The pictures recorded on the murals actually made him somewhat incomprehensible.

The ancient inscriptions and the weird painting style can only be guessed by himself.

The first mural is an extremely gorgeous picture.

The fairy mist is misty, the law is flying, the fairy beasts are jumping, and there are countless immortals and strong people flying across the sky.

The several murals in the back are all similar scenes, which can be said to vividly set off the glory of the former cultivation era.

Countless years ago, the world of practice was extremely brilliant, with many immortal sects and countless great sects reaching heaven.

The most powerful among them can even use the supreme secret method to steal the sky and change the sun, and change their fate against the sky.

But in the last few murals, the painting style changed suddenly.

Above the originally clear sky, a strange black hole suddenly appeared.

As the black hole rotated, the sky continued to shatter and was dyed pitch black.

But in the darkness, Su Changge saw a strange palace.

The overall appearance is in a dark style, and just from the murals, it seems that there is endless darkness emanating from it.

The dark palace opened, and endless dark creatures gushed out of it.

The coming of darkness has ushered in a huge disaster to the once glorious practice world.

Countless souls were destroyed, and the heavens were devastated.

There are also countless Tongtian Great Sects that have been eroded by darkness, fell into the endless abyss, and turned into a kingdom of darkness.

The picture turned again, and the next mural was a big battle.

It seemed to be an extremely tragic battlefield.

The avenue is whining, and the sky is breaking!

In the Nine Heavens, there are terrifying figures of gods and demons from the heavens, fighting fiercely among them!

And their opposing direction is an extremely huge black eye!

Countless strong men from the ancient human race and the monster race fought against the dark creatures.

Runes flooded the sky, and countless stars collapsed.

The brutality of the war is hundreds of times stronger than that of the Immortal War.


"Huh? There are more than ten murals about the Great War. Why were they all destroyed?"

Su Changge frowned.

The paints used to depict murals are made of extremely rare materials, which are difficult to be affected by the years.

But these more than ten murals are extremely blurry, obviously someone did it deliberately.

But its traces seem to have been experienced for a long time, at least thousands of years.

Even the subsequent pictures were destroyed in the same way.

"Did another person enter the Bronze Temple thousands of years ago?"

"Who is that man?"

Boom! !

At this moment, a huge explosion sounded from the front.


The sound of roaring in the void suddenly exploded again, this time it even made the Bronze Temple tremble!

Chapter 185 The Source of Darkness Awakens, A Person of Reincarnation Walking Through the Years

"This breath is Mu Yanxi?"

Su Changge sensed it for a while, and soon confirmed the source of the breath.

Consistent with where he was going, the depths of the Bronze Temple.

The screen turns.

Under an altar in the depths of the Bronze Temple.

Mu Yanxi's forehand pinched the spell and shot out a large piece of pure white flames, fighting with the corpse saint in front of him.

The pitch-black light collided violently with the pure white flame.

The power of the law stirred up annihilated and burned a large area of ​​void!

"who are you?"

The Evil Corpse Saint's face is gloomy and cold, and he has absorbed the dark breath accumulated over the years. His body has long been indestructible, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is invulnerable.

But facing Mu Yanxi now, all the areas hit by her disappeared like layers of wind and sand.

"The power of reincarnation carries a little power of time..."

"The reincarnated person who walks through the are a variable."

The corpse sage looked at Mu Yanxi meaningfully, and then the ghost fire in the eye hole rolled out again.

"Then you have to die, how can our plan be affected by you?"

And around him, pitch-black runes rose up, and endless black air gathered into a black palm that covered the sky and slapped down!

Mu Yanxi's face was solemn, just when she was about to use her hole card.

A voice sounded from behind the corpse saint.

"God Crossing Sword Art, the sword opens the world!"

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably bright sword light swept out like a galaxy!

The majestic sword energy is like mighty heaven!

"Boy, you are making a sneak attack!"

The Evil Corpse Saint's face was shocked, and he didn't expect that Su Changge would make such a tyrannical sword as soon as he came.


The sword energy surged, and the corpse saint was swept out with a roar!

"Young man, you don't talk..."

When the zombie saint just got up from the ruins, Su Changge had already flashed in front of him like a shooting star.

The sword of heaven was raised high.

Sword out, cut!

"Straight up!"

The Evil Corpse Saint also had a furious expression on his face, as if he could not be squeezed into mud!

Raising his hand, he also sent out a burst of black energy that collided violently with the sword energy.

But this time he obviously underestimated the power of Su Changge's sword.

As the sword qi roared, it suddenly bloomed like a sun!

The majestic sword energy roared out!

Even the Bronze Temple trembled violently.

But Su Changge kept moving, and the moment the corpse saint blocked the sword, his left hand had gathered holy power.

Hundreds of millions of particles of Dragon Elephant Suppressing Prison Energy kept gathering in his palm.

In the midst of surging blood, he punched out!

This powerful force even produced bursts of sonic booms in the air!


The Evil Corpse Saint was weakened a lot by Mu Yanxi's special power before, and he has no power to resist this blow!

This punch firmly hit the corpse saint's face.


The divine light exploded, golden runes flooded the sky, and the huge impact caused the corpse saint to fly upside down!

The wind gathered under Su Changge's feet, and his knees were slightly bent.

Then he exerted all his strength, and even the ground was blasted into a deep hole like a spider web by his foot!

And in the air, the God Sword has once again gathered an incomparably cold sword energy.

One ball is like a hot sun, and one ball is like eternal frost.

"Yin and Yang with one sword!"

The sound of the sword sounded.

Then an incomparably blazing sword energy suddenly exploded!

The fiery sword energy walks around like a dragon!


And the corpse saint was blasted out like a rag, leaving a trace on the ground of the bronze temple!

Su Changge's combo made him a little confused, every time he blocked the first move, the next move would follow immediately!

"I thought it was a bastard, but I didn't expect it to be broken."

Su Changge's words stunned the corpse saint.


He subconsciously touched his face.


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