"This breath still looks like this. Could it be the ancient method of beheading three corpses to become holy?"

Before the advent of the Golden World, the aura of the Three Thousand Dao Domains was extremely thin, which can also be understood as a kind of Dharma-ending era.

But countless epochs before the golden age, the road between the three thousand realms and the fairy world has not been broken.

Those who are outstanding in the Three Thousand Dao Realm can use a secret method to kill three corpses and achieve the status of a saint.

This secret method can be said to be completely different from what it is now. Now it needs to experience the baptism of thunder and heaven, and condense its own way.

In the end, turning spiritual energy into holy energy can be regarded as the complete achievement of sainthood.

But this method of beheading three corpses to become holy is completely different.

Killing the three corpses with the body of a semi-sage, and the so-called three corpses are respectively, the good corpse, the evil corpse, and the wisdom corpse.

But it is recorded in ancient books that these three corpses were transformed by three corpse insects.

The upper corpse insect is named Peng Hou, and it is inside the human head, making people stupid and ignorant.

The corpse worm is named Peng Zhi, and it lives in the human chest, making people worry and delusional, and unable to be quiet.

The lower corpse insect is called Peng Jiao, and in the belly of a person, it makes people greedy for food and drink for men and women.

Afterwards, there is a saying that has been passed down through the ages, that if the three corpses are beheaded, one will become a golden immortal.

The reason why Su Changge knows this so well is because he has been collecting information about Tongxian Road.

This skeletal corpse is likely to be the evil corpse among the three corpses.

"Is it a saint from the era of the connection between the Immortal Realm and the Three Thousand Dao Realm?"

But just as Su Changge was thinking.

This corpse saint flashed in front of Su Changge at some point.

Raise the palm that turned into a skeleton, and pat it down instantly.

This scene seemed to contain an incomparable power of darkness, and the temperature in the void dropped sharply!


And Su Changge also reacted quickly, mobilizing his whole body's mana almost the moment the opponent made a move.

The breath of Wei An's body was surging, and vast magic power gushed out.

After Su Changge advanced to the Great Sacred Realm, the dragon elephant prison-suppressing power particles in his body increased from the original 3000 million particles to the current [-] million particles!

And the world tree in his body became more and more mature, and half of the three thousand great worlds supported by the leaves had been condensed!

The power of this punch is like a vigorous and heavy force of the world gushing out!

It even caused ripples in the void, collapsing and shattering!


The power of the ancient and the present collided at this moment.

The huge roar made the runes of the bronze temple flicker even more.

boom! !

The corpse sage was thrown upside down by Su Changge's punch, and fell to the ground fiercely, kicking up a cloud of dust and ashes!

But even with such a powerful force, it seemed that it had no effect on him at all, and he got up as if nothing happened.

"Obviously not through the method of beheading three corpses, how did the bugs in the end of the fairy world become such perfect saints?"

The corpse saint murmured.

He came from a time so far away.

And the method of beheading three corpses to become a saint is a supreme saint's practice.

Although most of his strength has been exhausted by the endless years, he is still an existence of the Holy Realm after all.

How could a saint who was a powerful saint in the age of ascending to immortality be defeated by a saint in the age of immortality in the later generations?

And the age of Immortal End in his mouth is also the golden age that Three Thousand Daoyu thinks.

In his eyes, even such a grand era is nothing but a declining era.

It can be seen how glorious the former cultivation world was!

"The Age of Immortals' End?"

Su Changge was also slightly shocked when he heard this sentence.

In today's golden world where there are many arrogances and orthodoxies, is it actually a dharma-ending era that is similar to decline?

"But how can the shrine we guard be defiled by such bugs!"

At this time, the corpse saint let out a roar.

Black air condensed in the palm of the hand, and the walls of the entire Kunlun Shrine seemed to be shaking violently.

While the scarlet flames surged in his eyes, the monstrous claw shadow slammed down on Su Changge!

This power is really terrifying.

All the runes seemed to be annihilated, and the space was easily torn apart.

Obviously, if this evil corpse saint still has peak strength, this blow alone may be able to sweep away all the saint powerhouses in the outside world!

"The battle is!"

But Su Changge was not afraid at all, he found the Bronze Temple with great difficulty.

Just got kicked out like this?



Two completely different breaths roared and exploded.

As the holy energy surged, the laws of the world here wailed and shattered.

One white and one red are like two ancient worlds colliding violently.

Between red and white flashes, the two have fought several times!

The collision of the fist and the claw made the void even more shocking!

Chapter 180 One of the Three Corpse Saints, the Good Corpse Saint?a longer war


The Holy Qi held by the Evil Corpse Saint is extremely weird, and when he raises his hand, a great darkness is set off!

Su Changge's eyes were indifferent, as if he didn't care about it at all.

Raise your hand out.

A golden palm print was formed amidst the surge of mana, and it was suppressed loudly!

boom! !

The huge mana fluctuation caused the entire bronze temple to shake violently.

It's like hitting a sacred mountain.

But as the smoke gradually dissipated, the Evil Corpse Saint just swayed, unharmed, and the bloody fire in his eyes was even worse.

He waved his monstrous blood claws and slapped Su Changge again!

"It's a little troublesome."

Su Changge frowned slightly, this corpse saint was the most difficult he had ever seen.

I don't know what tempered his physique he went through. If it was any younger generation in the contemporary era, he would have killed him with a single palm.

But this corpse saint actually fought back and forth with him!

"It seems that there is only one light to kill the gods."

Su Changge murmured in his heart, just about to mobilize the biological blood in his body.

But in his ear, there was an anxious voice faintly.

"He has merged with the Bronze Temple!"

"Come here!"

This sudden voice shocked Su Changge even more.

Isn't this the Bronze Temple?

The six miracles of the Three Thousand Dao Domain.

How come there was Mu Yanxi first, and now there is another voice?

Seeing that Su Changge still didn't respond.

The voice became more anxious.

"Come to me quickly! Or you will die!"

"It's you damn thing again! You want to spoil my good deeds!"

The second wave of attacks from the zombie saints has arrived.

This time his attack was stronger than all the previous ones.

Even far beyond all previous strengths.

Su Changge didn't dare to be careless, and struck out with a bang in the burst of divine light in the palm of his hand!


The darkness surged, shattering a large void!

And Su Changge took advantage of the situation to retreat.

Because he also noticed a little weirdness.

Isn't this corpse saint supposed to be very weak after years of scrubbing?

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