The world seems to be frozen like ink painting.

The Palace Master of Hell God, who was about to say something, froze in place.

His pupils constricted, and he raised his right hand to cover his neck in a daze.



But he only heard the sound of dislocation of flesh and blood, and the world before his eyes was gradually being dyed into pitch black.

There was only a plop.

The remnant head of the Prison God Palace Master rolled to the ground with the shock before death!

"Fortunately, I kept an eye out, and I knew that you guys were dishonest."

And the figure that came out of the void changed again, and turned into the appearance of the ancestor Jianxin!

"Originally, as long as you obediently serve as the whetstones of Changge, you can still keep your last incense."

The ancestor Jianxin's eyes were cold: "Since you are unwilling to abide by this rule, then from now on, the Hell God Palace will disappear completely."

Just when Patriarch Jianxin was about to explode his cultivation.

However, he noticed a strange destructive aura rising from this world and enveloping him firmly.

The ancestor Jianxin smiled slightly and turned to look in one direction, endless sword intent rose in his eyes.

"This rule is fixed, if you want to meddle in the palace of the king of hell and the underworld."

Patriarch Jianxin said with a smile: "Then I will ask my senior sister to judge."

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly became silent.

The destructive aura that was brewing had actually disappeared completely!

As if nothing had happened!

Looking at this scene, Chu Jianxin also smiled.

"It's really boring. So you have scruples too?"

"I originally wanted to use this to wake up my senior sister, but it seems that you guys don't intend to give it a chance."

Chu Jianxin raised his hand slightly, and a simple long sword appeared in his hand.

There are no signs.

Swish! !

The extremely simple sword light is like the first gleam of light in the dark starry sky.

And with the continuous surge of sword energy, the light became more and more brilliant.

With the main hall of the Prison God Palace as the center, sword energy rippled out in all directions.

Wherever it passed, everything was turned into nothingness, everything was turned into a blank space!

The world where the Hell God Palace is located has been shattered into dust.

Even their last remaining ancestral land was turned into dust by this ray of sword light and completely dissipated in the starry sky!

The Hell God Palace, which has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, has completely disappeared in the eyes of the world.

But from the beginning to the end, there was no response from the Palace of the King of Hades or the Underworld.

They know about Chu Jianxin's senior sister.

Killing Fairy Venerable, once that was an existence that made the entire Three Thousand Dao Realm fearful!

Chapter 266 Seeing the Endless Sea of ​​Bones, the Nether Chicken, and the Immortal Phoenix for the First Time?

At the same time, in a hidden world in the underworld.

This world seems to be in a dark underground, with strange rocks, and black rocks protruding like thorns.

The billowing lava was accompanied by fierce fireworks, and the scorching temperature ignited this dark place.

In particular, the raging magma river is like a hell of flames.

Deeper in the depths, the shrill ghostly voices that came out from time to time made people feel terrified.

I saw a huge blood-red palace standing majestically in the place surrounded by magma.

On the huge plaque made up of countless wronged souls, three bloody characters are engraved, the Palace of the King of Hades.

In the deepest part of the Hades Hall, several slightly aged voices were talking to each other.

"Guiyuan Holy Land is really going too far. Hell God Palace is also a member of my Huangquan. They just destroyed us. They really don't care about us."

"Heh, then what do you want, is it possible to launch the Immortal War and touch the Guiyuan Holy Land?"

When these words came out, it was obvious that the person who spoke before was given a pause.

But it seemed that he was a little unconvinced, and the man said stubbornly: "Then is this the case? Guiyuan Holy Land's move is obviously overstepping. They said that we violated the rules, but they were the ones who violated the rules first!"

"On the other hand, the important thing now is not Guiyuan Holy Land. We have to wait until Jiuyou is opened, and first salvage that thing from the river of reincarnation."


As soon as these words came out, the surroundings were silent for a long time.

But this time, a woman's voice sounded.

"The river of reincarnation has buried a lot of things, and I heard that there are even a few fragments of the will of heaven."

"What if we have another conflict with the Tiandao Supervisor Alliance?"

"Ha ha...."

Another voice sounded, this voice was a little old again: "What about the Alliance of Heavenly Dao Supervisors, aren't the Heavenly Demon Mountain and the Temple of Six Desires in the Demon Realm also interested in the River of Reincarnation?"

"The big deal is to muddy the water. No matter what the price is, we must get the bronze coffin of the third generation."

"But before that, we, the Palace of the King of Hades and the Underworld, must let go of our prejudices and work together."

"Hmph! Don't worry, as long as you don't play tricks, my government will fully cooperate."


Endless cave.

Another sound of fury resounded.

"A bunch of useless things! Didn't you find that person!?"

After the words fell, Xue Shatian raised his hand and waved it out, and the boundless sea of ​​blood surged, turning into a blood-red coffin and sitting down.

"Master, spare me!"

The expressions of the people below changed drastically, and they all begged for mercy.

But Xue Fiendian didn't hold back at all, the terrifying power exploded in an instant, turning all the guards and guards kneeling below into minced meat!

"Father...why are you losing your temper again?"

Young Master Xuelian frowned, and continued: "Such a temper is not good for your health. Judging from the remaining sword energy at the scene, that person must be Su Wei, the descendant of Ghost Sword Immortal."

"Now that he already has one of the four incredible inheritances, he must not miss the inheritance in the endless sea of ​​bones."

"We just need to deploy an army at the entrance of the endless sea of ​​bones, and wait for him to throw himself into the net."

Hearing his daughter's words, Xue Shatian, who was a little furious, suddenly understood.

"That's right! I was really angry just now, because my father was negligent!"

Xue Fiend Tian assisted the case and exclaimed: "It seems that this kind of thing is still clearly seen by my daughter!"

Young Master Xuelian rolled her eyes. Because her father practiced and passed down the exercises, his temper was particularly irritable, and his blood would flow against him from time to time.

As a result, the whole person is in a state of madness and rage, and even some very simple things can't be figured out.

"So your name is Su Wei...?"

A charming red light flickered in the beautiful eyes of Young Master Xuelian.

Whenever she recalled the scene when she was rejected by Su Changge, it made her a little uncontrollably excited.

This feeling of being rejected for the first time made her want to stop.

"I'm sure I'll get any way...."

And the other side.

On the edge of the endless sea of ​​bones, in a deserted mountain.

"Oh, what a wonderful thing to have for lunch, isn't it?"

A ghost chicken that spent two and a half hours preparing a rich lunch for itself was about to enjoy its own meal of ghost foot insects.

There was a burst of ripples in the void.

Before the ghost chicken had time to think.

Several figures fell directly from the void, and their positions were impartial, just landing on the big meal it prepared!

Just hear a pop.

The feast he worked so hard to prepare was crushed!

"Ouch!! What are you doing!?"

This immediately made the ghost chicken yell at him in anger!

"It's Nanako!"

Bai Li let out an exclamation of joy, and hugged the Hell chicken directly.

At this moment, Su Changge also saw the scene in front of him clearly, only to see that they were in a dense jungle.

The trees here grow very strangely, the whole body is pitch black, even the leaves are black, but here it looks very translucent.

It turned out that there were skull-like fruits growing on these strange trees, which radiated a glint of light, illuminating the dark space brightly.

"Young master, look over there!"

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