Accompanied by the sound of Dao in Su Changge's mouth.

The sword light that had pierced through the nine heavens seemed to respond to Su Changge's direct slashing down from the Milky Way.

Swish! ! ! !

All I could see was the sword light as vast as the sky cutting down from the pitch-black sky.

Accompanied by the roar of sword energy, that area seemed to turn into a blank!

The billowing sword energy was accompanied by a terrifying explosion, and a majestic and destructive river of swords slid down from the sky to the earth.

Jian Guang surged all the way to the horizon, without seeing the edge, it was extremely shocking!

And the people in the distance saw an extremely terrifying scene.

There seemed to be a meteor falling in that area, and the bright light seemed to turn the Dead Sea into daylight for a short time!


I don't know how long the roaring sound passed, when everything subsided again.

Only Tang Wuer was protected by Su Changge.

This area was completely turned into dead silence.

Except for the rising white smoke of the sword, the figures of Tianzi Gui and Tianzi Ming had long since disappeared.

Their figures were completely erased, as if they had never appeared in the world.

Compared to this, Su Changge frowned while looking at the sky.

"It's troublesome, one of them didn't control it, and it made the momentum too big."

Just when Su Changge was about to take Tang Wuer on another run.

A young man's voice suddenly sounded.

"The survivors on the other side, I would like to help you get out of trouble."

Chapter 265 The prison god palace collapsed, please judge the reason, kill the fairy

Su Changge looked around in search of prestige.

I don't know when a white-haired man appeared in the sky, with unusually fair skin, a tall and straight figure, and handsome features.

In particular, the robe he was wearing was very weird, with an unknown pattern of gold threads intertwined on it, resembling the shape of a flower.

And beside the man, stood a petite loli, also with white hair, but her eyes were as bewitching as a blood moon.

The white-haired loli was holding on to the corner of the man's clothes tightly, but her eyes looked at Su Changge from time to time, with a look of fear and curiosity.

"The survivors from the other side?"

Su Changge's voice was indifferent: "Who are you and why are you helping me?"

For such an unknown person, he still couldn't believe it.

The man clasped his hands again and said: "My lord, please don't think about it too much. We have no dissent towards your lord, and we are here to help you."

"Because your lord is the prophecy of our clan and the hope of our clan's rise, the two of us are also ordered to come to help you."

Su Changge was even more confused when he heard these words.


Why did he become a prophet again?

Could it be another cause and effect related to him?

Before Su Changge had time to think about it, several streamers of light had already appeared in the sky.

A powerful breath has spread from above the void.

"These guys came so fast..."

"If I use the space ship now, I'm afraid it will expose my identity."

"The matter has come to this, it seems that this is the best way..."

After thinking it over, Su Changge nodded slightly, cupped his hands and said, "If that's the case, then it's up to you, Your Excellency."

He doesn't care, if the other party really wants to play some tricks.

Then use the hole card given by an ancestor.

"Don't worry, my lord."

"Bai Li, I need to trouble you." The white-haired man rubbed the head of the woman beside him.

"Brother Bai Ze, don't worry..."

The woman named Bai Li smiled, as if enjoying the feeling of being stroked on the head.

She saw space runes flickering in her palm, and then she pulled out a jade staff from the void.

Just listen to the mantra in her mouth.


One after another runes lingered around her body, and a burst of bright light burst out from her body.

The rich power of space swept across like overwhelming.

Su Changge, who felt this power, was slightly surprised.

"Void body?!"

The void body is a well-known physique besides the nine holy bodies.

People with this kind of physique are naturally good at the art of space teleportation. Even the ancient Peng clan, who are known as fleeting, can only feel inferior in front of this kind of person.

"Brother, please relax and don't resist... Li'er won't harm you..." Bai Li whispered.

Then I saw bursts of strong space law power rippling from the staff.

A magic circle constructed from ancient inscriptions appeared under the feet of the two of Su Changge.


A beam of brilliance appeared under the feet of several people, and then wrapped them tightly.

And their space is full of ripples, as if a space portal was formed in an instant.

This portal erupted with a strong suction force, teleporting several people away in the blink of an eye.

Almost at the same time they disappeared.

The experts from the Endless Demon Nest have already arrived here.

But apart from the barrenness, there was no one in sight!

This made all the powerhouses yell out angrily.

"Damn it! Where is the person!? Why is the person missing!?"

"Just now I felt that breath, why did it disappear in an instant!?"

One person showed unwillingness, and began to pinch his fingers to calculate, and then his complexion became more and more gloomy.

"Someone used the power of teleportation in the void, they should have used the teleportation circle to escape!"

"How is it possible? It takes half an hour to construct a teleportation circle, how could it be so fast!?"


at the same time.

Prison God Palace.

There was an angry roar in a dilapidated palace.

"Damn it!!!"

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying aftermath of ghostly energy rippled out, shaking the originally dilapidated hall into ruins.

A man sitting on the throne spit out a mouthful of blood.

The breath seemed extremely sluggish.

This is because his dantian has been abolished by the ancestor Jianxin before, and his cultivation level has long been much worse than before.

Just now, the Prison God Palace Master sensed that the auras of Ghost Emperor and Ming Emperor had completely disappeared.

"It must be that little bastard!"

The Lord of the Prison God Palace had cold eyes, and he sent two emperors to the auction just to seize that ancient method.

Later, I heard that the ancient method was photographed by a powerful heir of unknown origin.

Finally, after negotiation, he agreed to the two emperors to rob.

Unexpectedly, after this trip, the last two emperors also died!

This completely shattered their hope of the final rise of the Prison God Palace.

The three emperors are all the most outstanding Tianjiao in their Prison God Palace, but now they are all dead!

The corner of the Prison God's palace master's mouth was stained with blood, and his eyes were full of murderous intent: "It must be that little beast, it must be that little beast that has come to hell!!"

"That little beast has the Magic Flute of the Bone Sea, so he will definitely go to the Endless Sea of ​​Bone..."

"Damn little bastard, since you want to die, then stay with me to the end!"

"Come on!"

I saw a dark vortex spinning in the space, and a figure stepped out.

"Release the news that Su Changge from Guiyuan Holy Land has come to Huangquan with a false identity! He even has a bone sea magic flute in his hand!"

"Intensify the publicity and tell them that this person is likely to be Su Wei who won the inheritance of Ghost Sword Immortal! Let them make sure..."

But he hasn't finished speaking yet.

Pfft! !

A sword light flickered.

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