"Now Su Changge is several times stronger than that Emperor Ditian!"


Looking at the sky that was still roaring, some onlookers gradually changed from indifference to awe.

The strong will be respected in any age.

And Su Changge is undoubtedly the strongest among the strong.

Although Su Changge has killed countless people, but if he wants to become a great emperor, who wouldn't be able to do it all at once?


That is the most incompetent performance of the weak!

above the sky.

Su Changge slashed out with another sword, blood spurted out, and the saint fell.

But without stopping his left hand, he punched out with a bang!


A terrifying fire dragon gradually took shape, roaring towards a group of saints in a surge of divine fire.

The fire dragon roared and roared, tearing everything apart.

There was a loud bang!

Like divine fire descending from the sky, the many powerhouses directly in front of them only felt a burst of scorching heat!

Their minds were agitated, their holy energy melted, and the power of divine fire tore their bodies apart in an instant!

There were continuous screams, but those figures were shrouded in the scorching sea of ​​flames, and soon disappeared!

And the next wave of attack has arrived, Tianjiao of Shenlong Island turned pale.

It also uses dragon energy, but Su Changge's casual attacks are much stronger than theirs!

It is said that their Dragon God Island is a descendant of the dragon clan, but Su Changge, a generation of human race, is beyond their imagination!

"Activate Wulong Zhenling!"

The remaining sages of Shenlong Island performed the joint attack technique at the same time.

The power on his body seemed to resonate, extremely surging and powerful, and the dragon chant burst out, thrilling!

Five phantoms of real dragons roared through the clouds and mist.

The majestic dragon's power swept across the sky, and this terrifying will made the minds of the onlookers roar even more!

"Are the people on Dragon God Island crazy!?"

"You even have to use this kind of forbidden technique!?"

One uttered a terrified cry.

Wulong Zhenling requires monks to sacrifice their own soul power.

In this way, the real dragon phantom is condensed, and this real dragon phantom is specially aimed at the sea of ​​consciousness monks!

The scary thing is that you can completely ignore the opponent's physical body!

"Go to hell!"

Dozens of saints and strong men from Dragon God Island roared, and five phantoms of real dragons roared towards Su Changge!

However, Su Changge still smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, as if he had absolute confidence in this.

Crossing God Sword Art.

He even uses his own sea of ​​consciousness as a sword, as far as his heart reaches, the sword flower is born!

Centered on Su Changge.

The sword in his heart seemed to pierce the sky, and the sword energy swept out like overwhelming heaven and earth.

A stream of sword energy seemed to come alive.

Weaving and blooming in the void, as far as the eye can see, lotus flowers of swords rise up.


One word is like the truth.

The spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth frantically gathered here, and the lotus flower of sword energy suspended in the sky suddenly bloomed.

In everyone's horrified eyes.

The Wulong Zhenling, which was originally known as the forbidden technique of Dragon God Island, collapsed and exploded like snowflakes!

And Su Changge didn't stop moving, he stepped out directly, raised the long sword high, and swept out!


The sound of the sword, the wind rises, the holy meteor falls, and the sky clears!



All gone!

All the young saints in the Dragon God Island group fell to their deaths!

Looking at the figure in white clothes still standing in the sky, everyone dared not even breathe.

There is no doubt that this figure has been firmly imprinted in everyone's heart.

No matter what achievements Su Changge will achieve in the future, today's battle will surely be remembered in history.

"Hahahaha! Happy! Happy!"

With a flick of Su Changge's long sword, the blood attached to the sword of God spilled out.

After becoming a saint, he needed a great battle.

A fight that can be fought in the dark, an extremely exhilarating battle!

What's more, he has directly crossed the Saint Realm and broke through to the late stage of the Great Saint Realm, so he needs a blood baptism!

And these saints are all sacrifices for him to open the Bronze Temple!

"Anyone else?"


The sound of the sword in the sky was breathtaking, and Su Changge pointed the long sword at all the saints!

"Come to fight!"

This sentence is like igniting the last powder keg in everyone's heart.

The smell of blood kept stimulating their nerves!

Especially Ghost Seven, who is the son of Duoshedu Buddha, she is going crazy!



"Why can't you kill him!?"

She couldn't suppress the endless ghost energy at this moment, and the blood of ghosts and gods was completely awakened!

With Du Fuzi as the center, a strange tsunami of death energy surged out!

This sudden change made everyone's tense nerves even more in a trance!

"Dufozi, you..."

And Zhan Fozi's complexion changed drastically. How could Du Fozi erupt such a terrifying ghostly aura?

And Su Changge smiled lightly as if he had expected it.

"Ghost Seven, I didn't expect you little mouse to hide for so long, and your new body is not bad."

"Su Changge!!"

"Even if I die, I will take you to be buried with Emperor Yin!"

Du Fuzi, who was completely assimilated by the blood of ghosts and gods, fell into a state of madness.

"Damn it! This stinky bitch can't hold on so quickly, and blew himself up so quickly to kill us!"

"The people of Demon God Abyss leave quickly..."

But it hasn't waited for the Demon God Emperor Yuan to finish speaking.


An earth-shattering explosion sounded.

The turbulent death energy turned into a raging ghost mist and crazily drilled into everyone's mouths and noses!

After being infected by the blood of ghosts and gods, the originally crazy saint became even more crazy!

His eyes were red, and he frantically gathered holy energy regardless of the limit his body could bear!

"Damn it! The situation has changed, go and wish the Son of God a helping hand!"

"No, you wait here."

Su Changge said coldly: "Since these whetstones are useless, they should be broken."

Chapter 177

"First, Di Tian, ​​a senior from the Holy Land, beheaded more than a thousand saints."

"And today, I, Su Changge, will surpass senior Ditian."

There was a divine light in Su Changge's eyes, and he said a word.

This time even the sky and the earth darkened suddenly, and the cold killing was like howling wind.

The color of the world changed, and the law wailed.

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