"This wisp of will is the blessing of heaven, it will make you transform again, and the way will go one step further."

"You sons of heaven have only one mission, to kill the god son of Guiyuan Holy Land, Su Changge!"

The appearance of this voice made Mu Yanxi's originally cold face even colder.

"What a heavenly regulator alliance."

"If it weren't for the restraint of those old guys, why would I have to spend so much time thinking about it? It's obviously a matter of just thinking about it."

Thinking of this, Mu Yanxi became even more annoyed.

"After doing this, you have to go to the time secret again."

"Speculate on the time, the old profiteer should be back soon, and the things obtained in the Dead Sea must be handed over to him, and see if he can exchange for some useful things..."


And Su Changge's side.

After spending a lot of thought.

It has also entered this passage.

This passage is very damp and cold, perhaps affected by the endless sea of ​​bones.

Living in the ground hundreds of feet deep, the rich Yin Qi turned into substance, piercing the soul and flesh and blood of people.

A few people walked in the icy passage, and a silent echo came out.

It is even more creepy.

"Here... there is no ghost here, right?"

The Nether Chicken was trembling, and actually asked this question subconsciously.

"Nanako, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Bai Li smiled and said: "This is Huangquan, it's normal to have ghosts!"

But the wonderful dialogue between the two did not make Su Changge relax his vigilance at all.

Because since entering this passage, everything has been too quiet, and the quietness is a bit abnormal.

Moreover, the ghostly aura permeating here is too strong, and it is also strong and somewhat abnormal.

It's like being deliberately done by someone.

Suddenly, there was a burst of loud laughter.

"Hahaha! 4000 years have passed! Has someone finally come?"

"There are still two human bloodlines, tsk tsk..."

"It's been a long time since I tasted the flesh and blood of the human race, I really miss it!"

Chapter 275 The revived demon was discovered?

Everyone heard the sound and looked around, only to see a vague figure walking slowly through the dark passage ahead.

His whole body seemed to be shrouded in a strange black mist.

Only a pair of scarlet pupils were exposed, full of bloodthirsty and tyranny.

"That's right, there's actually a chicken, just in time for Jieya Ji." The hoarse voice was full of greed.

When he completely walked out of the black mist, he saw that it was a monster wearing a dilapidated ancient armor, with half of his body exploded, and a hideous face!

"Little bugs..."


Without any hesitation, this figure raised its big hand and grabbed Su Changge and the others directly.

"Demon energy!?"

The expression of Mo Wuqing at the side changed even more. The power exerted by this pitch-black figure was actually a strong magic energy!

But why do people from the devil world appear here?

But Su Changge didn't care about it, he just stimulated the blood of the Eucharist in his body a little bit.

The aura of the holy body surged out like a glorious sun, and the big hand of the black mist that transformed into it was directly melted by this force in midair!

"Is this the bloodline of the Eucharist?" The figure was obviously taken aback for a moment.

But then he laughed insanely.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect, I didn't expect that after waiting here for so many years, I was actually waiting for a Eucharist bloodline!"

He looked at Su Changge with even more greed in his eyes: "If I devour you, not only will I be able to completely get rid of this damned endless sea of ​​bones, I will also be able to gain a new life!"

The more this black shadow spoke, the more excited he became, and the devilish energy surrounding him became even more violent.

In fact, this figure is the endless bones, the soul of a dead demon in the sea.

The reason why they came here was because something happened in the depths of the endless sea of ​​bones, and there was a terrifying aura waking up.

And that breath was too weird, just when he woke up, it turned the entire endless sea of ​​bones upside down, and awakened the souls of countless strong men who were sleeping here.

They all ran towards the outside like crazy.

But because the endless sea of ​​bones is suppressed by the strong law of restraint, most of the souls cannot escape from that area, and can only be ruthlessly swallowed by that force.

His luck was relatively good, he just happened to pass through layers of dangers, and finally found this passage.

But he didn't dare to go out, because he lived in the endless sea of ​​bones all year round, and his soul had long been fused with the endless sea of ​​bones.

Losing the special law of the Endless Hundred Ancient Sea, he will disappear in a short time.

So I found this place and used it as my resting place. If I can swallow Su Changge now, then he will have a chance to reappear in the world!


But at this moment, the Nether Chicken couldn't hold back anymore, and accidentally laughed out loud.

"Swallowing adults? You are really lighting the lamp in the toilet, looking for shit!"

It has the blood of a fairy beast in its body, and it dare not say that it can swallow Su Changge. The stronger the blood, the more powerful it can feel Su Changge's blood.

A broken soul actually said that it wanted to devour Su Changge?

This is even more ridiculous than when it was reincarnated and met a ghost chicken who wanted to learn dance music!

"Where is the little chicken, die to me!!"

This black shadow was furious. He was a great demon before he was alive, but he was laughed at by a chicken?

The surging devilish energy burst out with fierce murderous intent.

Another big hand transformed from the black mist reappeared again, and slapped it directly in the direction of Su Changge and others!


Su Changge's mind moved, and the aura of the holy body merged with a ray of sword energy again, forming bright sword shadows around him.


Accompanied by Su Changge's breath, the sword shadow surrounding him bloomed like a divine lotus, and phantoms of divine swords rushed out again!

Whoosh whoosh! !

In an instant, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and the rays of light from the swords pierced through the black mist directly. The sword light was puzzled, and pierced the strange black shadow!

"Heh... Do you think you can suppress me with the blood of the Holy Body?"

"Then you underestimated me, who was once a big devil." Sneering, the figure stretched out an illusory and pale palm again.

A strange inscription bloomed between his palms, like a dark cross.

The next moment, endless black lightning flew out of his palm like raindrops, and directly collided with these sword lights violently like a pitch-black angry dragon! !


But this powerful shock wave made the passage tremble violently.

The terrifying vibration sound was also transmitted to the outside world.

The endless magic cave army that was ambushing on the outskirts of the endless bone sea was also aware of this change.

"What's going on!? Why is there such a terrifying law fluctuation coming from the ground?"

"Could it be that the tide of the ancient sea of ​​the endless sea of ​​bones is activated in advance?" A strong man subconsciously said


"There are still three days before the bone sea tide that occurs once in a thousand years. The bone sea tide has never been activated in advance, let alone three days in advance!"


The tide of the sea of ​​bones they talked about is a retrospect once in a thousand years of the endless sea of ​​bones, because there are too many souls sleeping in it.

In addition, there are endless unjust souls, and the bones are sealed in the depths of the endless sea of ​​bones.

But everything has a limit, and the tide of the sea of ​​bones is the self-regulation of the endless sea of ​​bones, turning the souls and bones that have been consumed in endless years into waves of laws and dispersing them.

Finally, give back the power of its law to the world of Huangquan, which is the bone sea tide once in a thousand years.

Because this phenomenon does no harm to the world of Huangquan, not many people care about it, but now that the bone sea tide is launched in advance, they feel very confused.

But at this moment, a seasoned and experienced powerhouse in the Endless Demon Nest frowned.

"Hiss...something is wrong!"

"I have also seen the tide of the sea of ​​bones before. The power of the feedback law is very special, and that law is unique to the endless sea of ​​bones..."

"But the law fluctuations coming from the ground are completely different...like..."

"It's like a sharp sword energy." A voice suddenly sounded.

The man suddenly realized: "That's right..."

But when he saw the person coming, his complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly cupped his hands: "See Young Master Xuelian!"

Today's young master Xuelian is wearing a red dress. Against the backdrop of her fair skin, her aura is even more extraordinary.

Don't even dare to look at it.

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