Why does he feel that the opponent's strength is getting stronger and stronger?

"Quick! Come here!"

At this time, the urgent voice sounded again.

This time Su Changge heard it clearly.

A wall of the Bronze Temple collapsed, revealing a dark hole.

And this voice came from the hole.

"Damn bug! Don't try to escape!"

The dark air from behind Su Changge struck again, and the Evil Corpse Saint obviously didn't want to let Su Changge go so easily.

Su Changge frowned slightly, and made another palm print to stop the flying corpse saint.

At the same time, there are various thoughts intertwined in my mind.

It's hard for me to come to this bronze temple. Is it possible that I'm going to be beaten out so embarrassingly?

Su Changge's heart froze.

Heading towards the direction of the sound, without looking back, he plunged into the dark cave.


A faint light soon appeared ahead.

The interweaving array text exudes a radiant light, and there is an ancient and long-lasting atmosphere.

In front of him appeared a pool of shimmering spiritual springs, the water in the pool was shining brightly, and the surface was even denser like mist.

There are bursts of holy and ethereal meaning, spreading in all directions.

But after coming here, the evil corpse saint who was chasing and killing Su Changge suddenly disappeared.

That ominous dark aura did not dare to spread here.

But in the center of the pool, there was a corpse bound by bronze chains.

The clothes are very similar to the previous corpse saint, but the skin is very shriveled, not the image of a skeleton.

On the contrary, he looks like an old man who is as wise as a fool.

At this moment, the old man opened his tightly closed eyes, which were also empty, but with a blue ghost fire shining.

A hoarse and long voice resounded through the space.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time. I am one of the three corpse saints, the good corpse saint."

"The saint of good corpses?"

Su Changge sized him up, his temperament was holy, and there was a divine light in his eye sockets, as if he had wisdom.

"Then why are you locked up here?"

The corpse saint let out a long sigh: "I don't know how long I have been asleep."

"I only know that when I was sleeping, suddenly there was a hot white fire, which shattered the seal that was supposed to hold me."

"White fire?"

Su Changge frowned slightly, isn't this the white fire that Mu Yanxi fired earlier?

Could it be that he deliberately wanted to rescue this good corpse saint?

But why?

Su Changge's thoughts surged in his heart.

"Combining the inexplicable words, what did you say to save me, is it related to this?"

In fact, he didn't understand in his heart, although this corpse saint is extremely powerful.

But if he completely mobilized the aura of several great holy bodies, he would definitely be able to kill the opponent.

Not to mention that he was able to combine the Light of Extinguishing God and the Light of Great Nirvana.

Suddenly he remembered a terrible consequence.

"Would it be possible that if I kill this corpse saint, what terrible consequences will it cause?"

Su Changge looked at the good corpse, but decided to ask out the doubts in his heart.

After all, if you guess by yourself, you can't guess the truth no matter how you guess.

"Senior, what will happen if I successfully kill this corpse saint?"

The corpse sage was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Su Changge strangely.

There is a hint of shock in the confusion, just like watching a psychopath.

But seeing Su Changge's firm eyes, he felt that the other party didn't seem to be lying.

So he said, "If you really kill that evil corpse, the things sealed in the Bronze Temple will come out completely."

"What was sealed?"

Su Changge frowned, and asked doubtfully, "Isn't this bronze temple a relic of the fairy world?"

"How did it become a sealed place?"

The corpse sage was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, his tone was a little shocked: "You actually know the legacy of the fairy world?"

You must know that the origin of the Bronze Temple is indeed extraordinary, and the Three Thousand Dao Domain only regards it as a relic of the pure fairy world. In fact, this place is indeed a place of inheritance.

It is also the legacy of the fairy world.

The corpse sage gave a long sigh, as if recalling the past many epochs ago.

"That's a long story to say."

Su Changge smiled lightly and said, "Senior, you can make a long story short."

The corpse saint was a little speechless, but this junior was really not polite at all when he spoke.

But he doesn't care, after all, Su Changge's talent is really strong, if he can make friends.

Maybe he can complete his regrets during his lifetime.

"In fact, the era involved in all this is too long ago, and I don't know much about it."

"I only know that it was a prosperous era, the era of ascension to immortality. At that time, we did not call it cultivation, but cultivation of immortality."

"The world of ordinary people and the world of cultivation are also one. The monks experience the Taoist heart in the world of mortals, and finally cut off the ordinary heart, and then realize the great way of heaven and earth, and become a golden fairy of ten thousand ways."

"That was an era of incomparable prosperity, and the Three Thousand Dao Domain was just one of the worlds."

"Don't look at how powerful and prosperous the Three Thousand Dao Realm is now, but in the past world, it was just a barren land."

Hearing this Su Changge, I was a little shocked.

Although he knew early on that the Three Thousand Dao Domain was just a corner of the world.

But the Three Thousand Dao Domain with so many immortal forces is actually just a barren land?

The corpse sage gave Su Changge a meaningful look, but he still didn't say a word.

Although the Three Thousand Dao Territory is a barren land, it has produced a remarkable force.

It can be said that the influence has traversed the ages.

At that time, no one in the world knew that the sky was at its peak, and the Dao returned to the Yuan?

It is even more equal to the power at the top of the pyramid in that era.

"Later, you also knew that the wave of darkness came, and the world fell into endless darkness. Countless strong men came forward to resist the erosion of darkness with their bodies."

"But this is only what you know, and I can still vaguely know in my vague memory that there is another great war before this world-destroying war."

"There's another big battle?" A trace of curiosity flashed in Su Changge's eyes. This was a step closer to the truth of the world.

"Yes, although I have forgotten when the great war took place, I know the name."

Speaking of this, the good corpse saint paused, showing a trace of fear on his expression.

"This name is indescribable. If I dare to say it in words, I'm afraid I will be wiped out by the force of cause and effect."

"It's better for you to let go of the sea of ​​consciousness, and I will directly convey it to you with the power of law."

Su Changge was taken aback, let go of the sea of ​​knowledge?

Isn't this stripping naked with oneself, standing in the hail of bullets to die?

It seemed that he could see Su Changge's concerns.

The corpse sage asked with a half-smile, "What?"

"You don't want to know this secret about the world?"

Su Changge frowned slightly. How could he tell from the other party's tone that there was a hint of seduction.

But he did want to know a little more about the truth of the world.

Because until now he was getting closer and closer to that vortex.

It seemed that there was always an inexplicable force pulling him into that vortex.

"My sea of ​​consciousness has been specially blessed by my distant ancestors."

After thinking about it again, Su Changge decided to give it a go.

I still have thousands of treasures added to me, so it's impossible to be overwhelmed by this old thing, right?

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

"Brother Mubai! Don't promise him!"

"He is not a good corpse saint at all!"

"He is a wise corpse saint!"

Chapter 181 The Supreme Immortal Scripture Corroded by Darkness, the Trick of the Good Corpse Saint

Su Changge was taken aback when he heard the voice.

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