While roaring, Emperor Mingyan of Ghost Zhoushan raised his hand and blasted out a terrifying black light.

Penetrating the universe from thousands of miles away, roaring directly towards Su Changge!


A sword chant resounded, and the Frost Cold Sword hovered directly in front of Su Changge.

The frost condensed all over the sky, and finally formed a huge frost shield of ten thousand zhang!


The body of the sword trembled, and a series of cold thorns directly appeared on this huge frost shield, and there were countless rune circles running on it.

During the violent collision between the two, an attack from Emperor Mingyan actually didn't have the slightest effect!


At this time, another roar sounded from above Su Changge's head.

It turned out that the Miehun Emperor from Fallen Soul Valley came from another direction.

"Golden Tower."


I saw sparks flickering in the sky, and a golden long sword pierced through the air, directly colliding violently with the attack from Huntian Emperor.

boom! ! ! !

A large wave of terrifying swords surged forward, the scene was horrifying, and the aura that came out of the surge shattered the surrounding mountains to pieces!

"Boy, you...!"

Emperor Miehun's pupils contracted, he is an emperor!

To be blocked by a junior from the Holy Land!

"No... not right!"

After careful perception again, Miehun Emperor's complexion suddenly changed, and he sensed that there was still a boundless power in Su Changge's body.

It even made him feel his own insignificance!

The thing that made him feel the creepiest was this power, he seemed to have seen it somewhere before!

"who are you...!?"

Su Changge smiled lightly, but the voice he spoke was that of a ghost sword fairy.

"The little brat who used to dare to attack me."

"It seems that after all, the former reputation has long been decayed."

"you wanna die!!"

When Emperor Miehun heard that Su Changge was so presumptuous, his face became furious!

He is a powerful emperor, standing above countless monks, how dare someone call him a brat! ?

"Really presumptuous!"

I saw the terrifying emperor's will circulating in the palm of Miehun Patriarch, and unparalleled power gathered in his palm as he beckoned.

This force even caused the void to collapse layer by layer, because it was very close to Su Changge, the moment this force appeared, the space around Su Changge seemed to be squeezed!

Ghost Sword Immortal smiled coldly, and his tone was full of disdain: "I just have a sword left, so let me show you this great emperor."

Ghost Sword Immortal manipulated Su Changge's body, holding an ancient sword casually.

He put the sword in his left waist, and his left hand was holding the scabbard.

At this moment, endless sword energy continuously gathered towards the sword in his hand.

At this moment, it seems that all the time and space between heaven and earth are stagnant and frozen.

In Su Changge's eyes, the attacks made by Miehun Emperor became so slow, as if they were like slides.

"This sword must pay attention to the most perfect angle, the most perfect force, and the most perfect sword energy to condense on the blade."

Ghost Sword Immortal continued to explain: "Then transform this power into Jianhong and surge out."

"This sword has a very annoying name, you have to remember it well."

"Corona Moonlight."

After the words are finished, the sword comes out!

Swish! !

Jianhong swept out like the bright moonlight, and the bright sword light was like a vast full moon, forming a round of sky, moon and silver splendor on the dark night.

"This is..."

And the Miehun Emperor, who saw this sword, also contracted his pupils.

Because he wanted to escape subconsciously, but found that his body had become very slow.

He could only watch helplessly as this sword sprang towards him continuously!

As if stagnant in the years, he could only see the sword cutting towards him in front of him.

ten feet....

five feet...

one foot...

Until that bright sword light is close at hand! !

Chapter 248 The fall of the soul destroying emperor, a greater crisis

"verb: move!"

"Hurry up!"

Emperor Miehun used all his strength to avoid the sword, but no matter how hard he exerted, his body seemed to freeze in place.

All this is actually because Su Changge's sword is too fast, which created an illusion in his conscious world.

In front of this sword, everything seems to be infinitely slowed down!

The black mist covered the sky, billowing like ink, but there was a bright moon blooming in the darkness.



The tumbling sword energy is as bright as the sun.

The most horrifying thing is that under the night, there is a person standing with a sword hanging, as if he split the night with his sword, and let the bright moon come into the world!

And in the Land of Swordsman formed by the coronal moonlight, there are bloody flowers falling from the sky, which can be seen torn apart by the howling sword energy.

And Su Changge's hand holding the sword trembled a little.

The power of this sword has far exceeded his knowledge of the way of the sword, if not for the ghost sword fairy manipulating his body to complete it.

With Su Changge's current knowledge of kendo, it is absolutely impossible to cut this sword.

And the slashing of this sword undoubtedly exceeded Su Changge's physical limit for his body.


At this moment, the pupils of Mie Hun Emperor shrank, and his face was incredible.

It even made him forget the pain of being torn apart.

His eyes moved down, staring blankly at the blood line on his chest.

Emperor Miehun was puzzled, he had already achieved the position of Great Emperor, his body could be said to be extremely hard, and it was nothing more than a ten thousand dharma invulnerability.

But he actually...


There was only a toothache sound of dislocation of flesh and blood.

The Ghost Zhoushan Emperor Mingyan, who was going to continue to attack Su Changge, also looked terrified.

In his line of sight, a faint white light flashed on the body of the Miehun Emperor, and then the whole body was slowly separated!

The majestic blood spurted out wantonly, and the breath of life of the Miehun Emperor was passing away at a speed visible to the naked eye!

For some reason, a terrifying sword energy poured out of Emperor Miehun's body, and even the emperor's exclusive imperial will was mercilessly suppressed!

Emperor Miehun's pupils were full of unwillingness, and he opened his mouth to continue to say something.


Accompanied by a burst of breaking sounds, lines of sword energy continued to swim around the body of the Miehun Emperor, after turning into cracks like spider webs.

The body of Emperor Miehun suddenly shattered, turning into runes and stars scattered all over the sky and the earth.

At this moment, even the heavens and the earth here are mourning, and strands of destiny return to the heavens and the earth.

The blood rained down from the sky, and it looked extremely sad!


And the people watching this scene no longer know how to describe the shock in their hearts.

Just stupidly looking at the direction where the body of Mie Hun Great Emperor was shattered.

A strong emperor was beheaded by a strong man in the Holy Realm! ?

This really refreshed their world view. Since the ages, it was the first time they had seen something so beyond their cognition!

Emperor Mingyan stared at Su Changge firmly, he finally had a clear perception of the power just now.

The kind of power that makes him feel insignificant is definitely not something that a young man in the Holy Land can reveal!

There was silence all around, and their eyes were all on Su Changge floating above the sky.

Even breathing became very quiet, for fear of angering the other party.

However, Su Changge remained silent, his hands were constantly shaking.

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