And the moment the phantom of the sword was caught, it also released a wisp of divine thought, telling Zhang Wangqing the reason for the matter.

But after Zhang Wangqing heard this message, the only smile disappeared completely.

"Help me become a child of heaven and gain unparalleled talent..."

"The price is to kill the god son of Guiyuan Holy Land... Su Changge...?"

The phantom of the sword buzzed and trembled, as if responding.

"Stop looking down on people!!!!"

Zhang Wuqing's loud shout formed a terrifying storm of sword energy, which poured out in all directions.

His aura became even more frightening, his whole body seemed like an unsheathed divine sword, the mighty sword power poured out, stirring the water of sword aura around him violently!

He, Tianshan Shenjianmen, is known as the strongest Tianjiao in history, and he is even called Young Taboo.

He started practicing swords at the age of three.

At the age of five, he learned the legendary sword skill of the sect, the Taishang Wangqing Sword Art.

Since then, his kendo talent has fully emerged.

At the age of six, he broke into the ancient sword forest.

At the age of seven, he hunted and killed the Venerable's alien beast alone.

At the age of eight, he swept away all the inner disciples of the sect.


At the age of 15, he mastered all the martial arts and sword formulas of the sect, becoming the number one in the sect.

The talent is so strong that he can even develop his own way of swordsmanship, and was named the sword master of Wangqing Peak by the Tianshan Shenjianmen.

From then on, he established his own sect, preached and taught.

He is also called the youngest head seat by everyone in Tianshan Shenjianmen.

Now this guy in front of him actually claimed that he would give himself a powerful swordsmanship talent, become the Son of Heaven, fight four against one, and defeat a young man like him?

This is simply rubbing his proud dignity on the ground!

Thinking of this, he was even more annoyed.

"Although I don't know how you broke through the space restriction and came to my Heavenly Mountain Divine Sword Gate."

An incomparably terrifying sword energy condensed out of his hand, and under his control, it directly sealed and wrapped the phantom of the sword.

"The Su Changge you mentioned, I will go find him."

"But it will never be your dog!"

Zhao Wangqing's face was indifferent, and the matter of borrowing external force was the most disgusting.

"A strong opponent is only meaningful if you defeat it yourself."


Zhao Wangqing used his hand as a sword, raised his hand and swept it out.

The terrifying sword energy instantly descended vertically and horizontally, and between the vertical and horizontal sword energy, this river of sword energy burst out a huge water column hundreds of feet high!

"Su Changge?"

The corner of his mouth is outlined: "I think we will meet soon."

Chapter 274 The incarnation of the heavens, changing the time and space of the future again

The phantoms of the four immortal treasures seem to be conscious, and the successors they have found are all the best among the young supreme beings.

For example, the phantom of the giant ax fell into the hands of a young Supreme from the Heavenly Demon Mountain.

His name is Niu Motian, and he is the young master of the ancient wild cattle clan.

And the news spread like wildfire.

Everyone in the Three Thousand Dao Domain suddenly had a heated discussion.

"Have you heard? Niu Motian of Tianyao Shenshan was taught by an immortal during his cultivation, and he awakened and obtained a supreme treasure!"

"I've also heard about this matter. The ancient barbaric cattle clan was originally extremely powerful physically, especially the bull devil, who even had the blood of returning to his ancestors. Now that he has such a great opportunity, I'm afraid it's going against the sky!"

"Gossip! I heard that when Niu Motian obtained this supreme opportunity, there was a voice saying that he was established as the son of heaven!"

"Son of Heaven!?"

Some Tianjiao who had proclaimed the Dao and became holy in the ancient sacred mountain suddenly changed their expressions, and subconsciously said: "Could it be the four sons of the heavenly way that the huge eyeball once said?!"

Many people know about this matter, the huge eyeball of the ancient sacred mountain said that there will be four sons of the heavenly way, and the anomalous number Su Changge will be exterminated.

But for the forces behind this, people with insufficient status only heard that the person who made this oath belonged to an extremely powerful force.

This force can no longer be summarized by the forces in the world, it is another existence beyond the rules!

"But, aren't there four sons of heaven?"

A monk asked suspiciously: "What about the others?"


at the same time.

Demon world.

Mingfeng Emperor Clan.

Devil Emperor Palace.

There are few people here, and there is a terrifying coercion in the area around the Demon Palace.

Daring to call themselves the imperial clan shows how powerful it is.

People in the devil world only dare to watch and worship from afar.

And as the line of sight continued to deepen, it was in a gorgeous palace.

There is a graceful figure sitting cross-legged here and meditating.

Her long black hair fell down like a waterfall, exuding a radiant light, making her look like a goddess of magic.

Suddenly, the woman opened it tightly shut.

The pupils that looked like blue sapphires emitted a beautiful brilliance.

She stretched out her hands, and after sensing the breath, she breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It looks like I succeeded."

"Fortunately, the layout thousands of years ago was not in vain, and finally let me take this body."

The original owner of this body was Shan Qingluo, the eldest princess of the Mingfeng Emperor Clan.

Because of cultivating a method of soul that Mu Yanxi left behind many years ago, his soul has long been controlled by Mu Yanxi, so it is easy to seize today.

"I'm sorry, but for the sake of my brother, this is also a helpless move."

If the eldest princess of the Mingfeng Emperor Clan was still alive, she would probably be so angry that she would scold her.

A casual apology made her disappear immediately!

Who can accept this?


Mu Yanxi stood up slowly and walked to the balcony.

The scenery outside is not beautiful at all.

Like the Underworld, there is no sun in the sky, only a scarlet blood moon shining on this icy land.

The dark rune rose up, and the devilish energy surrounding her was cheering wildly, as if expressing submission.

"According to the time period of this world, that thing will happen soon..."

"I have to find a way to save Brother Mubai..."

That's right, she is exactly Mu Yanxi walking through the years.

Her incarnation has spread all over the heavens and worlds, and it can be said that she has countless selves.

But these so-called selves will intertwine to form a person, that is her, Mu Yanxi.

Although the price she paid was extremely painful, and she lost more than half of her cultivation base, she thought it was worth it all.

"After all, a world without a brother is meaningless."

Soon, the Four Sons of Heaven and Su Changge will have a tragic battle.

In other worlds of time and space, the result of this battle is the same. Because of the betrayal of a Son of Heaven, the three Sons of Heaven are no match for Su Changge at all.

Finally, the Heavenly Dao Supervisor Alliance awakened the Heavenly Dao Inheritors in advance.

Gathering the power of the other three Sons of Heaven, in the end Su Changge was severely injured in one fell swoop, and even almost fell.

Although he was killed by Su Changge in the end, the trauma left by this battle also made Su Changge pay an extremely painful price.

And as his younger sister, she naturally couldn't allow this to happen.

After thousands of years of layout, she finally found a way to break the situation: use one of her incarnations, call it one of the four sons of the heavenly way, become an undercover agent among them, and directly betray Su Chang during the war. The harm of the song is minimized.

But all this just now is just Mu Yanxi's speculation, after all, time is always flowing.

The future scene will also change, and no one can predict what will happen.

"But I just hope that everything I do will work."


Suddenly, a blazing divine light flashed out from the outside world.

A phantom of the banana fan cut through the void, and directly entered Mu Yanxi's body.

At the same time, a stalwart voice sounded in her heart.

"Shan Qingluo of the Underworld Emperor Clan, because of his outstanding talent, helped him become one of the four sons of the Heavenly Dao."

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