Su Changge didn't care about this, and still smiled lightly: "Since you're in such a hurry, then I'll give you one too."

"Lei Xiao."

boom -

Thunder suddenly exploded.

Thunder thundered violently above the sky, forming a sea of ​​thunder and lightning like a stormy sea.

The lightning in the sky continued to spread vertically and horizontally, and even turned into thunder dragons, wandering wantonly above the sky.

Accompanied by the slashing of the Lei Xiao Sword, the Thunder Dragon swimming in mid-air seemed to come alive, and it usually slammed down on the two landlords!

"Fourth brother, I'll hold him back!"

Master Nantian yelled at Master Xihua, "You should hit him with all your strength as soon as possible!"

But obviously they still think things too simply.

Accompanied by the continuous roar of the thunder, the purple thunder and lightning continued to condense as they fell.

Not long after, the roaring thunder dragon has stretched into one piece, like a tide of ten thousand dragons!

Boom! !

Amidst the thunderous thunder that shook the sky, two more heart-piercing wailing sounds sounded.

"This... is this still a human...?"

And the ancestor Guiya who originally wanted to help was also staring blankly at this scene.

This is completely unilateral crushing!

He didn't understand, Su Changge had just broken through to the Holy Realm, why could he fight against several quasi-emperors?

"Is this Su Wei too perverted?"

"Why do you use a sword like that guy Su Changge?"

Luo Yanyu's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and her heart became even more turbulent.

In fact, she didn't believe that the other party could fight against several quasi-emperors with the cultivation base of the holy realm.

It must be that the opponent used some trump card, but such a terrifying hole card also makes people feel a little creepy.

boom -

There was another thunderous roar.

Luo Yanyu subconsciously looked at the void in front of her, and couldn't help shivering.

Biting frost icebergs.

Fiery storm of fire.

The vertical and horizontal eye of the hurricane.

Roaring Thunder Dragon.

The pitch-black space ahead was completely covered by these four terrifying scenes, and this scene of demons dancing wildly was created by one person!

"Your master is dying."

Su Changge smiled at the armies of the two major forces: "It will be your turn next."




The sky is vast, and the sword energy is endless.

Two bright sword lights emerged from the top of the sky.

An ancient sword outlines a series of extremely gorgeous constellations in the void, and the dots of stars continue to flicker, and finally a huge sword is built!

And in another direction, the sound of the sword is like the roar of a green dragon.

The endless destructive aura erupted completely at this moment, followed by layers of cracks in the void, and even more terrifying destructive auras emerged from the shattered sky!

The air of destruction that filled the sky was actually lingering with that huge divine sword.

At this moment, everyone is looking at the vast sky lit up by the sword energy.

Even though it was such a gorgeous scene, there was an air of death hanging over their hearts!



I don't know who was the first to let out an exclamation, threw the spear in his hand, turned around and fled.

This move even brought about a large chain reaction.

Their shocked minds were finally sounded the death alarm!

It wasn't until now that they figured it out.

This monster actually wants to kill them all!

Chapter 247 Using the Great Emperor as a teaching tool, this sword has a very flamboyant name: Moonlight Corona

"You dare, junior!!"

But at this moment, there was a terrifying roar from the sky.

The terrifying imperial prestige swept over, making the whole world tremble!

The complexions of many onlookers suddenly turned pale.

"Great... Great Emperor!?"

"There are actually two great emperors! Could it be that this matter has alarmed the emperors of Ghost Zhoushan and Fallen Soul Valley?"

"It's over, it's over! No matter how strong this junior is, I'm afraid he will die here today!"


There was a lot of discussion.

No one expected that a junior from the Holy Realm would actually lure out the great emperors and powerhouses of the two top forces!

"Little guy, it seems that things are getting serious."

Ghost Sword Immortal smiled and said in Su Changge's body: "But this kind of emperor is not an immortal after all, to me he is at most a bigger ants."

"I can help you destroy them, but I just don't know if your body can withstand my strength."

"Can the emperor also be destroyed?"

Su Changge was a little shocked: "But senior, aren't you a remnant soul left in the ruins?"

"If it's in other places, I might really have nothing to do, but where is this?"

"Nine Burials Sword Mountain belongs exclusively to me. Even if immortals come, I will still have a way to destroy them!"

Hearing these words, Su Changge was even more shocked.

The emperor and the strong are at most the strongest in the three thousand realms, and the immortals can be regarded as extraordinary and refined!

He has been dead for so long, and even said that he can kill immortals?

How strong was the Ghost Sword Immortal when he was alive?

"Okay, what exactly do you want to do, if you don't want to, I will teleport you to a safe area."

"Having manipulated your body for so long, presumably with your comprehension, you have already comprehended my inheritance in sevens and eighties."

Ghost Sword Immortal said with a smile: "How to do this matter is naturally up to you."

Su Changge hardly thought about it, and said directly: "Since the sword has been drawn, it will be destroyed by itself."

Ghost Sword Immortal paused after hearing the words, and then laughed heartily: "Hahaha! That's right, you really like me more and more."

"Okay, today, I will accompany you crazy!"

"You have to persevere, kid. If you can't bear my strength, you can't blame me."

Immediately afterwards, Ghost Sword Immortal manipulated Su Changge's body, raised his finger and dropped it.

The huge divine sword suspended above the void roared down.

The powerful sword power even made the world tremble violently.


The two great emperors who were rushing through the air let out loud shouts of shock and anger.

However, the huge divine sword has been directly suppressed.

Boom! !

Incandescent brilliance soared into the sky, and the air wave alone spread thousands of miles.

The fierce wind of sword qi sliced ​​through the hundreds of thousands of troops recklessly, like ants under a meteorite, and the terrifying air waves shook them all into blood mist.

Even if someone tried his best to use his cultivation base to resist this terrifying sword energy, but after all, it would be useless if he blocked the car with his arms.

"You bloody little bastard!!!"

As for the two great emperors watching this scene, the strong roared even more sternly.

I saw endless swords in the space ahead, and Qi poured down from the sky, even forming a huge patio.

There is a huge storm of sword energy falling, and even a terrible catastrophe of sinking appears around, dragging everything into the endless abyss!

What made them even more heartbroken was that in this terrifying ocean of sword energy, there were endless flowers of blood blooming.

Those are the sergeants they spent a lot of time and energy training, but now they are so sloppy and dead!

The death of this group of troops has greatly shaken the foundation of the forces behind them.

It can be said that they are going to be destroyed indirectly!

"Evil animal! Die!"

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