However, Su Changge closed his eyes and realized it, as if he was defenseless against it.

"Lord God Son!"

Some saints Tianjiao of Guiyuan Holy Land wanted to break through the siege to rescue Su Changge, but they were firmly stopped by saints from several major forces in the periphery.

They could only watch helplessly as countless divine lights swept towards Su Changge.

However, the next moment, a trace of bewilderment appeared in their shocked and worried expressions.

Those supernatural powers and spells stopped hundreds of feet away from Su Changge, suspended in the sky as if frozen!

Sword domain!

Chapter 169 Wan Jian returns to the sect, I hope you will have a good birth in your next life

They know that Su Changge owns the sword domain, but they are all saints, why can the sword domain of the mighty realm stop them?

Su Changge just stagnated all his supernatural powers and spells in the void, but he didn't move, and was still feeling comprehension.

"It's really unreasonable! It's too disrespectful for us!"

Seeing that Su Changge didn't take these saints seriously, the saints of several major forces were even more furious.

Holy prestige cannot be humiliated, let alone hundreds of saints?


The endless holy power poured out, squeezing and deforming this space!

But in front of Su Changge's sword field, there is no wave at all, just like the breeze blowing on the eternal mountain, it has no effect!

"Damn it! This Su Changge doesn't know what kind of trick he used to make such a hard turtle shell, so many of us saints can't break it!"

"It's okay, aren't those Saint Body talents in Guiyuan Holy Land still going through the tribulation? Let's kill those people first, and it will be enough for Guiyuan Holy Land to hurt!"

The saints of several major forces nodded secretly when they heard the words.

Since Su Changge has nothing to do now, then send his followers to Huangquan Road first!


However, at this moment, Su Changge's sword domain slowly produced cracks, and then shattered!

"Hahaha! The sword field is broken! God help me too!"

Many saints looked overjoyed, they thought it was Su Changge's sword domain that could not bear their attack at last, but they didn't realize that it was only Su Changge who lifted it on his own.

Light spots flying all over the sky twinkle like stars.

Su Changge opened his eyes slowly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "Everyone, let the game officially begin."

boom! !

A pillar of divine light rose from Su Changge's body to the sky, and a majestic and supreme aura suddenly descended from heaven and earth!

That aura went far beyond this world, and even broke through the dimension, and the saint Jieyun covering Kunlun Tianfeng was even more wobbly!

It made all the arrogances who were breaking through the saints tremble for it!

They were supposed to bear the baptism from the Heavenly Tribulation, but at this moment, they ushered in the overwhelming coercion of Su Changge!

"What the hell is going on with this bastard Su Changge?"

Luo Yanyu had already experienced hundreds of thunder calamities, devouring endless innate qi, when the holy source was about to condense in her body.

But it came out of nowhere, which made her even more shocked and angry.

This force is so strong that it even affected their Heavenly Tribulation Power!

If it weren't for Su Changge not deliberately shrouding them with coercion, I'm afraid they would have died long ago!

"What kind of monster is Su Changge?"

Luo Yanyu mobilized her mind to feel the breath of the distant battlefield.

As unfathomable as the abyss, and awe-inspiring.

Facing so many saints, not only was he able to handle them with ease, he even exploded with such a powerful force in the end.

I am afraid, the end has already been decided.

At the same time, Su Changge's side.

The hearts of hundreds of saints trembled, and even their bodies trembled uncontrollably!

This power is too terrifying!

It's even more terrifying than their saintly tribulation, it's as if they are insignificant facing the universe!

Although they have all accomplished the means of saints, they can shake the heaven and earth and shatter the earth.

But in front of Su Changge, he was manipulated at will like a chicken and a dog!


Wave after wave of aura fluctuated, ripples appeared in the trembling void, and the white clothes bathed in the radiant divine light seemed to come from the original era, the fairy of the fairy world!

"Although it can't last for too long, it is enough to kill these little mice."

Feeling the vast and endless power in his body, Su Changge showed a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

This is my true strength!


Without any warning, Su Changge suddenly punched the group of saints like a meteor falling!

In an instant, the stumped limbs and arms were splashed, the blood spilled into the sky, and there were screams!

Just a random punch turned a dozen saints into stumps and broken arms, and the people around these ten saints were not much better.

He was instantly blasted by the aftermath, and fell to the ground, and the blood in his mouth couldn't be restrained from gushing out likewise!

However, all this is just the prelude to the killing.

Su Changge held the Heavenly Sword in his hand again, and slashed out obliquely, the sword energy was vast, cutting through the void!

And the saints standing in front of this sword light have no room to resist, their heads are all flying high, and their bodies are completely evaporated by the sword energy!

"Quick! Use your hole cards and make a move with all your strength!"

A sage who reacted shouted in shock.

But the next moment, his figure was swept by the sword energy, and it also turned into powder and dissipated!

As for the Tianjiao of other forces who were onlookers, they no longer knew what words to use to describe the shock of the scene in front of them!

The practice world has always said that all saints are ants.

But why these saints are more like ants in front of Su Changge.

And Su Changge is like a god of killing, with one sword and one punch, a large number of saints and strong men will fall with blood!

Perhaps what they don't know is that there will be one more sentence in the future cultivation world.

Under the saint, all are ants.

Before the Son of God, all living beings are equal.


The crisis of life and death hangs over the hearts of these saints like a cloud, and their previous plans have been completely shattered by Su Changge.

Now they have nothing but the desire to live!

Frantically mobilizing the holy power in his body, trying to find a glimmer of hope in the face of despair.

But no matter what kind of supernatural powers and spells, the magic treasure talisman was broken by Su Changge's sword, and it was useless!

"Damn it! It's a monster! It's a monster!"

"I won't fight anymore! I don't want to die!"

A sage from the Prison God Palace took the lead in escaping from the battle, and his desperate cry stirred up a thousand waves with one stone.

A large number of saints and strong men lost their determination to fight, and they all wanted to turn into streamers and flee away.

But how could Su Changge let these sacrifices run away in front of him?

"Everyone, since you have already chosen to make a move, then stay."

Su Changge raised the sword of heaven high, and the aura of several holy bodies continued to rise, covering and suppressing this area even more!

The powerful saints who were fleeing were restrained by this force one after another!

No matter how hard they try, they can no longer use any power!

"How is this going!?"

"Can Su Changge know how to suppress space spells?"

One of them showed panic, and there was a huge wave in his heart. Isn't the space suppression spell only learned by the holy land?

However, he did guess wrong this time, because Su Changge's aura was too powerful, restricting the rules of this world.

And their power is too small in front of Su Changge's aura, so they have no power to resist!

"God Crossing Sword Jue, Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect!"


However, after a crisp sword cry.

In the terrified pupils of all the saints, a scene that shocked them until their scalps went numb was reflected.

The sword intent of swallowing the sky burst out on the white clothes bathed in divine light, as if everything in the world was not as big as his sword, and the universe and galaxy were not as vast as his.

on the sky.

Countless long swords were densely packed and stabbed slowly from the sky, and each long sword exuded a breathtaking cold light.

The number of long swords is vast and infinite, and the sight and location are endless!

When all the long swords protrude from the sky, they can hang neatly on the dome, surrounded by endless sword energy, as if they can pierce everything!

"Everyone, I hope in my next life."

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