"Little friend, there is no need to panic. With my ghost temple here, Ghost Zhoushan and Fallen Soul Valley will definitely not be able to embarrass you."

"What did you say!?"

Patriarch Mie Xin was furious when he heard the words: "Doesn't the Lord of Ghost God know that this Su Wei killed my grandson!?"

"Hallmaster of ghosts and gods, my descendant of Fallen Soul Valley was also killed by this child, what is the meaning of this move by the lord!?"

The Ancestor Huntian of Fallen Soul Valley also looked cold, but he guessed something.

In his opinion, the words spoken by the Ghost Palace Master are really strange.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and there must be something he doesn't know.


But Su Changge, who was listening to the rumors in Nine Burial Sword Mountain, sneered in his heart.

"It seems that the master of the ghost hall is very scheming."

I killed the five major sub-heads of their ghost temple, and the other party not only didn't blame me, but also wanted to help me?

In his opinion, this is simply a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken, which has no good intentions.

"Hehe... It seems that this second match will be a hard fight."

The old man with the sword on his back said with a smile: "If you want to get rid of such a predicament, even the young Ghost Sword Immortal can't do it."

"Master Ghost Sword Immortal?"

Su Changge raised his eyebrows when he heard this, it turned out that this old guy was once a subordinate of Ghost Sword Immortal.

He thought it was just a legend, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Seeing the other party say it without any scruples, it seems that he is still very proud of it.

Ignoring the ridicule of the old man with the sword on his back, Su Changge slowly walked to the dry well in the sword grave.

Then he took out the ghost eyes from his bosom, and the strong ghost energy made the void roar.

"Is this... the eyeball of that ghost kid?"

The old man with the sword on his back recognized the ghostly eyes at a glance: "What do you want to do, kid?"

"Do you want to use this to ask the ghost temple to provide you with shelter?"

When he said this, the old man with the sword on his back was a little indifferent. He thought that according to Su Changge's character, he would be tough and unyielding.

Didn't expect Su Changge to compromise so soon?

If this is the case, then he really overestimated Su Changge.

It seemed that he could see the meaning in the eyes of the old man with the sword on his back.

Su Changge laughed and said, "Can't the ghost sword fairy in his youth do it?"

"What does that have to do with me, Su Changge?"

Chapter 241 The nine burial sword boxes come, and the five major forces of the burial gather together

The moment Su Changge threw the Ghost Eye into the dry well.

The mechanical system sound suddenly sounded.

【Ding!It is detected that the host has completed the optional task. The Nine Burial Sword Box is very special. To activate this sword box, the host needs to activate it in the Nine Burial Sword Mountain. 】


[The host's request has been accepted, and the Nine Burial Sword Box is being activated.five four three two one. 】


At this moment, a terrifying force erupted from this dry well.

The terrifying aura made the whole world tremble violently, and the overflowing ghostly aura soared into the sky.

What's even more frightening is that in this strong ghost aura, there is actually an extremely desolate, ancient, and fierce sword aura mixed in!

And I don't know when the space has been infected with a layer of murderous aura!

"This...is this..."

The voice of the old man with the sword trembling, he felt a familiar breath.

It was the breath in his memory, it was the invincible figure in his memory!

hum! !

hum! ! !

And at this moment, the entire Sword Tomb land erupted with sword cries one after another, as if passing through eternity-like desolation.

Even those ancient swords that were about to decay eroded by the years seemed to come alive, autonomously leaving those strong tombs.

And the ancient sword awakened this time is actually beyond sight at a glance!

The strong sword energy even dispelled all the ghost energy in this world, turning it into a sea of ​​sword energy.

As the sword energy from the ancient well became stronger and stronger, even a flash of brilliance directly pierced through the suppression law of Jiubuan Sword Mountain.

"What happened in the Nine Burials Sword Mountain!?"

"Damn! Could it be that the junior of the human race released something incredible?"

The countless strong men who originally surrounded the Nine Burial Sword Mountain also noticed this scene.

This sudden change caught them off guard.

In their line of sight, the entire Nine Burial Sword Mountain was roaring and trembling, and an extremely fiery sword energy shot straight into the sky.

It seemed to cover everything in their sight.

"Impossible...it...it has clearly been broken together with Lord Ghost Sword Immortal..."

The old man with the sword on his back stared blankly at this scene, his eyes filled with disbelief.

This breath made him feel very familiar, and he finally remembered what it was, the supreme sword weapon used by Lord Ghost Sword Immortal, the Nine Burial Sword Box!

In this endless sea of ​​sword energy, only a bronze sword box slowly emerged from the sea of ​​swords.

It is engraved with countless kendo inscriptions, and there are countless ancient sword reliefs, accompanied by dragon and phoenix patterns.

It seemed to wake up from the endless years, glowing with the blazing brilliance of the inscription.

"Has the legend who once roamed the underworld finally awakened?" Su Changge murmured to himself.

He felt an ethereal and ancient aura from the Nine Burial Sword Box.

Every inscription on it seems to have a story, like the ghost sword fairy who once carried the nine-burial sword box and defeated countless supreme powers.

boom -

And at the same time when the Jiuzang sword box came down completely, the nine huge sword mountains also burst out nine different beams of light straight into the sky.

The law that originally gathered on the Jiuzang Sword Mountain frantically gathered towards the nine beams of light.

The violent breath poured out from the nine sword mountains, as if it was going to turn all the mountains and plains into ashes.

"There is actually a strong power of the five elements in these sword qi..."

"If I borrow its power, it will not only help me break through my cultivation, but it can even give birth to the world tree in my body..."

Has been busy completing the optional tasks of the system, the world tree in Su Changge's body has only grown into a small tree, and the progress is still very slow.

With such a good opportunity now, he naturally cannot miss it.

He looked in the direction of the old man with the sword, Su Changge was still a little worried.

But if the power of the five elements is missed, it will be a big loss.

After thinking for a while, Su Changge summoned the God Sword and suspended it in front of him.

Then he said to Tang Wu'er: "Wu'er, call all your soul beasts to protect me."

"This kid..."

The old man with the sword on his back also understood the meaning of Su Changge's words, but he really didn't intend to make a move.

The Nine Burial Sword Box, which was originally broken, has now reappeared in the world, and even recognizes Su Changge as the master.

All kinds of changes have exceeded his cognition.

"I'd like to see...what kind of surprises can you bring me..."


Outside the Nine Burials Sword Mountain.

"The law suppression of Nine Burial Sword Mountain is gradually weakening!"

At this time, the Mie Xin Patriarch from the outside world also noticed the change in the law in the Nine Burial Sword Mountain.

Although the law suppression still exists, it is much weaker than before.

"Come here, lead an army of [-] into the Nine Burial Sword, and arrest Su Wei'er!"

The Elder Huntian of Fallen Soul Valley also ordered at the same time: "Tianhao, you also go and lead an army of [-] into Nine Burial Sword Mountain."

Following the order of the two ancestors, the army immediately began to move.

But at this moment, the Lord of Ghosts and Gods said loudly: "Friend Su Wei, if you need the old man's help, please let me know, the old man will definitely not lose his word."

"I'm afraid Su Wei is in serious trouble..."

Luo Yanyu, who was hidden in the crowd, was also beating wildly, the momentum in front of her was too great.

The place I saw was full of soldiers with spears and swords, a total of [-] troops, and dozens of strong men from the Holy Land.

"It's really hard not to suspect that this Su Wei is simply Su Changge's younger brother..."

Just when Luo Yanyu was struggling.

There was another cold hum from the sky.

"As an elder from the Underworld Realm, I actually harbor such evil intentions towards a junior from the human race."

"I'm afraid that with such a xinxing, I'm going to practice on dogs."

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