color of the sky changed, and among the surging clouds, a vortex covering the sky was formed!

"The ten Taoist platforms of Kunlun Peak are full, and the calamity of sanctification begins now!"


As these words fell, an endless ocean of thunder poured out from the sky, and the vertical and horizontal thunder roared like a raging beast!

The ten platforms are divided into different directions.


Brilliant rays of divine light surged out from the platform, as if they were connected to the sky!

All the innate qi in Kunlun Shenshan are continuously gathering here.

In an instant, the world here seemed to have fallen into a majestic innate ocean like an abyss.

Du Fozi cast a vague glance at Su Changge's direction, "According to the plan, the agreed time should be here."

A strong murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes, "Master Yin Tianzi, don't worry, soon, all the people who return to the Yuan Holy Land will be buried with you!"

It was when countless calamity clouds gathered in the sky, and when the innate qi crazily gathered.

A loud shout came from the sky, "The people who return to the Holy Land come out and die!"

The majestic coercion of the saints followed one after another, making the coercion of the sky even heavier!

"Those figures are..."

"The top talent of Dragon God Island, Zhenhuang Cave, Tianshan Sect, and Prison God Palace!"

"Oh my god! They have all achieved the Saint Realm! Why is it so fast?"

Amidst the horrified voices of the crowd, large swathes of saints and powerful men flew densely from the sky.

They are the remaining Tianjiao disciples who sacrificed their potential for further transformation and went to the extremely low Kunlun Peak to achieve the realm of saints.

This is the moment they waited for.

The Allied Forces of Saints pierced the sky and landed in front of Kunlun Tianfeng.

After achieving the position of saint, it is equivalent to breaking the shackles of the mortal world, and the laws of Kunlun Shenshan can no longer restrict them.

A Tianjiao headed by stepped out, like a heavenly man looking down, the vast sound resounded through the world.

"People from Guiyuan Holy Land get out!"

"Especially you, Su Changge, you will die today!"

This is why Li Haotian and the others have gloomy faces, threatening their son of God with such arrogance, this is rubbing their dignity of Guiyuan Holy Land on the ground!

"This group of rotten fish and rotten shrimps, do you really think that you are invincible after becoming a saint? I will kill them now!"

"Brother Haotian, add me."

"Although the two of us are women, we still have no problem dealing with a group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp."

Bi Qingxia and Gu Linger looked at each other and smiled, and were about to step out.

And on the major peaks of the Kunlun Peak, there was a roar that shook the sky!

"What should I do if I return to the Divine Son of the Yuan Holy Land?"




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