"It's really courting death. How dare you steal my son's peaches?"


A powerful coercion came again, and the entire void trembled violently, making a huge roar.

Originally, some monks who also wanted to snatch the Bronze Temple stopped in their tracks, showing shock.

No one dared to act rashly anymore, they remembered the army of saints who had been killed by Su Changge before.

This is a living Hades!

Seeing that no one made a sound, Su Changge was too lazy to pay attention to everyone.

Under everyone's gaze, Su Changge firmly inserted the secret key of the fairy treasure into the huge door lock.


The entire bronze temple trembled violently.

All the inscription reliefs carved on the bronze temple lit up, and the carved beasts seemed to come alive.

The obscure runes circulating on the bronze temple collapsed one after another.


The heavy bronze door opened slowly, making the roar of the years.

And in this very moment.

The sound of the Great Dao echoed between the heaven and the earth, shaking the void in all directions.


The radiant white glow surged like a tide, and behind the giant bronze gate was a vast white world.

This majestic aura also made Su Changge's eyes glow with joy: "The Bronze Temple? I hope you don't let me down."

Su Changge turned back to the disciples of Guiyuan Holy Land again and said, "No one else can enter the Bronze Temple except me. Just wait for me here."

"Yes, honor the order of the Son of God."

All the disciples of Guiyuan Holy Land had no objection, and they all believed in Su Changge unconditionally.

Looking at the back of the white-clothed figure who stepped into the bronze temple.

Their eyes are full of admiration.

One person and one sword wiped out the army of saints.

In the end, he summoned the miracles of the world and opened the Bronze Temple.

Sure enough, the legend will not stop.

It will only go further and further and create more legends.


Inside the Bronze Temple.

The mist is misty and white.

There is something eerie about the ground of this world.

Every time you take a step, the frequency it produces seems to be able to resonate with the power of law that pervades the void.

And this world is even more strange.

In the white mist, there is a broken body of a god statue.

Collapsed temple.

There are also some unknown white bones.

But as Su Changge's footsteps continued to advance, the original whiteness under his feet had turned into blocks of blue bricks at some point.

Suddenly, Su Changge seemed to notice something, and looked at the highest point of the stairs.

A graceful figure stands above it.

Wearing a light blue gauze skirt and a set of pure white gauze.

Just standing there, she exudes the aura of an empress in the world with her gestures.

But after Su Changge saw this figure clearly, his pupils shrank. He knew this person!

"Mu Yanxi!"

From Hua Qiangu to the reincarnated empress, Hua Qianyue.

However, at this moment, she didn't seem to notice Su Changge at all.

Just muttered in the mouth.

"As long as I destroy the beginning of everything, I can protect brother Mubai..."

Saying that, a mass of pure white flames condensed in Mu Yanxi's palm, and even more monstrous imperial prestige spread out!

This is the strengthened Burning Heaven Demon Fire, the Void Returning Fire!

Until this moment, Mu Yanxi finally looked at Su Changge who was still in a state of doubt.

"Brother Mubai..."

"I will definitely save you."

After saying that, Mu Yanxi activated the Void Return Fire, and slapped the law door behind her with a palm!


The blazing white fire surged out, blasting the original extraordinary door of law into pieces!

Mu Yanxi's figure flashed, and he got into it first!

Chapter 179 Beheading three corpses to become holy, golden world?The Age of Fairy's End

Su Changge, who was standing there, was a little confused.

For a while, I didn't understand what was going on.

"Brother Mubai..."

"Mu Qianyue? Mu Yanxi?"

This made Su Changge a little confused.

These are obviously two people from different time and space, why did they say the same thing?

And what does it mean to save yourself?

There is another point that makes Su Changge even more terrified when he thinks carefully.

This bronze temple can only be opened with the secret key of Xianzang, why can Mu Yanxi come in?

The karma involved in the Bronze Temple is huge, and looking at Mu Yanxi's appearance, it seems that he has been waiting for him in the Bronze Temple!

"It seems that we have to ask her clearly."

After Su Changge approached the door at the end of the stairs, he felt an ominous feeling.

This feeling is the same as the tomb of the great emperor that Su Changge met in Tianhe Realm, there is a dark breath in the aura.

However, the aura of the holy body produced by Su Changge's body skillfully counteracted this force, but kept him from being affected in the slightest.

"Isn't the Bronze Temple known as the miracle of the Three Thousand Dao Realm?"

"Why is it eroded by darkness?"

Su Changge stepped into the portal step by step with puzzlement in his heart.

But in the scene, even Su Changge couldn't help frowning slightly.

On the wall of the bronze temple, there are bones that are crystal clear and jade-like.

There is even more incomplete dao rhyme circulation on it, which means that these people were all top powerhouses with extraordinary backgrounds in life.

And on the blood that had been turned into a pool of black blood by the years, there was a faint divinity revealed.

It looks like a dilapidated appearance after a great war.

But directly in front of him was a piece of endless darkness, and he didn't know where to lead.

The rotten smell of the years makes people sick.

But at this moment, there was a crackling sound in the space.

Then there was silence.

Su Changge didn't dare to be careless, staring at the dark space ahead.


At this time, a group of scarlet will-o'-the-wisps suddenly lit up!

"Ants in later generations? Dare to touch my Bronze Temple?"

A strange and hoarse voice came from the darkness ahead with incomparable coldness.

boom! boom! boom!

The muffled sound of heavy objects stepping on the ground echoed in the dead space.

Faced with such a sense of oppression, even any younger generation may break out in a cold sweat.

But Su Changge only frowned slightly from the beginning to the end, without showing any other emotion.

I saw a skeleton wearing ancient costumes slowly emerging from the darkness.

There was nothingness in his eye holes, only the scarlet will-o'-the-wisp burning and boiling.

He wore a five-gold crown and a purple-gold robe, especially the ancient inscriptions engraved on the robe, which added a sense of majesty.

Those scarlet will-o'-the-wisp eyes stared straight at Su Changge, and his whole body seemed to be wrapped in a strange force.

When Su Changge saw strands of blood-red hairs growing on top of this figure.

There was a slight ripple in the eyes of the barrage, which looked very dignified.

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