Numerous Guiyuan Holy Land disciples prepared for the opportunity of becoming a saint, and prepared to block this army of saints for Su Changge.

Su Changge is not only the hope of Guiyuan Holy Land, but also the spiritual banner in their hearts. This banner cannot be toppled no matter what!

All the onlookers in Kunlun Shenshan trembled in their hearts. Is this the prestige of Su Changge in the hearts of everyone?

Even if you sacrifice your own supreme opportunity, you must open the way for it...

How much courage does this require?

"Below the saints, they are all ants. What kind of waves do you group of ants want to make?"

With a big hand waved by a top saint powerhouse in the lead, the monstrous saint's coercion poured down, stirring up the world like a doomsday storm!

Many disciples who could return to the Yuan Holy Land were not afraid at all, they circulated their aura one after another, wanting to fight with it.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Everyone, listen to me."

Su Changge stood with his hands behind his back, and said loudly: "Since Su is the son of the Holy Land God, he naturally shoulders the responsibility of protecting thousands of disciples."

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Su Changge stepped out of the stage one step at a time!

You must know that leaving the Taoist platform will be regarded as giving up!

But Su Changge didn't hesitate at all!

At some point, his right hand had already grasped a long sword, the sword sounded from above, and the cold star flickered!


A touch of extreme white light even cut through the void!

The head of the leading saint and strong man flew high, and the blood scattered in the sky!


A deep pit was knocked out on the ground by this powerful shock wave!

Killing intent rolled in Su Changge's eyes, the temperature in the world dropped suddenly, and even everyone's Dao Heart was roaring violently!

Whispers resounded as if from the demon god of hell.

"Since you want to die yourself."

"The Son of God announced."

"The blood sacrifice starts now!"

Chapter 168 Killing Saints One by One with One Sword, But Sacrifice and Mouse

Almost everyone did not expect the sword that Su Changge would slash.

After a monk stepped into the holy realm, not only his magic power was completely changed, but his physical body was completely reborn, which is the same as the common saying that he is invulnerable.

But the strong and pungent smell of blood permeated the air, making them believe that a strong man in the saint realm died so carelessly!

"Is this still a human being? Hasn't Su Changge not reached the saint realm yet? Can he kill a saint already?"

"I can't imagine that if Su Changge achieves the realm of a saint, then..."

As soon as this person's words came out, it made those who heard it even more frightened.

It is possible to behead a saint before becoming a saint, but how terrifying is it to become a saint?

"Damn it! Su Changge must not be allowed to achieve the realm of a saint alive!"

"Let's attack together and kill Su Changge first!"

A sage and strong man who reacted roared and ordered, and a stone caused a thousand waves.

Dozens of saints showed anger, and after looking at each other, they chose to attack together!

The sky roared and trembled instantly, and the vast and endless holy power surged like a vast ocean!

The vision formed by the fusion of holy energy turned into phantoms of various gods and beasts, and the vast power set off huge waves!


The first one to attack was a saint from Dragon God Island, he gave a cold shout, and suppressed it with a shocking Dragon Qi!

But Su Changge didn't look at it all the time, just raised his hand and slashed out with a sword at will, the void was shattered like paper.

And the sage of Dragon God Island was so shocked that he didn't even have a chance to resist. His body was chopped into pieces and turned into a puddle of blood, even his soul was wiped out.

"Saint? That's all." Su Changge shook his head slightly.

These guys are much worse than the dark creatures in the illusion, and I don't know where the self-confidence can defeat myself.

"Su Changge, you are too arrogant!"

Another three saints came to suppress Su Changge with great coercion!

But Su Changge still just slashed out with a sword, and the three saints had no room to resist, so they turned into powder and dissipated!

This made the onlookers twitch even more.

They were not shocked, but terrified to the extreme.

Saints can be regarded as the mainstay of the spiritual world, but just like the one Su Changge chopped melons and vegetables, they fell one crop after another. Is this still a human being?

"Condensing ten thousand ghosts and demons!"

The ten saints of the Prison God Palace looked at each other, and the majestic ghost energy in their bodies surged and roared, and one after another, pitch-black ancient characters appeared.

The lingering and churning dead air is like ancient tombs, and they are constantly connected with each other, and a huge ferocious grimace is suppressed towards Su Changge in an instant!

But Su Changge's expression was indifferent, and when he raised his hand, a series of yin and yang sword qi burst out, and the destructive aura of frost cold and red flame could wipe out the Nine Heavens Star!


The huge grimace was instantly annihilated by Su Changge's sword, turning into black smoke and dissipating in the air.

And Su Changge kept moving, flashing in front of the ten saints like white light, the sword of heaven was raised high, and then the sword slashed straight down!

The straight sword light is like a slash from the sky, shattering the void, and the turbulent flow of space vibrates and roars!

As the ten sword lights swept across the sky, the bodies and souls of the ten saints were wiped out at the same time, and disappeared in the endless river of time!

This scene finally made those saints feel terrified, and their backs felt cold. The scene they expected to forcefully suppress and kill Su Changge did not appear.

On the contrary, they, saints and powerhouses, were like ants in front of Su Changge, and they couldn't catch it with a single sword!

"This...why is this happening?"

"Hasn't Su Changge not become a saint yet? Why can't these saints and powerhouses even take his sword?"

This shocked the hearts of many onlookers, Di Tianjiao.

How fierce would such a person against the sky be if he became a saint?

Will there still be their share in the future Dilu?

They want to compete with Su Changge for the throne, isn't that proper cannon fodder?

"Has it started yet?"

Su Changge sensed the strong power of heaven and earth behind him, and countless divine thunders pierced through the void, and Li Haotian and others have already begun to cross the tribulation of saints.

They also knew in their hearts that if they really wanted to help Su Changge, they had to become saints first.

If they live up to Su Changge's good intentions, they will only become troublemakers.

More and more Tianjiao who have survived the saint's calamity are rushing towards here, although they are also stopped by Tianjiao who has just become a saint in Guiyuan Holy Land on the way.

But this number still makes people feel daunting.

They all stood in the sky and surrounded Su Changge in the middle, all of them looked dignified, but none of them dared to make a move.

"Why, don't you continue?"

Looking at those eyes showing fear and fear, Su Changge put his hands behind his back indifferently, and there was a casual and relaxed look between his brows.

It seems that killing so many saints is just easy for him, even if such a powerful force erupts, he is still calm.

All the saints remained silent, staring at Su Changge.

They also know that when the saints in Guiyuan Holy Land break through to the Holy Land, they will only be greeted with death and complete defeat!

"Let's all use our best together, don't hold back anymore."

A sage of the Tianshan Sect said loudly: "Otherwise, everyone should know what the result will be!"

That's right, they have come to this point and have no choice.

All the backbones who led them were beheaded by Su Changge.

This enmity is irreconcilable, no matter what method they use, they must kill Su Changge today!

Although Su Changge once killed hundreds of Tianjiao with a single sword, they are all saints now!

How could a powerful realm who had never been a saint be able to kill so many of them?

"That's right, there are hundreds of our saints now, so what if it's Su Changge? It can turn the world upside down!"


Hundreds of saints exploded in unison, and the breath alone made the laws of Kunlun Mountain tremble!

However, there was a hint of sneer in Su Changge's eyes.

These are not only his sacrifices, but also the mice that help him in his experiments.

In the previous illusion, Su Changge tried to integrate and stimulate the power of several major physiques, but the final result was that he couldn't bear it, and his body was broken in the end.

But if the advantages of several holy bodies are supplemented and integrated, and then stimulated in specific proportions, will it be perfectly used?

Su Changge suspended the Sword of Heaven in the sky, the blade buzzed and burst out with blazing sword light!

Countless sword lights turned into heaven-shattering lights and ran over the sky, instantly turning the saints in front of them into dust and dissipating them!

All are killed by one move, simply and neatly!

"Damn! This stinky boy actually attacked! Can't wait any longer, kill him!"

Hundreds of saints circulated their holy power together, Twilight's blood red lotus attacked and killed, countless terrifying supernatural powers poured out, and slammed down on Su Changge.

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