A huge pitch-black airship tore through the void, slowly poking out from the pitch-black crack.

The huge one is engraved with the four characters of Burial Royal Family, especially the figures with powerful aura standing on the deck are lingering with ghostly aura.

"The burial royal family has also come, and there are four major forces!"

"After living in the burial ground for so many years, it's the first time I've seen the four major powers come for a human race. If my human race doesn't die, I'm afraid it will go down in history."

The patriarchs of the two great powers had cold eyes again: "Ghost Ya, I advise you Burial Kings not to intervene too much."

"Even if this junior of the human race is the emperor, you can't keep it, I said it!"

Guiya Patriarch smiled coldly when he heard the words.

"Today this person, I buried the royal family in Baoding, what do you think?"

They knew exactly how terrifying Su Changge's background was.

This is a great opportunity for Su Changge to owe them a favor, how can he miss it?


Mie Xin Patriarch's face is cold, who is this junior of the human race?

First there was the Lord of the Ghost Palace, and now there is the Patriarch Guiya who buried the earth royal family.

At this time, the Lord of Ghosts and Gods smiled and said, "I didn't come here specially to protect Su Wei."

"Su Wei killed the five sub-masters of my ghost temple, and he must be brought back to the ghost temple by me for trial."


And the faces of the people watching changed even more.

Who are the five chief rudders of the Ghost Temple?

Five powerhouses at the peak of the Holy Realm, who could be regarded as suzerains in a small and medium-sized force, were actually slaughtered by a group of juniors of the human race! ?

If they knew that Su Changge also beheaded [-] elite Guishang troops, their worldview would be completely reversed!

"Su Weiyou is the new owner of Shanzhen Building, you guys don't take my new owner seriously."

"Could it be that you look down on my Shanzhen Building?!"

Chapter 242 The situation changes again, the visitor is not good

Accompanied by the fall of this voice.

A rune circle was suddenly formed in the pitch-black sky.

Accompanied by waves of ripples in the space, four old men in black gold Taoist robes slowly emerged from the magic circle.

"It's the four ancient buildings of Shanzhen Building!"

A bystander exclaimed when he recognized the identities of the four old men.

The reason why the Shanzhen Building has such a high status in the Nine Burial City is also thanks to these four ancient buildings.

Among them, looking north to the landlord, Zhundi Yizhong.

The landlord of Shanhai, the second level of the quasi-emperor.

The master of Nantian, the peak of the Holy Lord.

The landlord of Xihua, the peak of the Holy Lord.

This can be regarded as a first-class powerhouse in the entire burial.

In addition to Shanzhen Building, there are three quasi-emperors in the entire Shanzhen Building!

Now the landlord of this powerful force has turned into a junior of the human race?

"As the four old masters of Shanzhen Building, you actually recognize someone else as the new master?"

Patriarch Huntian shouted and asked, he speculated that all this was just a cover for Shanzhenlou, and he just wanted money to get a share of the pie.

The owner of Shanhai sneered: "I do things in Shanhailou, why do I need to explain to you?"


Patriarch Mie Xin was even more furious in his heart, his clenched fists even made his knuckles turn white.

It's fine that a Nine Burial royal family came to stop them, but now there's another Shanzhen Building!


At this moment, I saw the nine beams of sword energy bursting out with the final strength.

The terrifying sword energy actually condensed into nine shining ancient swords!

Nine different cold stars twinkle above the night.


Then there was only a sound of a sword, and the nine flying swords flew directly towards the depths of the Nine Burial Sword Mountain, and then fell straight into the Nine Burial Sword Box.

And at the moment when the nine ancient swords returned to the Nine Burial Sword Box, the law that had shrouded the Nine Burial Sword Mountain completely disappeared.

The many strong men who gathered outside almost at the moment of disappearance reacted instantly.

"Nine Burials Sword Mountain's suppression law has disappeared!"

"Follow me, everyone, to punish Su Xiaowei!"

"Don't even think about it!"

"Protect Young Master Su Wei!"


In an instant, streams of light came from the depths of Nine Burial Sword Mountain.

The speed of these superpowers is extremely fast, even leaving ripples in the void.


At the same time, the land of Sword Tomb.

Su Changge slowly opened his eyes.

The breath in the body was like a surging ocean, and the power of the five elements that had been condensed in the void before had been completely absorbed by Su Changge.

Under this force, the world tree in Su Changge's body grew again.

As the supreme aura circulated, it set him off like a god above the nine heavens.

In particular, the rich power of law gathered in this world is all left after Su Changge's breakthrough.

"This guy... how old is he, and he broke through to the Holy Realm?"

The old man with the sword on his back was stunned. Without a doubt, Su Changge refreshed his world view again.

"Su Wei is dead!"

At some point, Mie Xin Patriarch flickered directly above Su Changge's head, activating the terrifying power of law, trying to suppress the thief who killed his grandson in one fell swoop.

"court death!"

The ancestor Guiya shouted angrily, and also blasted out a lawful palm, which collided violently with it.


In an instant, the terrifying power that poured out from the midair shook the entire Nine Burial Sword Mountain with roaring sounds.

Just in the blink of an eye, several powerful figures appeared above Su Changge's head.

What is even more frightening is that behind these figures, there are densely packed monks rushing towards them.

There are even a large group of mighty monks on the ground!

"Is this...!?"

Suddenly, the ancestor of Tianhun made a sound of panic.

The forces that were about to fight were also following their prestige.

In the end, they gasped at the same time, and their pupils shrank.

"Nine Burial Sword Box!?"

When they said these words, their tone was full of disbelief.

Surprised like waking up from a big dream.

This legendary supreme sword weapon actually appeared in front of their eyes! ?

As they became more and more aware of the eternal breath released by the Nine Burial Sword Box, their eyes were even more fiery!

"Junior, I am the ancestor of Falling Soul Valley Soul Heaven, if you hand over the Nine Burial Sword Box to me."

Huntian patriarch said loudly: "Not only do I not care about you killing my descendant of Fallen Soul Valley, I can also accept you as a true disciple!"

The patriarch Huntian reacted instantly and directly threw chips at Su Changge. What a joke, the reason why he came to Su Changge was only for the face of the sect.

Now I saw the Nine Burial Sword Box, a mere heir?If you die, you die!

And the other powerful men are also old monsters who have lived for countless years, and they also reacted quickly.

"Boy, I am Mie Xin Patriarch of Gui Zhoushan, and Gui Wuya you killed is my grandson."

"If you regard the Nine Burial Sword Box as compensation from our sect, I can handle this matter leniently!"

At this time, the master of the ghost temple also smiled and said: "Su Weiyou killed the five sub-masters of my ghost temple."

"Also took my ghosts and gods' relics without authorization. In terms of compensation, it's my turn first."

"Fart! Su Wei is the landlord of my mountain treasure, and the Nine Burial Sword Box should also belong to my mountain treasure building!"

At this time, the landlord of Shanhai also had a cold tone.

Then he turned to Su Changge and said: "Lord, you just give me the treasure token, and I will dispatch the army to help!"

The four ancient masters descended here, to be honest, they didn't come to protect Su Changge.

In the dark, Shan Haizhu, who has the strongest cultivation base, has already completely controlled Shanzhen Lou.

Now, as long as he gets the landlord, he can completely become the new generation landlord of Shanzhenlou.

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