Not only his face, half of his body was shattered, and black air continuously overflowed from the shattered bones.

The corpse sage froze in place for a moment.

Then, as if completely enraged, he roared like a wild beast!

"The mere last generation of bugs!!"

"How dare you hurt me!!!"


Endless black air came out wantonly, this time the bronze temple no longer trembled, but kept trembling!

This tsunami-like black air diffused wantonly, slapping on the wall of the bronze temple frantically!

Mu Yanxi's complexion changed drastically, and then a ball of pure white fire gathered in his palm.

He raised his hand and slapped the corpse saint!

Obviously, every attack he made before could suppress the evil corpse saint's black energy!

But this time, she couldn't suppress it at all!

The dark runes pervading the void became more and more intense, and even turned into substance, pulling this world into an endless world of darkness!

The cold room is like falling into the Nine Serenity Hell!

"Could it be... that the rage of the corpse saint completely awakened that ray of darkness!?"

Mu Yanxi thought of a terrible possibility.

After countless years of development, the seal of the bronze temple to the source of darkness has become more and more fragile.

Now that the Evil Corpse Saint has erupted with such a powerful force, it is likely that the source of darkness has been awakened in advance!

Hastily shouted at Su Changge: "Brother Mubai! Run away!"



The corpse saint let out a ferocious laugh.

"My lord has awakened! Even if it's just a trace of awakened power, it's enough to crush you ants!"

The corpse saint opened his arms and shouted towards a dark place.

"Congratulations to the Lord for waking up!"

"May the Lord give me strength!"


In the depths of the darkness, a scarlet light suddenly flashed.

That scarlet light, like a scarlet blood moon in the darkness, is breathtaking!

And the most frightening thing is that the scarlet light is like the vertical pupil of a huge eyeball!

Immediately afterwards, a strange voice sounded from the darkness.

It was like the sound of countless wraiths intertwined.

Just hearing it makes one's scalp tingle.

"I didn't expect the ray of power sealed in the bronze temple to wake up early."

"Oh? I sense a familiar breath."

The huge creature that looked like an eyeball suddenly looked at Su Changge.

Su Changge frowned slightly, feeling the detection of the other party.

But he didn't panic, the ancestor didn't come out this time.

That means he can handle this thing by himself.

"Although this thing is weird, it seems that it has just woken up, and its breath is still very weak."

"If you don't make a move at this time, when will you wait?"

Su Changge made up his mind, smiled slightly, and then cut out with a sword!


The incomparably blazing sword light slashed towards the huge eyeball as if it had opened up the world!

But this time, Su Changge even blended in a ray of his holy body breath.

Since his own sacramental breath is specialized in restraining darkness, he must add more ingredients!

"You are so courageous, junior!"

That huge eyeball just woke up, who knew that Su Changge would give himself such a sword before he finished speaking?

He saw jet-black runes gathering in his pupils, followed by dots of scarlet light gathering.


Immediately afterwards, those scarlet lights turned into a scarlet beam of light, and shot out towards Su Changge's sword qi!

But he has just woken up, facing Su Changge's power, he is completely inferior!

"how is this possible!"

Amidst its shocking sound, the sword energy burst out suddenly.

The turbulent sword energy instantly swallowed this huge eyeball completely!

Mu Yanxi was also a little unresponsive.

He knew that Su Changge was very strong.

But this is the source of darkness!

Although it's just a small wisp, even though it's just awakened, it's impossible for a Great Saint Realm to suppress it, right?

A smile appeared on the corner of Mu Yanxi's mouth.

She remembered the picture in her memory.

The world is swallowed by endless darkness.

But there was a young man in white holding a long sword.

She still remembered above the sky that was dyed pitch black.

A young man in white was full of pride, and cut open the dark sky with his sword.

Sword scattered boundless darkness.

That figure seemed to be slowly fitting into Su Changge's figure.

"Sure enough, even in this life..."

"You are still so dazzling..."

Chapter 186 The world has no heart, the sun and the moon shine brightly, this trick is the fall of gods and demons


The corpse saint was furious, but he hadn't waited for him to do anything.

A pure white flame suddenly swept over and exploded in front of the corpse saint!

"Brother Mubai! Leave this corpse saint to me!"

After the words fell, Mu Yanxi raised his hand and blasted out a wave of flames again.

The pure white fire seemed to carry a sacred and supreme aura.

Caught off guard, the corpse saint's body was burnt a lot again.

"court death!"

This made the Evil Corpse Saint even more furious. He was also a saint in the age of immortality, but now he was being played by two juniors like this!

Simply deceiving!

The Evil Corpse Saint circulated the power of darkness and instantly got into a ball with Mu Yanxi.

Immediately, two completely different holy aura roared together!

Su Changge was not idle either, just when he wanted to slash a sword towards the dark eyes again.

The giant eyes shrouded in sword energy suddenly burst into a scarlet light.


The air of darkness came out wantonly.

The huge pitch-black eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and even a few drops of black blood flowed out.

"You, really damn it!"

Su Changge's sword completely enraged the Black Eye!

As the pitch-black eyes roared, dense black tentacles protruded from the eyeballs!

Those pitch-black tentacles were made of weird runes, and the dark aura emanating from them even corrupted the space!

Su Changge's face was solemn, and he didn't dare to be careless, this aura was too weird.

If he is not careful, it is very likely that he will be corroded by darkness.

Bang bang bang! !

The pitch-black tentacles landed on the place where Su Changge was standing like a poisonous snake.

But Su Changge moved faster, and when the pitch-black tentacles were about to arrive, he was ready to go.

It just left afterimages in the original place.

In the blink of an eye, the figure has flickered above the dark eyes.

The sound of the sword sounded, and the sword cut again!

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