He hurriedly turned his head to look at the person who spoke. It was a young and beautiful woman. After seeing her appearance clearly, it was indeed Mu Yanxi.

"Mu Yanxi? Why are you here?"

However, Mu Yanxi didn't look at Su Changge at all.

He just looked at the wise corpse behind Su Changge with a cold face.

"I advise you not to play any tricks, if it is the thing you planted on him."

"I promise, your regret, your long-cherished wish, you will never be able to fulfill it in your life."

Although the wise corpse saint doesn't know who Mu Yanxi is.

But he still smiled and said: "What do you mean by this girl? My little friend and I have a very happy chat."

"But girl, you don't know the rules and threaten me as soon as you come up?"

"Isn't this a bit unreasonable?"

Mu Yanxi sneered at the corner of her mouth.

Sure enough, this old thing is still as sinister and cunning as ever.

It seems that if you don't let the other party suffer, you won't restrain yourself.

She took out a shiny object from her bosom, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a crystal-like jade skull!

But Su Changge was still in a state of bewilderment.

However, the wise corpse saint's complexion changed drastically, and his voice trembled: "How is it possible!? Why did you find this thing?"

"I've clearly put it..."

But Mu Yanxi interrupted him with a sneer: "You obviously threw him into the Dead Sea, didn't you?"

"But it's a pity that I found it."

"Impossible...Impossible...then you have been cut off long ago?"

"How did you find it there?"

The voice of the wise corpse saint even trembled a little, as if he was very afraid of it.

But Su Changge was even more puzzled.

Although he also secretly guarded against this old thing.

But this inexplicable conversation still left him in a state of bewilderment.

Why does this wise corpse saint pretend to be a good corpse saint?

Is there some conspiracy?

At this time, Mu Yanxi said again: "Do I need to tell you how I found it?"

"I advise you not to play tricks."

"You also know the function of this skull. If I crush it, it will be bound to the cause and effect of the Bronze Temple."

"You will still be reduced to the ashes of the years."

The wise corpse saint was silent for a long time after hearing the words, and then often regretted it.

"Unexpectedly, I have done all the calculations and ignored the cause and effect of fate itself..."

"Hey! The chess missed a move, and I lost!"

"Junior, just ask whatever you want, I will know everything."

Mu Yanxi's face was indifferent, and his voice was cold: "I don't want to know anything, what brother Mubai wants to know, you just tell him."


It seemed that he had sensed Su Changge's doubts.

Mu Yanxi spoke softly, her voice was more tender, not as cold as before.

"Brother Mubai, don't worry... I won't harm you..."

In fact, Su Changge was indeed wary of Mu Yanxi.

Now he has a general understanding of Mu Yanxi's identity.

Mu Qianyue in the illusion.

Behind is Empress Taohua of Hua Qiangu.

Finally, there is the current Mu Yanxi.

Just because of his known identity, there have been three reincarnations.

Who knows how many reincarnations Mu Yanxi had in her previous life?

This is the first time he has seen this kind of person who reverses time and walks in reincarnation.

For Mu Yanxi, he felt more and more difficult.

"Forget it, if you don't ask now, you will be even more confused about the truth of the world in the future."

Su Changge made up his mind, and asked the wise corpse saint, "Why do you pretend to be the good corpse saint?"

"This matter is complicated to say, but it is actually simple. The corpse saint has long since died, and I am just borrowing his identity."

Su Changge heard the words, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This old guy, still so dishonest, wants to set himself a trap.

But Su Changge still pretended not to know and continued to ask: "What is sealed in this bronze temple?"

"A source of darkness."

"The source of darkness?"

When Su Changge heard this, his pupils shrank slightly, showing a hint of shock on his face.

The so-called source of darkness, as the name suggests, is the source of darkness, the origin of darkness.

And sweeping the heavens and worlds, countless dark creatures were born from the source of self-made darkness.

And the ancient books of the Three Thousand Dao Realm only mentioned a little bit about the source of darkness.

Because the world knows too little about it, the source of darkness seems to have appeared out of thin air.

When everyone reacted, the heavens and myriad worlds had long been ravaged by darkness.

And such a terrifying thing, this bronze temple actually seals a ray of darkness?

After calming down his emotions, Su Changge continued to ask: "Why are there saints with three corpses imprisoned in the Bronze Temple?"

"In fact, the long time has made me forget my mission, and I don't know why I exist."

"But I only know that the Bronze Temple is extremely important. We are also waiting for someone, and the Bronze Temple is also waiting for someone."

Su Changge nodded slightly when he heard the words, there were now two people, and he was not sure if he was the person the other party was waiting for.

"Is there really another war before the World War of the Dark Era?"

The wise corpse saint was silent for a long time after hearing the words.

Only then slowly said: "The secrets involved in this matter are too great, I can only say that it has something to do with the birth of Xianyu."

"The birth of Xianyu?"

Su Changge's heart trembled. In fact, he always knew that there was a world above the fairyland.

But he just regarded it as the world above the fairyland, and didn't know the specific name.

But this big battle is likely to involve this side of the world.

Now the thoughts in his mind have been sorted out.

After this great battle, the Immortal Realm was born, followed by darkness and turmoil, the Great War of Extermination began, the Immortal Realm was shattered, and the Three Thousand Dao Realm and the Immortal Realm were completely separated.

"It seems that if you want to know the reason of all this, you must first become a great emperor."

The closer to the vortex of truth, the more powerful it will be.

Otherwise, not only would he not have the qualifications to understand all of this, but he would even be torn apart and annihilated by this vortex.

"I have one last question, how can I go to the deepest part of the Bronze Temple?"

"The deepest part of the Bronze Temple?"

The wise corpse saint's voice was full of panic, "It's been corroded by darkness, you still want to go in?"

Su Changge nodded slightly: "This junior came to the Bronze Temple just for chance, so you can't just go back the same way?"

"You are really the most daring junior I have ever seen. Everyone will only flee in a hurry when faced with darkness, but you actually want to take the initiative to face it."

"In that case, let me tell you that the Bronze Temple, as the place of inheritance of the Immortal Realm, naturally has many great opportunities."

"But the most important of these many opportunities is the Supreme Immortal Sutra."

"The Supreme Immortal Scripture?"

Just when Su Changge was puzzled, the long-lost system sound sounded again.

【Ding!A new optional task has been detected. Option [-]: Go to the depths of the Bronze Temple and successfully obtain the remaining pages of the Supreme Immortal Sutra. Reward: One lucky draw.

Option [-]: Completely annihilate the remaining pages of the Supreme Immortal Sutra eroded by darkness, reward: Supreme Immortal Sutra (complete)]

"The Supreme Immortal Scripture Corrupted by Darkness?"

What's going on here?

Could it be that this Supreme Immortal Scripture has long been turned into something dark?

"Brother Mubai! Don't listen to his nonsense, there is no Supreme Immortal Sutra!"

And Mu Yanxi, who had reacted, was also furious: "Wisdom Zombie, you still dare to play tricks now! Are you really not afraid that I will crush this skull?"

However, this time, the wise corpse saint did not express any fear.

On the contrary, there was a hint of playfulness in his tone: "Hahaha! I was just acting with you, and now the magic circle has been constructed."

"It's time to lift the seal!"


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