"Kill! Kill Su Changge! Take the destiny!"

And the countless saints who have fallen into madness don't care how terrifying Su Changge is?

As if culling without fear of death.

But Su Changge's face was indifferent, this time he didn't draw a sword, but punched casually with his left hand.

A dharma body has been condensed at the same time behind him, like a phantom of a majestic shore, suppressing the world!

The stalwart phantom behind him punched together with Su Changge!


This punch seemed to shake the wind and clouds for nine days.


Countless saints couldn't bear this powerful force.

The bones shattered and dissipated into blood mist.

The four directions are silent, and those who see it stop their voices.

"Shenzi Changge seems to be hiding his strength..."

Li Haotian seemed to wake up the dreamer with one word.

Everyone reacted.

Su Changge needed to move his sword before, but now if he raised his hand casually, he would die a lot.

"Could it be that Lord Shenzi was honing his sword skills before?" Bi Qingxia speculated.

"No, I guess Lord Shenzi suppressed his cultivation on purpose, and he probably wanted to consolidate his realm with a bloody battle."

This made some people who heard the words sweat coldly down their backs.

How much heart does it take to dare to use thousands of saints as your own sharpening stone?

And the roar in the sky has reached a fever pitch.

The holy air is rolling like a tide, as if it can swallow everything in the world.

The evening of the immortals recorded in ancient books may be nothing more than this.

All kinds of supernatural powers and spells criss-crossed the sky, and then shattered.

Turned into little stars, dissipated in the sky and the earth, one after another figure sprinkled blood in the sky, and the remnants fell down.

"By the way, just try the light of the Great Nirvana."

This is the inherited skill that Su Changge obtained when he awakened the Longevity Dao Bone.

Why not combine the Light of Extinguishing God with the Light of Great Nirvana?

Because there is no existence in this world that allows him to use such an ultimate move.

Su Changge's chest was densely packed with runes, and wisps of black light manifested among the intertwined white awns.

With this breath getting stronger and stronger.

The whole world is crying and trembling.

"The light of great silence and nothingness!"

This is the first time that Su Changge has fully activated the power of the longevity bone.


Fierce and dazzling strange rays of light continuously surged out from the longevity bone in front of Su Changge's chest.

Many Tianjiao who stood outside Bailikai and watched felt creepy.

Not to mention the group of saints who are facing the light of the Great Nirvana.

Where the light shines, countless saints have fallen, turning into the dust of the years and dissipating in the sky and the earth.

It seemed that there were no traces of his presence.

"...What kind of move is this? Is it also the inheritance skill of the Eucharist?"

Some Tianjiao were puzzled.

Through a series of information, they knew that Su Changge's innate holy body dao embryo had an inheritance skill, the light of extinction.

But this touch of light is completely different.

There was still a strange black air in it.

And what is that rich power of nothingness?

However, even with such a large attack, there are still more than half of the saints left, and the number is still more than a thousand.

And even if so many saints and strong men were killed, it can be said that the bones under their feet are like mountains.

His expression didn't change at all.

"Are there any fish that slipped through the net?"

"But it's time to end."

Su Changge's goal has never been the great emperor of this world.

It is to transcend the fairyland.

Now that he has several holy bodies, he also has a unparalleled posture.

If you want to do it, you must do it to the extreme.

If you want to be successful, you must be unparalleled in all ages.

There are hundreds of millions of eternal pride, and thousands of years of history.

He, Su Changge, is going to be the first to leave his name in history.

Ahead, thousands of saints and powerful men who had been corrupted by the blood of ghosts and gods roared towards them.

Su Changge pointed the long sword at the sky.

The void trembles because of him.

There are also thousands of divine thunders brewing, and the four will roar down.

And in Su Changge's consciousness, countless trajectories of light blended out.

That seems to be the trajectory of the Tao.

Another unparalleled sword light opened up the world and cut across the world.

"There are three thousand roads, and ten thousand roads are one."

"The only way to break through the shackles is to break the way!"

Su Changge muttered in his mouth, and the brilliance of countless stars in his heart turned into complex laws and words that were deeply imprinted in the sea of ​​consciousness.

To achieve the realm of saints, everyone will comprehend the way they understand.

And to become a great emperor is to develop one's own way to maturity.

Everyone's way is different.

As far as Su Changge is concerned, his Taoism must be above everything else, and it must break the shackles and shackles of this world.

reach a higher level of existence.

And the basis for achieving all of this is to break the way!

Thousands of laws and enlightenment kept flickering out in Su Changge's heart.

The road he wants to take is the road of breaking the road!

Need to break the illusion first!

Break your heart!

Break yourself!

Break all the tricks!

Finally broke through!

This is the way he, Su Changge, wants to go!

And right now.

The Cangjian made a violent sword cry.

From the nine heavens, thousands of divine thunders struck down.

Like a divine chain of order hanging down, a dazzling divine brilliance burst out.

But this dazzling divine brilliance is like the gap between the stars and the sun compared to the radiance of the God Sword.

The sky and the earth are in a turbulent state, and a large area of ​​wind and clouds are stirring.

And the turbulent divine light of thousands of blackened sages increased the grandeur of this scene.

"Could it be Master Shenzi's..."

When many disciples of Guiyuan Holy Land looked at the white-clothed figure standing between the sky and the earth.

He couldn't help but tremble all over, and there was a deep shock in his eyes.

Everyone's lips were wide open, staring at this scene in a daze.

Because next.

They will see scenes they will never forget.

I saw Su Changge holding high the sword of heaven that burst out with radiant divine light, and all the laws and spiritual energy of the world here are intertwined into a whirlpool.

"The Sword of Extinguishing God."

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

The space seemed to freeze at this moment.


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